Charle is about five' five" tall. She has deep ginger hair, flowing down to her shoulder, which she usually wears down, though sometimes puts up, depending on her mood.
Normally her eyes are crystal blue, though they change colour, depending on what function she is when she scans for example. Her skin is smooth and quite pale with freckles on her cheeks.
Charle wears a black t-shirt and trousers, usually with a Lab Coat over the top. She has an elegant black dress, which she made herself, though she hardly ever wears it.
Charle has been active for 17 years, though she looks 19. She will stay the way she is for all time...her hair and nails will not grow, she will not get any taller or shorter, not fatter or thinner.
Charle was created in the Lab by Daimien and Xiona, created to be both a Lab assistant and a daughter to them.
Unfortunatley in the testing stages, she glitched, got a weapon and went berserk. Daimien managed to protect xiona from Charle, losing his life in the process. Xiona managed to deactivate Charle and felt obliged to finish the work that she and her husband had started.
Emotion-wise, Charle is very much human. She has things that she likes and things that she doesnt...she can feel pain and any other human emotion.
More than anything, Charle desperatley wants to feel love and be loved in return, though it makes her sad when she realises this is a dream she can never have due to her perpetual youth.
When she first meets someone, Charle is very cautious and will often draw her gun, demanding identification, more than willing to shoot and kill if none is produced. She will call anyone User unless intructed otherwise (Sheis very clsoe to Xiona and refers to her as mother)
Charle has a variety of useful functions. She has the ability to switch to infra red, heat sensitive or ultra violet vision, apparent because her eyes go brown when she does. She has the ability to scan an object and when she does so, her eyes go green to show this.
She is quite strong when she needs to be, though sometimes she forgets this and will break things accidentally (by sitting on a chair too fast and so on)
Charle's primary weapon is a plasma gun she keeps in a holster around her waist, using her strength as a second.
Daimien (who Charle calls Father) installed a variety of extra features in Charle, though thee only surface when she needs them most.
Charle has the ability to self repair to a certain extent...her synthetic skin can repair and rebuild itself and she can fix any minor electrical problems. Detatched limbs are repairable, but suffice to say it, much much harder...namely because of the lack of correct parts.