Age: Unknown, he looks about 15 or 16.
Weight: 147
Height: 6'01"
Code: BRO-3886
Equipment: Black kevlar trenchcoat (completely fireproof), dual 9mm pistols
(optional silencer not currently equipped), Modified Pump-Action Double
Barreled Shotgun, Pancor Jackhammer, a quantity of small firebombs, nanobot
sharpened katana, quarterstaff (lost), AT rifle (lost), PDA.
Skills: Expertise in almost any combat skill, ability to manipulate
nanobots, recon and infiltration skills, some hacking skills.
Weaknesses: Nanobots have a limited charge, he is weak against electric
shock, and is mentally unstable at times. He also suffers from amnesia.
Description: Stan looks like a tall, unassuming 16 year old. He has
bluish-gray eyes, black hair that really isn't in any sort of style, always
wears a black trenchcoat, has somewhat toned muscles. In his trenchcoat, he
can carry 2 pistols, a shotgun, ammo, and other stuff in the pockets. He has
been nano-augmented, but he doesn't know by whom or for what purpose, or
even what his nanos can do. He tries to socialize, but something deep inside
him doesn't like people.
Up until about 6 months ago, he travelled with a girl with similar nanos.
They worked together to rid the wastelands of Raiders and the like. Six
months ago, they were ambushed by a group of raiders, one in a small mech.
They were unequipped, and Stan went into a blind rage. When he came to, she
was gone. He still hasn't recovered from the emotional trauma he underwent.
Six months later, while searching the area around the grave, he heard a
fusion generator to the west. This is how he came across the lab.
He constantly searches for hints as to his past... but they usually find him
instead.Recently, in an attempt to exact revenge on the raiders that took
his girl from him, he became aware of a third nano-augmented human, and that
his old companion wasn't quite dead. In the ensuing battle, he became so
drained that he had to reset all his nanos to save his life support. He must
now reteach himself how to use the nanobots that he had taken for granted
for so long.