Worksheet Charts
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Student Objectives: Identify the purpose of charting worksheet data.; Identify the types of worksheet charts.; Create a chart sheet and save a chart.; Switch between charts and worksheets, zoom, and rename a chart., Preview and print a chart., Create an embedded chart.; Edit a chart and change the type of chart.

What is a chart or graph?
1) A chart is a graphical representation of data contained a worksheet.
2) Charts make the data of a worksheet easier to understand.
3) How do I do it? Highlight data on the worksheet for the chart, then either choose Insert, Chart OR the Chart button from the toolbar.

What are the type of charts/graphs?
1) Column charts: uses bars of varying heights to illustrate values in a worksheet and is useful for showing relationships among categories of data.
2) Line charts: Similar to the column chart except columns are replaced by points connects by a line.
3) Pie Charts:  Show the relationship of a part to a whole.
4) Scatter Charts:  Sometimes called XY charts, show the relationship between 2 categories of data.

What are the 2 ways to display charts?
1) By placing the chart on a chart sheet. A chart sheet is a separate sheet in the workbook on which you can create and store a chart.
2) By embedding the chart in a worksheet.  An embedded chart is created within the worksheet.  It's advantage is that it may be viewed at the same time as the data is created.

What is the Chart Wizard?
1 An onscreen guide that helps you prepare a chart. 
2) The Chart Wizard helps guides you in selecting the Chart Type; Chart Source Data; Chart Options; and Chart Location (chart sheet or embedded chart)
3)  How do I use it?  Choose Insert, Chart and the Wizard appears.

What are the various types of Chart Options?
1) Titles:  Headings that identify the contents of the chart or the axes.
2) Axes:  Lines that establish a relationship between data in a chart.
3) Gridlines:  Lines through a chart that relate the data in a chart to the axes.
4) Legend:  List that identifies patterns or symbols used in a chart.
5) Data Labels:  Text or numbers that identify the values depicted by the chart objects directly on the chart.
6) Data Table:  Data series values displayed in a grid below the chart.

How is data updated in a chart/graph?
1) Excel data in a chart/graph is automatically updated in a chart/graph when the worksheet values are changed.

How does a user rename a chart/graph?
1) Choose the sheet Format, Sheet, then Rename.
2) You may also change the name of the sheet by right-clicking the sheet tab and then clicking Rename on the shortcut menu.

How is a worksheet or chart sheet enlarged?
1) By using the Zoom Command
2) How do I do it?  Choose View, Zoom OR the Zoom box button on the toolbar.

What is a 3 dimensional chart?
1) Allows you to make charts look as though they were 3 dimensional
2) These charts can be 3 dimensional:  area, bar, column, cone, cylinder, line, surface, pie, and pyramid.

How are charts edited?
1) Clicking with the left mouse button selects the chart part for editing. (Ex. title, legend, etc.).
2) Double-clicking the left mouse button produces the dialog boxes for the parts selected.  These boxes let you change various options via tabs.
3) Clicking the right mouse button produces a short-cut menu such as clearing data, inserting data, or changing chart types.