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Eye Anatomy  

The Structure of the Eye 

The eye is lodged in the bony orbit. The  'White' of the eye is the Sclera. The dark part inside the eye is actually an opening in the iris, called as the pupil. The central transparent part is the cornea. The sclera is covered by the membrane, conjunctiva. Inside the eye is fluid called aqueous. Inner to the iris lies the lens. Behind the lens is the jelly, called vitreous. The inner wall of eye is lined by the retina. Between retina and sclera is the colored choroid. The eye is connected to brain by Optic nerve. The eye muscles help in moving the eye.

The Eye - How it works?

Simple! Yet so ingenious!

We have an outer transparent cornea, through which light enters the pupil, the lens, the vitreous and is focused on the retina.

 The retina has the receptors called rods, which are sensitive to dim light and cones, which are sensitive to bright light and to colours. 

When the light strikes these receptors, they get activated. That generates electro-chemical signals .These are conducted via the optic nerve, to the brain .

The brain has a special area called the visual cortex, which analyses these signals. It has connections with other areas of the brain, thus we can interpret what we see!

What gives colour to the eye?

The iris is the coloured part of the eye.

Depending on the amount of pigment it has, we get the colour for the eye. Blue colour ,when the pigment is least and increasing amounts of pigments give Grey, Green, Brown and Black colours. Albinos appear to have red eyes because they have very less pigment in their iris. Thus the light is reflected from the Choroid, which looks red , due to the blood vessels.



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