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(F-22 Raptor)
The F-22 Raptor air superiority fighter has three
unique capabilities, first it has a low radar signature and may penetrate enemy airspace
without being detected and complete it's mission. Second, is the ability to maintain
super cruise speed over a long period of time and not guzzle it's gas. Third, is the
capability of thrust vectoring, which moves the direction of thrust and enables the F-22
to turn on a dime and perform maneuvers that were not previously possible. It may be
armed with one 20 mm multi-barrel cannon, 4 AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, and a wide range of
air-to-ground ordinance, internally stored to remain stealthy. |

(F-117 Nighthawk)
The F-117 Nighthawk fighter is a stealth aircraft
that may perform surgical hits without being detected. The fighter may travel at
high subsonic speeds and has an unlimited range with air refueling. With a crew of 1
there are 54 currently in service in the U.S. arsenal. The weapons are carried
internally and has the capability of carrying nuclear or conventional weapons.
Even though the F-117 is designated a fighter, it would not survive a dog fight, it must
rely on it's stealth capability to remain safe. |

(B-2 Spirit)
The B-2 Spirit strategic bomber has a range of
7,500 miles and unlimited with aerial refueling. The 2 man bomber is typically armed
with 16 SPRAM II's, AGM-129's, or B-83 free fall special weapons. It has a maximum
weapon load of 49,317lbs; up to 80,500lbs in MARK-82 bombs or sea mines. The bomber
has radar deflecting and absorbing structures that give it it's low radar signature, low
acoustic noise, and low heat signature, all of these contribute to it's stealth mission. |

(U-2 Spy Plane)
The U-2 spy plane is a high altitude
reconnaissance aircraft and is tasked with espionage activities throughout the
world. The high detailed pictures that these planes deliver are invaluable to
military strategists that are preparing for battle or trying to enforce UN sanctions, such
as the Iraq situation. It has a speed of 475 mph and a range of 7,000 miles.
With a crew of one the U.S. currently has 36 spy planes in service. The U-2 began
it's days of service in use for the CIA and has now expanded its service to the military. |

(B-1 Lancer)
The B-1 Lancer is a strategic bomber. The
aircraft has an unrefueled range of 6,500 nautical miles. It also has a maximum
weapons load of 477, 000 pounds and may be armed with 8 AGM-86B cruise missiles internally
and 4 externally, 24 AGM SPRAM's internally and 14 externally, and 24 B61 or B83 special
weapons. It is a heavy bomber designed to take out multiple targets over a large
area with a sleek and aerodynamic design to reduce drag and increase the range of the
aircraft. |

(F-16 Falcon)
The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a milti-role
fighter. It has a crew of 1 and a maximum speed of 1,350 mph and a range of 575
miles. It may be armed with 1 M61A1 vulcan 20 mm cannon and 10,500 lbs of stores for
missiles and bombs. The F-16 was designed to be a fast, small, and cheap fighter
that would be able to perform well in a dog fight. It has a nice turn around and can
surpass the limitations that a human body can withstand. |

(F-15 Eagle)
The F-15 Strike Eagle is an attack/air
superiority fighter. With a crew of 2 it's maximum speed is 1,650 mph and has a
range of 3,570 miles with it's drop tanks. It is armed with 1 M61A1 vulcan 20 mm
cannon and has 23,499lbs of stores for missiles and bombs. It has an advanced
computer systems that enable it to eliminate enemy fighters from long distances and is an
excellent dog fighter as well. |

(F-18 Hornet)
The F-18 Hornet is a multi-role fighter operated
by the Navy and Marine Corps. With it's 1 man crew it has a maximum speed of
1,190mph and a range of 461 miles and 2,300 miles with it's drop tanks. It is armed
with a M61A1 vulcan 20 mm cannon and 134,700lbs of stores for various missiles and
bombs. The f-18 was the nations first strike fighter designed to give close
air support without compromising it's fighter capabilities. In its fighter mode, the
F-18 is used primarily as a fighter escort and for fleet air defense; in its attack mode,
it is used for force projection, interdiction and close and deep air support. |

(A-10 Thunderbolt II)
The A-10 Thunderbolt II's are the first Air Force
jet designed for close air support. Features include, survivability, range of
targets it may be used on, excellent maneuverability at low air speeds and altitude,
highly accurate weapons delivery platforms, wide combat radius and short takeoff and
landing capability, Night Vision Imaging Systems, and the pilots are encircled by titanium
armor that also protects parts of the flight control system with redundant primary
structural sections. |

(F-14 Tomcat)
The F-14 Tomcat is a multi-role fighter operated
by the Navy. With a crew of 2 it has a range of 578 miles and 2,000 miles when drop
tanks are used. The maximum speed of the F-14 is 1,564 mph. It is armed with 1
M61A1 vulcan cannon and has 15,985 pound stores that can carry various missiles and
bombs. This carrier based aircraft is extremely mobile and is ready to deploy in any
location in the quickest time frame possible. Not one F-14 has ever been lost in
combat. |

(B-52 Stratafortress)
The B-52 Stratafortress is a heavy saturation
bomber and has an unrefueled range of 8,800 miles. The bomber may travel at 650 mph
with a crew of 5 and equipped with 6 ejection seats. The bomber may be armed with
approximately 70,000 pounds of mixed ordinance, land mines, and missiles. It may
also be modified to carry air launched cruise missiles, Harpoon anti-ship and Have Nap
missiles. |

(E-3 Sentry)
The E-3 Sentry is an Airborne Warning and Control
System (AWACS) aircraft that provides all weather surveillance, command and control, and
communications needed by commanders of United States and NATO air defense forces.
The E-3 Sentry is a modified Boeing 707/320 commercial airframe with a rotating radar
dome. The radar has a range of more than 200 miles for low flying targets and
farther for targets flying at medium to high altitudes. |
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