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AT EPISODE 200, IT'S PARTY TIME AT TV'S HAPPIEST HANGOUT - Cover Story (October 26, 1990)

- Video Capsule Review (September 4, 1998)

Remote Patrol
Keeping a watch on TV - Television Column (September 4, 1998)

SAM TED DANSON - Sidebar (October 26, 1990)

A Saddam Shame
Showtime deserves Thanks for its eye-opening Gulf War drama - Television Full Review (May 29, 1998)

- Video Capsule Review

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         October 26, 1990



by Mike Downey

Sam Malone would have loved having women in the locker room. Or, Lord knows, he would have tried. Had a woman sportswriter ventured into his Boston locker room during Mayday Malone's Red Sox days, Sammy would have behaved himself- but, if you will pardon the imagery, just barely. He would have worn his towel. He would have draped it like wet wash on a clothesline. And then he would have promised the sportswriter the most personal interview of her life, one that would take the curl right out of her spiral notebook.

Sam can't help himself. He's a sexaholic.

Over the course of a 200-show Cheers career, ballplayer-turned-bartender Sam Malone, the pitcher who can't stop pouring, has extended his consecutive hitting-on streak. He has batted close to 1.000, too. He's been passed around the bar like a bowl of Beer Nuts. He's been horizontal with Diane Chambers and Rebecca Howe, both of whom were smarter than Sam but dizzier than Dean. True, he has not been with Carla Tortelli or Dr. Lilith Sternin-Crane, but only because he selflessly warded off their advances. No third-base coach, not even Ernie Pantusso, ever asked Sammy to make such a sacrifice. Still, women think of him as charmingly harmless.

How does Sam Malone get away with it, even after all these years? Maybe it's the hair. (Hard to imagine a Red Sox cap fitting over that haystack.) Or maybe it's the fame.

Or maybe it's just Ted Danson, an actor who makes Sam Malone affable and - laughable. When a pregnant Carla dreads the idea of having twins, Sam reminds her that the greatest night of his life was the night he had twins. Leave it to Sam to come up with a quadruple entendre. What gets Danson a slapstick laugh would get others just plain slapped. Somehow it isn't vulgar coming from him. It isn't a dirty Danson; it's merely a naughty one.

And a nutty one. Of all the players a sportswriter is likely to come across, Sam Malone remains the most valuable. He belongs in somebody's Hall of Fame. Here's what should be engraved on his plaque at Cooperstown: Sam Malone, 200 Shows, 200 Saves. Now there's a great pitcher for you-one who can deliver a hit.

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