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(RAH-66 Comanche)
The RAH-66 Comanche armed reconnaissance
helicopter is the Army's dream machine. It is easy to pilot with features like the
side arm sticks, fly-by-wire control system with unique autopilot features, such as hover
positioning hold. It is equipped with forward looking infrared scanner, which makes
digital images and onboard computers process them and alert the crew of targets and relay
them to the war fighting commanders in the area. |

(AH-64 Apache)
The AH-64 Apache attack helicopter can be
equipped with 1 M230A1 30 mm chain gun, 4 under wing hard points for hellfire and hydra 70
rockets. It also has a range of 428 miles before it needs refueling. In the
Gulf War they performed many strike missions, but the sand would get sucked into the
engine and need 4 hours of maintenance for every 1 hour of flight time. |

(AH-1 Huey Cobra)
The AH-1 Huey Cobra attack helicopter can be
equipped with a chin turret with M1973 barrel 20 mm cannon or tat turret with a M28 7.62
mm mini gun and M129 40 mm grenade launcher. It also has four under wing hard points
for Hydra 70 rockets, gun pods, M65 TOW missiles, etc. With a range of 315 miles and
an 8% reserve the Cobra escorts transport helicopters and performs strike missions.
With it's slim fuselage, it is a hard target for enemy ground fire to hit. |

(UH-60 Black Hawk)
The UH-60 Black Hawk is a multi-role transport
helicopter and can be equipped with 2 M60 machine guns and a variety of external stores if
wings are mounted. It can carry 11-14 troops or 8,000lbs of cargo and has a range of
373 miles. If not escorted by attack helicopters, it must rely on it's two m60
machine guns and external stores for defense. |

(UH-1 Huey)
The UH-1 Huey utility transport helicopter can
carry 7 fully equipped soldiers or 3,000 pounds of cargo and has a range of 286
miles. It may be equipped with 1 or 2 M60 machine guns to protect the helicopter and
the troops while being transported. They are large and in my opinion, out dated for
combat. In the Vietnam War many were used in evacuation and insertion missions, but
many were taken town by enemy ground fire themselves and had to be evacuated. Other,
more armed helicopters should be used in the future. |

(H-3H Sea King)
The H-3H Sea King sub hunter and rescue
helicopter has a range of 542 nautical miles with a crew of 4. It has two 2 MK-46
torpedoes for it's sub hunting role and is also used to perform rescues at sea. This
helicopter may travel long distances to scout for submarines and take them out themselves
or call in the location for supporting fire. When performing rescue missions a scuba
team will accompany the helicopter and retrieve the personnel and then be pulled back into
the helicopter by a motorized crane. |

(SH-60 Sea Hawk)
The SH-60 Sea Hawk attack and rescue helicopter
has a range of 280 nautical miles with a crew of 3 or 4. It has two 7.62 machine
guns mounted in the windows and can be equipped with three MK46 or MK50 torpedoes or
additional .50 caliber guns mounted in the doors. It is used for anti-submarine
warfare, search and rescue, drug interdiction, anti ship warfare, cargo lift, and special
operations. The Navy's SH-60B Sea Hawk is an airborne platform based aboard
cruisers, destroyers, and frigates and deploys sonobouys and torpedoes in an
anti-submarine role and also extend the range of the ship's radar capabilities. |
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