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Naval Transport

(Navy Primary Landing Ship)
Primary landing ships resemble small
aircraft carriers and are designed to put troops on hostile shores and carry support
vessels. They perform as primary landing ships for assault operations of Marine
expeditionary units. These ships use Landing Craft Air Cushion, conventional landing
craft, and helicopters to move Marine assault forces ashore. In a secondary role,
using AV-8B Harrier aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters, these ships perform sea
control and limited power projection missions. |

(Navy Landing Craft Air Cushion)
The landing craft air cushion (LCAC) is a high
speed, over-the-beach, fully amphibious landing craft capable of carrying a 60-75 ton
payload. It is used to transport weapon systems, equipment, cargo, and personnel
from ship to shore and across the beach. The advantages of air cushion landing craft are
numerous. They can carry heavy payloads, such as an M-1 tank, at high speeds. Their
payload and speed mean more forces reach the shore in a shorter time, with shorter
intervals between trips. The air cushion allows this vehicle to reach more than 70 percent
of the world's coastline, while conventional landing craft can land at only 15 percent of
the coasts. |

(Conventional Landing Craft)
Landing craft are capable of transporting tracked
or wheeled vehicles and troops from amphibious assault ships to beachheads or piers.
LCU's have both bow and stern ramps for onload/offload at either end and may carry 170
tons of cargo. These crafts carry more cargo than the LCAC, but are more vulnerable,
slower, and may not reach the same locations. They have two 12.7 mm MG's for their
protection and force protection. |
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