The Forces of Good
Pat Robertson as Goku, saviour of earth.
Jerry Falwell as Vegita, rival to Pat Robertson and prince of the Televangelist-jin.
Ralph Nader as Piccolo, a being of pure evil that reformed himself and fought on the side of good. (Once, Picollo was one with Kami. However, Kami, played by
Patrick J. Buchanan, expelled all evil from his being. It became the entity known as Piccolo.)
Mister Cheney as Lord Kaioshin, God of gods.
George W. Bush as Mr. Satan/Hercule, the world's pretender champion.
George Bush (part I) as Kamesennin/Master Roshi.
Gohan as Bill Gates. (No, it doesn't fit. I don't care.)
J.C. Watts as Mr. Popo.
Dan Quayle as Kuririn/Krillin, punching bag for evil.
George Bush (part I) as Kamesennin/Master Roshi.
Forces of Evil
Al Gore as Babidi, evil magician bent on ... TAKING OVER THE UNIVERSE!
Satan, Lord of Darkness, as Dabura, Lord of Darkness and servant to Babidi.
Tinky-Winky as Majin Buu, mentally challenged evil spirit bent on ... turning people into chocolate. And destroying the world, but that's only number two.
Vladimir Putin as Spopovitch, lackey of Babidi.
Jiang Zemin as Yam, the other lackey.
Gone but not forgotten:
Bill Clinton + Janet Reno + Ted Kennedy + Karl Marx + Fidel Castro + Elian's Cuban Relatives as Cell.
Barney Frank as Freeza.
All images used above are from Please don't kill us, Mr. E.