Strategic Naval Gunnery (SNG)

Historical Strategy Re-Creations

"SNG will be free to HSR Club members".

Contact Us:  Historical Strategy Re-Creations (HSR)

Strategic Naval Gunnery Official Forum/Message Board

HSR has an official Strategic Naval Gunnery message board.

Please join this message board to inquire about SNG features and to present your own questions.

Strategic Naval Gunnery Forum:  Paul Shaffer and Tom Swenson

The SNG staff will be monitoring this board and seeking to assist you in your understanding of the Strategic Naval Gunnery game.
Note that the current title of the SNG Forum is "Raider Operations Discussion Forum" and that it refers to SNG by its previous development name of "Raider Operations" (RO). Unfortunately, we are unable to update these titles due to new Delphi policies.

HSR Profile

Paul Shaffer, Lead Programmer and Designer

Let me briefly tell you something about myself. I am a game programmer recently with Totally Games. I programmed the game engine, AI and multi-player facilities for their Windows, multi-player historical exploration game. And, I have been an object oriented, professional programmer since before the creation of C++. The "Strategic Naval Gunnery" project is the result of my passion for my favorite subject: surface ship combat. I have also designed and developed historical strategy game scenarios and have held championships in board wargame tournaments.

HSR Contact Information

Telephone:  (510) 428-0352

Postal address:  Historical Strategy Re-Creations (HSR), 6111 Colby Street, Oakland, CA 94618

Developed by: Paul Shaffer
Designed by: Paul Shaffer
Strategic Naval Gunnery Playtesters:Antoine Albertini, John Ames, Jerry Anthony, Boyd Austin, Gordon Bower, Zbigniew Budzinski, Lawrence Burr, Greg Butzek, Paul Davies, Renaud Dudon, James Dusek, Jorge Fernandez, Jeremy Haddock, Michael Hunkele, Peter Jackson, Peter Klein, Michael Llaneza, Phil Powers, Gerald Ray, Roger Ray, Dave Strebe, Tom Swenson, Andrea Ungaro, Jim Weller

SNG Art by: Felix Brenner, Renaud Dudon, Peter Klein, Hans van der Maarel, Paul Shaffer and Jim Weller
SNG Databases: Tom Swenson
SNG Scenarios by: Gordon Bower, Renaud Dudon, Paul Shaffer, Tom Swenson, Jim Weller, and Vladmir Yakubov
SNG Ship Information by: John Ames, Renaud Dudon, Peter Klein, Darren Milford, Paul Shaffer, Dave Strebe, Tom Swenson, Jim Weller

For General Information: Paul Shaffer

HSR Webmaster: Tom Swenson

Please tell us what you think about our web site, or let us know if you want to get involved with HSR and participate in HSR Club. If you provide us with your contact information, we will be able to send you more details.

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Copyright © 2000 Historical Strategy Re-Creations
Last modified: November 11, 2003