Strategic Naval Gunnery (SNG)

Historical Strategy Re-Creations

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Run to the South (RTTS)

The following report was filed by Konteradmiral P. Shaffer.

High Seas Fleet Commanders:

  • Konteradmiral J. Trowbridge Weller
    commanding:  SG 2, later would take command of all light forces.
  • Konteradmiral P. Shaffer
    commanding:  SG 1
  • Konteradmiral Swede Swenson
    Commanding: III BS

Grand Fleet was commanded by Strategic Naval Gunnery AI.  Composed of:  1LCS, 2LCS, 3LCS, BCF, and the 5 BS.

Report of Proceedings(ROP) by I Scouting Group

By Paul Shaffer 5-29-00

The battle began at 1122 with light forces engaged and attempting to force each other back.

I Scouting Group (1SG) (a-b on the map) and II Scouting Group (2SG) isolated on 1ST Light Cruiser Squadron (1LCS) and were trying to finish them off. After that it was one crisis after another.





A section of the 1SG track charts for the period 1133-1307. (Gray track is of BCF, leading 5BS.)

Critical Points:

1151 Konteradmiral J. Trowbridge Weller on Frankfurt sights the British Battle Cruiser Fleet (BCF) to his SW at 14k. He begins to flee and salvo chase to the NE. I Scouting Group (1SG) immediately breaks off (b on the map) the attack on 1ST Light Cruiser Squadron (1LCS) and runs west to support Konteradmiral Trowbridge Weller. 1SG engages the Battle Cruiser Fleet (BCF) effectively at 1217 (c on the map) and takes the pressure off II Scouting Group (2SG). Queen Mary hurt seriously by 1SG after 8 minutes of shelling.

At 1217 Konteradmiral Weller sights the 5th Battle Squadron (5BS). 1SG flees south and SE. (d on the map).

At 1228, both Lutzow and Derfflinger were hurt by 5BS at 24ky. 1SG just barely gets out of range.

At 1241 1SG ran into a vicious torpedo attack by 1LCS blocking the retreat of 1SG. (e on the map). This is ironic, as 1LCS was the victim of 1SG earlier. 1SG had to turn SW (f on the map) to avoid fish and this movement allowed the chasing 5BS and BCF to catch up.

At 1248 1LCS was sunk but 5BS and BCF now were at 18k. It looked like the end of 1SG. Weller commenced an attack with all light forces.

By 1307 Lutzow was slowed to 17kts with 4620 tons of flooding. Things looked grim. Lutzow was dropped from the formation. Weller's attacks then took the pressure off. 1SG was now again out of range heading SE. But, the Lutzow had fallen behind and looked to be lost. Could Konteradmiral Swede Swenson intervene with the III Battle Squadron (IIIBS) in time?

At about 1321 Konteradmiral Swenson came into action against 3LCS from the SW, having let the slower Prinzregent Luitpold fall behind. After sinking 3 CLs, he proceeded east and shifted onto 5BS at about 1335. This saved Lutzow. But BCF was now also shooting IIIBS. Swenson faced 10 capital ships with 7.

At 1346 1SG supported IIIBS by re-engaging BCF.

1400 Prinzregent Luitpold takes a fish.

1407 Konig severely flooded with 5160 tons.

1413 Valiant heavily damaged.

1414 Grosser Kurfurst crippled

1416 Kronprinz Wilhelm heavily damaged. A very tense situation as 3 German BBs were out. Swenson persevered. BCF was now being quickly dominated by 1SG, including a recovered Lutzow at ranges of 9-12ky. Queen Mary driven out of line at 1407, Lion at 1410, Princess Royal at 1412, Tiger at 1418.

By 1431 it was over when Warspite fell out of line; 1434 for Malaya; 1447 for Barham

In the meantime Weller engaged in a lively fight against superior British light forces. He only lost 2 CLs. 10 English CLs were sunk.


An overwhelming German victory that at several points looked to be a severe defeat.

The Ordre pour le Merite was awarded to Trowbridge Weller for aggressive scouting and succoring the 1SG under the most adverse conditions. His outstanding ship handling also saved his own 2SG from situations that appeared to assure his complete annihilation.

For determination in defeating a superior force, Konteradmiral Swenson was awarded a knighthood by the King of Bavaria making him Ritter von Swenson.

Action Data:

It took 50 heavy hits to sink Warspite,

It took 31 heavy hits and 1 torpedo to sink Barham.

It took 98 heavy hits and 1 torpedo to sink the Valiant. Most of these were after the 5BS was defeated. At 1413 Valiant is heavily damaged by 22 heavy and 1 serious hits.

It took 57 heavy hits and 1 torpedo to sink the Malaya.

It took 8 heavy hits and 1 torpedo to sink Lion.

It took 124 heavy hits to sink Princess Royal. Most of these were poured in by retiring HSF while she was sinking. At 1412 Princess Royal is heavily damaged by 7 heavy and 3 serious hits.

It took 17 heavy hits to sink Queen Mary

It took 65 heavy hits and 1 torpedo to sink Indefatigable. Most of these were taken after she was doomed. At 1450 Indefatigable is heavily damaged by 10 heavy and 5 serious hits.

It took 22 heavy hits to sink New Zealand

Kronprinz Wilhelm sank from 28 heavy hits (mostly 15").

Grosser Kurfurst sank from 16 heavy hits (nearly all 15").

Prinzregent Luitpold took 3 torpedo hits and 6 heavy hits. She went crippled with 7500 tons of water aboard. But she survived. This is truly amazing. This is a real tribute to the torpedo bulkhead.

Lutzow survived with 19 heavy hits and a maximum of 4620 tons of water.

Konig managed 21 heavy hits, Derfflinger 12.

2 German BBs were sunk in exchange for 4 QEs and 5 British BCs.

Shell Damage report

Communication Report(s)

rtts_tracks.gif (97267 bytes)Run-to-the-South.  The battle tracks of the replay.

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