Mech Lab


Mech Lab 01 - Beginnings

The first bit of RP we ever did

A-C: "character status=active Awaiting input master _ _ _ _"

Asuka: *and thats where she is now. She walked down the hallway of the large building... the cold air heavy, lights dim, the hum of the loud fusion generator below ground in her ears. *a slim hand raised, slipping her amber hair behind her pale, pointed ear. She appeared to be about 25, dressed in a skin-tight pair of black leggings, tan coloured boots over her feet. She looked up, pale blue eyes staring at the doorway...* "LAB 0
Asuka: 4+6 he doorway...* "LAB 01" *she read aloud*

A-C: *Charle simply stands, her eyes totally black, a gun in her hand. Her head snaps to the left, she aims the gun and pulls the trigger. Then to the left, pulling the trigger again. She is in training...a shooting sim*

Charon: *beeeep beep* awww what the fuck? ...shit fuel cell is low...
Charon: comes to a halt
Charon: DAMMIT!!!!!!
Charon: punches the steering wheel *HOOOOOONK!*
Charon: *sigh*

Asuka: *she entered the lab, footsteps echoing through the abandoned building* Charle? This building is totally abandoned... fortunately, its Fusion Powered.. we have plenty of power for now... How are your systems? *Xiona turns, looking toward the honking sound* hmm... *she moves toward the large computer system in the room, sitting at it, as she began to try to cracck its passwords to discover more about the system*

Charon: checks the spare fuel cells at all...he shifts to neutral and pushes the jeep across the wasteland...

A-C: *Charle still shoots blanks at the virtual targets, a determined look on her face*

Charon: keeps pushing the jeep until he find the lab...must be a lucky one after the bombs dropped...Hopefully this place will have fuel cells of some sort...

Asuka: *she stood up, looking at Charle* Charle...thats good.

Charon: looks at the lab...what does it look like?

A-C: *Charle fires for a few more moments, before suddenly stopping, not moving a muscle. she stands, putting her hands by her sides again and bowing her head*
Charon: enters the door presuming it's empty he walks down the hall checking room for fuel cells

Asuka: *she walks over to Charle and puts a hand on her shoulder* perfect.

Charon: keeps walking around...he finds the washroom though...good thing too!

A-C: *Charle raises her head and opens her eyes, once again crystal blue, turning to Xiona* "Administrator...I can hear someone in the building"

Charon: washes his hands...hopefully this place has a really damn good water recycling system

Asuka: Really? Perhaps we should check. *she nods, extending her electronic arm, combining her magic abilities with it, the mechanical hand retracts, transforming into a plasma cell cannon

Charon: ahhh...

A-C: *Charle flips the catch on her gun* "Status=armed...let us check"

Charon: washes his face too..
Charon: walks down the corridor looking in each room

Asuka: *she nods* can you detect where?

Charon: looks at the TV he found...been a while since he saw one...the last one he had got destroyed months ago..
Charon: turns it on and and flicks through the channel...NOTHING
Charon: turns it off
Charon: hmmm...

Asuka: *she looks at Charle* Charle, where is the other person at? remember.. be cautious.. but they may not be hostile.

Charon: runs out to get his assault rifle and loads it...he forgot this could be a government building...and those security systems...damn..
Charon: runs back in and checks the rooms again...

A-C: *Charle's eyes take a green tint as she looks about the building. Her eyes fixing on a certain spot* "Unidentified heat signature"

Charon: keeps walking assault rifle around his shoulder...

Charon: finally reaches the lab door
Charon: ...lab 01?
Charon: huh?
Charon: looks does he turn open it..

Asuka: *she nods* Let's check it out. *she patted the mechanical left arm, currently a plasma cannon. She pressed the button, Lab 01 door opening, cannon pointed forward*
Charon: GAH!!
Charon: falls over
Charon: This place has people in it!?

A-C: *Charle turns and follows, but seeing the shock of the newcomer she draws the gun and aims it* "Identify"

Asuka: AH! *she steps back in surprise* You must be the one. We stumbled along this lab a week ago, and have been getting it operational. Charle, stand down.

Charon: looks at Charle "Sick Boy of X"
Charon: stands

A-C: *Charle takes the gun down and places it in her holster* "Administrator, shall I register this heat signature?"

Charon: looks at Xiona "Thanks for letting me use the washroom by the way...feels more civilized you know..."
Charon: even though I didn't ask you I still thank you...

Asuka: *she looks at Charle* Yes. *she returned her pale blue eyes to X, as she shifted the form of her mech arm, returning it to a hand once more* I dont believe you asked, come in.. *she stepped aside* Charle, I'd like to run a systems check, just in case.

Charon: Well sorry for intruding...I'm looking for fuel cells for my jeep
Charon: friggin thing only lasts 3 months I piece of crap...

Asuka: Wait... there arent any..
Charon: WHAT!????
Charon: Are you bullshitting me!?
Charon: looks upset

Asuka: *she shook her head* calm down.. I can make one, if you have an old one. But it'll take awhile.. *she adjusts her glasses*

Charon: well the current one in the jeep is empty..
Charon: ....What is your name by the way? You haven't introduced yourself...

A-C: *Charle nods before moving to a small pod in the middle of the room and stepping inside, the door closing behind her*

Asuka: Thats fine. *she nods* I'll work on it tomorrow.... there are rooms here for researchers, you can use room 02. My name is Xiona. *she extends her organic, pale skinned right hand*

Charon: shakes her hand... "I'm Sick Boy"
Asuka: *She tilts her head* Interesting name... but maybe you should think of something shorter...

Charon: I have trouble remembering my real name...been a while since someone did after the big ones dropped..

Asuka: *she walks toward Charle's pod, pressing a few buttons, and taking a cable from it, plugging it to the large computer*

Charon: walks to Xiona "What are you doing?
Charon: watches her

Asuka: I am doing a systems check on Charle. Shes an android.

Charon: ...? I thought they were all wiped out..

Asuka: Charle is state of the art.. or was. My own design. She survived with me.. saved me from the destruction of my original research lab..

Charon: original lab? Where were you from?

Asuka: Virginia, the Old States. *she nods, walking over the floor toward the main computer, typing quickly, a 3d scan of Charle come sup, checking for system errors*
Asuka: (someone send me the log for the first part of this room, please)

Charon: I used to be in Niagara Falls I believe...*sigh* it was so beautiful...
Charon: now it's just rock...
Charon: sits down at a table and rests his arms and head on there
Charon: goddamn...why did we have to go to war?

Asuka: *she scans, a warning alarm sounds* hmm.. system error? whats this? *she looks confused, typing quickly* The logic grid is expanding???

Charon: punches the table and yells a few swear words in his self pity...

Asuka: *she typed quickly, screens popping up* What... maybe this is one of those expand drivers.. that must be what happened.
Asuka: *she blinked, the error subsided for some reason, she typed* what is this? I've never seen a compute system so advanced?

A-C: *Charle simply stands with her head bowed and eyes closed...totally oblivious to what is going on outside*

Charon: grabs the chair and swings it at the wall nearly hitting Charle's pod
Charon: *BAM!*
Asuka: *she stands, and goes over to Charle, unplugging her from the machine, and pressing a button on her control panel*

Charon: * the chair hits the floor of course... *

Asuka: *she blinks, dodging the chair* Hey!

A-C: *Charle opens her eyes and raises her head*

Charon: looks at Xiona "Sorry...

Asuka: Calm down! *she sighs*

Charon: S...S....Sorry...* he has some tears in his eyes*
Charon: It's just that....n...never mind...
Charon: walks out of the lab "Y...You're doing a fine job of taking care of Charle..."
Charon: walks to whatever room Xiona gave him...

Asuka: Wait... *she looks at him*

A-C: "Heat Signature Sick Boy of X appears to be distressed"

Asuka: *she nods, looks at Charle* Charle... *she tilts her head* what just happened to your system? an entire system grid suddenly grew.

A-C: *Charle looks back to Xiona and blinks* "System scan reveals no anomalous results...nor new partitions"

Charon: slams the door shut and looks around the new room

Asuka: *she shakes her head* This is very strange.... *she shakes her head* perhaps He installed this.... *she looks at her* remember Diamien? Your original designer?

A-C: "My original administrator...I am able to recall him"

Asuka: *she sighed... shaking her head as she sat at the table, lowering her head. Charle had suffered a fatal system error.. she remembered when Charle had activated, and gone mad... she had luckily been able to stop her and repair her circuitry with an EMP gun... but Diamien.... he was gone.* He was the only one who knew everything about you. do you know what he installed in you?

A-C: *Charle closes her eyes for a second before opening her eyes* "I am unable to access those data banks"

Charon: just puts his gun on the table and lays on the cot

Asuka: *she nods.. she had destroyed those data banks.... when she had damaged Charle* Charle... could you check on Sick Boy, please?

A-C: *Charle nods before heading to Sick Boy's door and just walking in*

Asuka: *she stands, moving toward the computer, typing as she checked over the downloaded records from Charle*

Charon: lays on the bed in his own depression..
Charon: mumbles "fucking government...fucking bastards...retarded like George W. Bush...assholes..."

A-C: *Charle looks to him and giggles slightly*

Charon: sits up and looks at Charle
Charon: You androids have emotions?

A-C: "Administrator has installed an EPU, I am learning to process human my laughing correct?"

Charon: sort of I guess...
Charon: why the hell are you here?

Asuka: Was that.. an EPU? Daimien.... I didnt know you completed the design...*she closed her eyes*

A-C: *Charle stares blankly for a moment* "I am here because administrator needs me"

Charon: admin? Needs you? You're talking about Xiona needing you but you are here?
Charon: scratches his head

A-C: *Charle blinks* "I am in the laboratory because administrator needs me. I am in this room because administrator instructed my thusly"

Asuka: *she stood, shutting the system down* Maybe.. I'll go look at the warehouse... *she heads that way, turning down the residential corridor, passing by listening to them, then passing along toward the warehouse*

Charon: ...Okay..
Charon: Do you have anything to drink or eat here?
Charon: any booze?

A-C: "Yes"

Charon: Can you show me where?

A-C: "Yes...follow" *Charle turns and walks out of the door*

Charon: follows "Umm...affirmative?"

A-C: *Charle walks a short distance before coming to what can be loosely described as a kitchen* "Food and drink preserves can be found here"

Charon: stove...fridge...
Charon: thank you Charle...

A-C: "Gratitude accepted" *she still keeps an expressionless face*

Charon: looks in the fridge
Charon: awww booze

A-C: "Booze..." *her eyes flicker a moment* "Unknown term...definition?"
Charon: slang for alcoholic beverages

A-C: "Data stored...thank you Sick boy of X"

Charon: please just call me Sick Boy...

Asuka: *she walked through the large, cold warehouse structure, noting lots of scrapped metal and de-activated mechanics* what is this room?

A-C: "Sick boy..." *she nods* "Is there a reason for this moniker? Are you medically ill?"

Charon: No...It's a nickname...
Charon: closes the fridge, pulling out some orange juice and a can of soup..."
Charon: puts it on the table and sits down
Charon: hmmm how about sitting down to talk?

A-C: *Charles eyes follow him and at his request she sits in the chair opposite (though...somewhat awkwardly)*

Charon: eh...sorry I just feel more comfortable like this..
Charon: the Sick Boy thing was just a nickname...
Charon: thinks
Charon: hmm..

Asuka: *she continues to look about, altering her mech arm, it is now a bio-electric flashlight, of sorts*

Charon: from a band I think..
Charon: gets up and gets a glass, and sits down to pour himself a drink
A-C: *Charle's eyes follow him, she barely moves her head*

Charon: what about you Charle? What's your story?
Charon: sets the carton down and starts to drink a little

A-C: "Unit Ch4rl3...system uptime, 30 minutes and 20 seconds. Total activity time since activation 17 years 4 days 3 hours 8 minutes 46 seconds"

Charon: and counting..
Charon: Did Xiona created you?

A-C: "And counting...48...49...50..." *she blinks* "Would now be an acceptable time to cease?"
A-C: "Administrator...did not create me." *she nods* "Administrator did"

Charon: err...yeah stop
Charon: .......
Charon: Xiona created you?

A-C: "Negative...I was created by administrator" *she blinks, wondering why he doesnt understand*

Charon: but Xiona is your administrator currently right?

A-C: *Charle nods* "Current system administrator-heat signature Xiona"

Charon: ...then who was the administrator that created you?

A-C: "Administrator 1-Heat signature Daimien"

Charon: What can you tell me about him..?
Charon: takes the new England clam chowder soup can and turns on the stove, grabbing a pot and opening the such primitive ways of cooking in a futuristic lab
Charon: pours the soup in the pot when it's hot enough and starts stirring

A-C: "He stood at 6' tall...ivory black hair, deep brown eyes." *she struggles* "This is all I can recall...a lot of the files created by him are inaccessible"

Charon: did you meet Xiona?

Asuka: *her new, light arm allows her to see her way around the abandoned warehouse, noting that several large robotic combat units were still present.... this had been some form or military base before the fall, she was certain.. or a weapons R&D facility

A-C: "I am unsure. I know I experienced a period of prolonged downtime and when reactivated she was my new administrator"

Charon: keeps stirring and test the soup
Charon: mmm...
Charon: turns off the stove and leaves the pot there

Asuka: *she looks around, making a note of the facilities capabilities before returning toward the residential section, turning into the kitchen shortly after* Hello, there.

Charon: finds the crackers

A-C: "Hello administrator"

Charon: looks at Xiona "Oh hey Xiona...want soup?"

Asuka: *she nodded* Sure... How is your room?

Charon: takes out two bowls and pours the soup in both...equalness and puts in a spoon in each...he puts them on the table

Asuka: *she walked up to Charle* Charle... when did you get your EPU installed.. I dont remember loading such a system...
Asuka: *she sits, eating slowly*

A-C: "Administrator must have installed it. You and he are the only ones to have aces to such facilities"

Charon: takes 5 crackers and crunches them up and puts it in the soup
Charon: eats *crunch* mmm...soup..

Asuka: *she looked at Charle* but it was never detected in scans until... of course.. your logic grid expansion...

Charon: continues to eat...

A-C: "My logic grid has expanded?"

Asuka: *she rested her metallic left arm against the table, it was crafted well, a mixture of many metals, the circuitry controlled by her brain like a real arm.. the arm was crafted to look like a metal version of the opposite arm, slender and thin, feminine looking. She continued to eat, looking toward Sick* So... should we call you something other than sick boy.. its not a very pleasant name... *she looks at Charle* *she nods at Charle* *she nods* while you were in the systems check.. an error was found. Your logic grid expanded out of control.. I dont know what happened... I know your AI was designed to be capable of mimicking the human its not impossible... with the right adaptations...

Charon: looks at Xiona "It was my nickname in the band...okay?"

A-C: "I can become human, administrator?"

Charon: eats

Asuka: *she doesnt respond.. .only Daimien had known if it were possible for her mind to become human, totally.. she looked down into her food* I.. don't know... only He did...

Charon: no offence Charle sounds like you can have human emotions and will remain in your "shell"

A-C: " speak of Administrator?"

Asuka: *she doesnt think she could hear his name... not without some pain, at least* Yes...

A-C: *Charle nods before turning to sick boy* "I always remain in this shell except for routine maintenance every 5 years"

Charon: maintenance?
Charon: Like what?

A-C: "Manual circuit inspections, Repairs and so on"

Asuka: *she eats quietly*

Charon: ah..
Charon: finishes, and takes a napkin and wipes his mouth...
Charon: looks at Xiona "What's wrong?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* Nothing... I'm fine...

Charon: ...Sorry about earlier...just that things...are more depressing...

Asuka: *she nods* I know...

Charon: if there is anything I can do ask me..
Charon: looks at Charle "Same thing goes for you..."

Asuka: You seem ex-Military.... does this lab seem familiar?

Rose: 6 Out in the wasteland a girl approaches. A young woman actually. She has a rucksack on her back, wearing camo BDUs. In her hand is a PDU and over her eyes is a pair of blue tinged glasses. She walks forward straight for the doors of the lab.

Asuka: ~The doors slide open for Rose~
Asuka: ~the hallway is dimly illuminated, like most of the building, soft blue glow giving the air a heavy, errie feeling...(No)~

Charon: ...
Charon: did you hear something?
Charon: looks around

A-C: "Affirmative" *nods before turning to the door and reaching for her gun* "Unidentified heat signature approaching"

Asuka: Well.. arent we having a lot of visitors.. Charle, please greet them, and bring them to me.

Rosebud: looks around. "Huh.. not much by way of security for such a strong power source." She runs her fingers over the PDA and scans. "Hello? I don't suppose there's anyone alive in here? There can't be that much of an active power source without something intelligent here!"

Charon: ....should I get my rifle?

Rosebud: is human, with long brown hair that is tied back into a braid.

Asuka: Charle is state of the art, she can deal with whatever may be out there...*she stands, done eating, she adjusts her glasses stretching her organic arm, mechanical arm mimicking*

Charon: I'll clean up...maybe we can talk later Xiona...

Asuka: *she nods* thank you....*she makes her way toward the doorway of the kitchen with Charle*

A-C: *Charle grips the trigger tighter...ready to fire at a moments notice* "the signature is getting closer"

Asuka: *she nods, stepping into the hallway, as her arm shifts into a Plasma Cannon*
Charon: starts to clean up

Rosebud: looks around, keeps on walking. "Look I know there is -someone- here!"

A-C: *Charle sees the newcomer and once again aims the gun* "Identify"

Rosebud: looks over. She closes the PDA and looks at Xiona. Then up toward Charle. "Colleen Rosalia. Rosie to my friends, Mouse to most other hackers."

Rosebud: I tracked the power source to look for humans and survivors, out in the wastelands there's not a whole lot to eat, drink, or talk to.

A-C: *Charle's eyes flash green for a moment before she puts the gun in its holster again* "Identified as user 'Colleen Rosalia'"

Rosebud: Are you going to lower your weapons. Considering I don't even have a watergun

Asuka: Charle, stand down. *she looks to the android as she speaks, approaching Rose* You're lucky you wandered this way *she observes the girls outfit* Ex-Military? *she looks at her mech arm, and it shimmers a little, her steel hand reappearing*

A-C: *Charle simply stands...the expressionless look appearing on her face again*

Rosebud: smiles at Charle. She then looks at Xiona, then her clothes. "Huh? no, found them in an old bunker. I got most of my stuff there." She looks toward Charle, then looks to Xiona again. "You're an elf.. aren't you? Are you the only other one here? Besides Charle?

Asuka: *she shakes her head*Theres someone else here too.... Charle is an android.
Rosebud: My scanner picked up a few other life forms but I wasn't sure if they were animal or not.. your friend's power here mostly scrambled my readings.

Charon: finishes up and dries the dishes and puts them away

A-C: "Did I do wrong, administrator?"

Rosebud: looks to Charle, then to Xiona again. "Administrator huh? Guess that means you're in charge... Nice to meet you.

Charon: peeks his head out of kitchen then tries to sneak by to his room

Asuka: Charle generates immense energy readings... Rosie, would you like to remain here with us? There is plenty of food, and the generator is working fine.*she glanced at Charle* Not at all. Charle.

Rosebud: looks up, the blue singlepiece goggles give a flicker. "That the other guy?"

Charon: stops

A-C: *Charle's sensors pick up sounds and she turns to Sick Boy*

Asuka: *she nods* My pleasure.. *extends her organic hand for a shake* Thats him.

Charon: walks over to them
Charon: I guess I couldn't sneak out to get my rifle...
Charon: hmmm...doesn't seem necessary right now anyways...

Rosebud: takes the hand, her hands are callused from travelling. "I'm not a threat, but there might be some that are. There were some raiders out in the wastelands."
Rosebud: I didn't want to get to know them.

Charon: Raiders? Damn...a bunch of nasty bastards...

Rosebud: I'm Rosie. But I still don't know your names, except for Charle's

Charon: I shot a few in the head though...was cool....
Charon: extends his hand to Rosie
Charon: I'm Sick Boy

Asuka: *she shakes firmly, nodding* You'll be fine here, Charle can deal with just about anything. Oh.. Xiona Sharli.

Rosebud: smiles "Interesting name boy-o.. Pretty name. I guess mine's kind of dull."

A-C: *Charle nods* "Unit Ch4rl3-V2 at your service"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* it's a good name. *glances at Charle* Call her Charle.

Charon: is still holding his hand out to Rosie

Rosebud: takes his hand after shaking Xiona. "I figured to call her Charle. It was what you called her."

Charon: shakes then lets go
Charon: looks at Rosie "So how did you stumble upon this place?"

Rosebud: looks at her hand. She smiles a bit and reaches up, putting the goggles up on her head, revealing the thin wire-frame cat-eye glasses underneath. "Easy, modified scanner."
Rosebud: holds up the pdu. "I reprogrammed it and modified a scanner unit i found in the bunker
Rosebud: my new best friends.

Asuka: *she smiles, watching the others get to know each other... she makes her way idly toward the stairwell, her mind starting to drift.*
Asuka: ~Thunder echoes above the hum of the Fusion generator below ground on the restricted level~
Rosebud: glances over slightly and smiles. "I located any power sources I could find and followed them." She tenses her stance up at the thunder sound.

Charon: looks up

Asuka: ~ A few moments later a heavy rain is heard, falling upon the roof three stories up~

A-C: *Charle looks to the sky, expressionless look on her face*

Rosebud: strains her ears a bit and smiles. "Good thing some rain comes to this place. Is it safe rain?"

Charon: better not be acid rain

Asuka: *she turns, snapping out of it* Charle... detect chemical composition of precipitation.

Charon: excuse me for a moment I gotta use the washroom ^^;
Charon: runs off

A-C: *her eyes flicker green a moment* "precipitation is primarily Di-Hydrus Oxide...water"

Rosebud: smiles and heads for the door. "I plan on a drink. of good, pure water."

Asuka: *she nods* it's fine. I'll be in Lab One *she heads for the stairwell again* Rose. The residential area is just ahead, you can pick a room.

Rosebud: Thank you.

A-C: *Charle turns to Rosebud* "There are impurities...though not lethal in small amounts. I advise caution, user"

Rosebud: impurities in water are dirt and dust. And that.. I don't mind.

A-C: *Charle nods* "Understood"

Rosebud: Call me Rosie, not User, or if you won't, at least mouse. I don't consider computers a separate entity, I consider them just as much of a person as any biped.

A-C: *Charle nods* "Understood, Rosie"

Rosebud: smiles. "Thank you."

Asuka: *she descends the stairs, closing her eyes opening them as her soft footsteps carried her through the dimly lit hallway, the light casting an ethereal look over her, she listened to the rain above her, mind drifting back... ten years ago*

Rosebud: You can come out too you know.
Rosebud: smiles a bit.

A-C: "You wish me to join you?"

Asuka: *it was weather just like this that Charle had woken up, ignoring all instruction.. she remembered Daimien, sacrificing himself to protect her from Charle's glitched programming... she remembered holding him as he died, she slowly began to cry... sitting against the cold wall*

Rosebud: Sure, why not? You're a person aren't you?
Rosebud: smiles at the android. "No different from any other self-aware biped or quadruped."

A-C: *Charle puts on a puzzled look* "I would...but I fear administrator needs me. You will be safe?"

Rosebud: shifts a bit. "Something wrong?"

Asuka: *she stood, entering Lab 01, closing the door behind her, pressing the electonic lock*

Rosebud: pushes her hair behind her ear and listens, yeah.. right like she could hear anything.

A-C: "I believe so..." *she turns and makes her way to where the sounds were coming from*

Rosebud: turns and follows Charle.

A-C: *Charle reaches the spot where she heard the crying* "I could not have been wrong...I traced hit *here*" *she looks about, eyes turning green before eventually settling on the door to lab 01* "Administrator is in there"

Asuka: *she was trying to regain her composure, wiping her eyes on her sleeve*

Charon: washes his hands and walks out

A-C: *Charle tries the door and finding it locked she calls* "Administrator?"

Charon: uh jeep...
Charon: turns to Charle stopping in the middle...he walks to them
Asuka: *she sniffles a little, looking p, forcing her voice to sound okay as possible* I'm okay! Just doing a little work!

A-C: "Administrator...I can see you are not working"

Charon: walks to Charle and Rosie
Charon: Charle...
Charon: please leave Xiona alone..
Charon: she needs time alone...

A-C: "Who are you to say what is best for administrator?"

Charon: look...she probably just wants to be alone right now Charle...
Charon: maybe we should just give her some time...

A-C: "How do you know?"

Asuka: *she runs her fingers along her mechanical arm.. she'd lost it while disabling Charle that evening, she shook her head, closing her eyes tightly, getting up and moving to the monitor, going to work it off*

Charon: can you open the door?
Charon: if not then she wants to be left alone...

Asuka: I will later, don't worry!

A-C: "I could *very* easily open this door"

Charon: ...look Charle I don't want to get into an argument okay?
Charon: ...But I need your help right now..

A-C: "I do not wish to argue...I wish to protect administrator. And how do you need my help?"

Charon: ...My jeep is out there..
Charon: is there a garage or something?

Asuka: *she sighed, wiping her eyes again, standing and unlocking the door, pressing the button to slide the door aside*

A-C: *Charles head snaps to see the door* "Administrator..."

Asuka: There seems to be a Mech Warehouse... *her cheeks are red, she has been crying, but tries not to show it.

Charon: looks at Xiona "Could you show us?"
Asuka: *she nods* its the big warehouse, but I havent been able to decode the access codes yet.

Rosebud: stands quietly. She watches and listens for now. She looks at Xiona and grins. "I can do it"

Asuka: *she looks at Rosie* What method are you using?

Rosebud: Tech. My own hacking software.

Asuka: mm give it a try... *she nods*

A-C: *Charle turns to sick boy* "There is no garage, however I am sure Administrator and myself can fix it" *she shudders at the mention of the word 'hacking'*

Rosebud: looks to Charle. "It won't get used on you. I doubt it could do anything to you."
Rosebud: smiles to Xiona. "Show me the lock and I'll pick it."

Asuka: No other system can even decipher the most simple programs in Charle's system.

Charon: I just need to find a place to store it
Charon: it's getting wet...

Asuka: *she blinks* its a jeep, its made to rough it.

A-C: "I shall retrieve it...if you will show me which you require"

Rosebud: chuckles. She looks at Boy-o, then Xiona. "They can get the car, if you'll show me where the door is."

Asuka: *she nods* Come on. you wont need the door.. come in the lab. we'll open the door.

Charon: looks at Charle "I just want to bring it inside...

Rosebud: nods and follows. "You alright?"
Rosebud: asks casually.

A-C: *Charle nods* "I shall retrieve it now" *she turns and walks off*

Charon: follow me..
Charon: watches Charle walk off...she quickly gives Xiona a tight hug "Cause you need it" then runs off to follow Charle..

Asuka: *the door closes, she sighs, leading her to the HUUUUGE supercomputer* I'm okay.... *she doesnt seem like it* hook up to that port over there, and do your stuff..*points*

Rosebud: flexes her fingers. "Know what? I don't believe that."

Asuka: *she sighs* I was thinking about something....

Rosebud: reaches around and pulls her rucksack around. She pulls an old rebuild laptop out and starts jacking into the system. "About what?"

Charon: leads Charle out to where he pushed his jeep to
Charon: here it is..

Rosebud: isn't forceful, just casual. She lowers the goggles down and puts a mouthpiece down. She mummers into it, typing away at the laptop.

Charon: gets in and shifts it to neutral

A-C: "Will it start?"

Charon: jumps out and starts pushing at the back

Asuka: Ten years ago.... I was second in command of developing Charle... the only one above me was Diamien.... he was so brilliant.....we were very close... ten years ago.... Charle glitched... activated.. and slaughtered many of the developers... he sacrificed himself to save me....and then I lost my arm to shut her down... she severed it as I finished the override codes. *she rubs the cold steel left arm* He died a day later.... The project was resumed, Charle's programming totally rewritten, I was put in charge...

Charon: no. the fuel is gone...can you help me push it in to the garage or whatever?

Rosebud: wrinkles her brow. She nods lightly. "I'm sorry. I know the feeling."

A-C: *Charle gets behind the jeep and pushes it with no real struggle*

Asuka: *she nods* It was this kind of weather.. reminded me...

Rosebud: Shorted out?

Charon: helps out
Charon: Where's the garage Charle?

Rosebud: keeps typing at the computer. "I think I just about have it. Three of five"

Asuka: good... *she sighs, leaning on the wall*
Asuka: Don't tell anyone...

Rosebud: Like I would... Sorry I don't tell what I know. Which will get me in trouble again one of these days.

A-C: "Not within the main building, user, rather a separate building"

Charon: please call me Sick Boy not user.

Asuka: Huh? *she looks at Rose*

Charon: please lead us Charle...

A-C: "Sick Boy...noted" *she pushes some more*

Rosebud: I don't tell secrets. It's a human thing. No offence to you, believe me, but most of the elven I've known tended to blab. It got my home bombed by raiders.

Charon: looks at Charle while pushing "hate to ask this but are you atomically correct?"

Rosebud: It was a select few, so I don't hate all elves. Don't hate anyone really.

Asuka: *she nods*

A-C: "I do not appreciate your asking...but yes. I am every inch as a human female"

Charon:'s just a weird fantasy of mine with a bunch of women...even though you're android I would still call you a woman...
Charon: pushes towards the warehouse

A-C: "I appreciate your calling me a woman...though I would thank you to leave me out of your fantasies"

Rosebud: There.. got it.

Asuka: ~The warehouse door slides up and back, revealing three large Mech suits, military class~

Rosebud: looks at the screen, the blue and green numbers covering the screen. She smiles and stretches her arms a bit.

Charon: grins and jokes around "Leave you out? Aww nuts..."
Charon: keeps pushing

A-C: "I do not understand your have known me mere hours"
Charon: I was in a band Charle...a rock star on the indie and my friends were going to get a big contract and then the bombs dropped...
Charon: it's just you know...we could of gotten groupies and stuff...
Charon: call me weird but..
Charon: you Rosie and Xiona's the closest thing I can get to groupie girls at this moment...
Charon: ...err sorry...

Asuka: *she removes her glasses, wiping them with her shirt*

Rosebud: runs a diagnostic on her computer, and tries to access the super computer to give it a once over

Charon: continues to push

A-C: "Groupies...define?"

Asuka: ~Error, you require the new passcode Xiona set... and this thing is nearly as well protected as Charle's system~

Rosebud: smiles. "It was worth a shot. I'll have to earn that right huh?" She jacks out, runs a second check on her computer and closes up.

Charon: groupies are a bunch of beautiful girls...they usually play around with rock stars...usually it's sexual stuff
Charon: ...I thinkk...
Charon: I'm not sure
Charon: ...I think I'm close to the actual definition though...

A-C: "And you wish me to be a groupie?"

Charon: E...errr no...

Asuka: *she nods* Good work.. you're a good programmer...

Charon: I mean...err...
Charon: ....please don't kill me...

Rosebud: Thanks. I tried a diagnostic on your computer, but can't get in.

A-C: "I have no desire to terminate anyones life at the present time" *they reach a garage...which is just that, a brick building, big enough to house the jeep with room to work on it*

Asuka: Nope, not gonna work...

Rosebud: Just wanted to make sure nothing got off me or onto me.
Rosebud: took me a long time to debug this winblows

Charon: pushes it in
Charon: I just need a new fuel cell...
Charon: hopefully I can get three months out of it...

Asuka: *she nods, looking up as another clap of thunder echoes*

Charon: looks up at the thunder
Charon: jeez...

Rosebud: looks up. "This place is grounded right?

Asuka: *she nods* we use Fusion power, generated below ground. hear the generator.. its that hum you've heard since you came in.
Asuka: ~ The door closes behind the Jeep, a second floor exit visible in the dark hanger~

Charon: is there a light switch?

A-C: *Charle looks up* "Yes...near to the door

Rosebud: Ahh.. works for me.
Rosebud: smiles.

Charon: okay...
Charon: turns on the switch

Asuka: Lets get you a place to stay, eh?

Charon: runs and jumps in the jeep and puts it in park

Rosebud: The bunker I was at was powered by an old generator.

A-C: "Pardon my hasty departure, Sick Boy...but I must power down for a while" *she nods to him* "Will everything be alright?"

Charon: looks at Charle "Thank you for your help Charle...I'll be fine."

Rosebud: How about something to eat?

A-C: "Good" *makes her way out and to her chamber where she shuts down for the night*

Asuka: sure... one moment *Puts Charle to bed in her analysis pod, to recharge* okay...

A-C: "thank you" *she powers down*

Rosebud: smiles. "She's an amazing creation. I don't think I've ever seen anything like her before. Not that was self-aware anyway"

Rosebud: puts the laptop up and clips the pdu to her beltloop.

Asuka: Yes... Daimien did some amazing things with her.. her CPU simulates the human brain, and her EPU is logic driven.

Rosebud: I thought it was my imagination at first that she had emotions. But when she actually called me by my name, it made a little more sense.
Rosebud: I've never tried something like her. I tried minibots, but nothing like a human. They were animals, bugs.. mostly for surveillance

Asuka: *she nods* Daimien put so much into her.. he saw her like a daughter... *she smiles, looking at her* I can't elieve I lost him...

Rosebud: looks at her. "You didn't really."

Asuka: Hmm? *she looks from Charles sleeping face to Rose*

Rosebud: smiles some. "He's still alive... believe it or not."

Asuka: What?
Asuka: I held him in my arms as he died... I hate to say it but he's gone...

Rosebud: You remember him right?

Charon: takes out the fuel cell, and the empty fuels in the back...and the extra ammo cartridges...

Rosebud: leans her back against one of the hall walls, looking at Xiona.

Asuka: *she nods, thinking of him.. his smile, his laugh... his over concern for her, when she stayed up late working on Charle... she would never forget him*

Rosebud: Then he is alive.

Asuka: ...

Rosebud: He is alive in your heart. And in your mind. But most of all, he's alive in Charle.
Asuka: *she looks at Charle*

Rosebud: smiles a bit.

Asuka: He's the only one who knew everything about her... I didnt even know she had an EPU till today...

Rosebud: smiles. "You'll learn more about her, and more about him as you go.

Asuka: Him... we joked together about Charle... our daughter, we had said... *she shakes her head* He modelled her after me, even...

Rosebud: I kind of noticed that.

Asuka: *she looked at her* Well.. lets get you something to eat

Charon: gathers his belongings then takes them into his room
Charon: takes the rifle and puts it over his shoulder, put in the cartridges on a military belt..

Rosebud: smiles and heads for the stairs, her stomach growling

Asuka: *leads Rose to the dining room, and then through to the kitchen*

Rosebud: follows, watching the way they go, memorizing the building.

Charon: walks around looking for them
Charon: Xiona? Rosie?

Rosebud: looks over. "Hey boy-o"

Charon: looks at them "Oh there you are...boy-o?"

Asuka: Hi there.

Rosebud: smiles a bit.

Charon: looks at Rosie "What's with boy-o?"

Rosebud: I'm not calling you Sick boy.

Charon: it was my stage name...

Asuka: me either, Boy-o.

Charon: looks at Xiona then shrugs
Charon: sits at the table

Rosebud: chuckles. "I'm not calling you sick boy, no matter hot fitting it might be.
Rosebud: You want help in the kitchen?

Asuka: *looks at Rosie* hmm? What do you all want for dinner?

Rosebud: Anything but mre?

Charon: just a good home cooked meal Xiona..

Asuka: *she gives a laugh, prepping some chicken(yes, behold the ability of a research facility to preserve TONS upon TONS of food)*

Charon: I hated having to eat rat meat...
Charon: do you need any help Xiona?

Rosebud: smiles. "I don't suppose in the stores of food you have honey, lemon, nutmeg and good water?

Asuka: I think we've got everything in here... Sure, Boy-O.

Charon: ....
Charon: give me some time to try to remember my real name...
Charon: and I'll tell you
Charon: walks in and to Xiona
Charon: what do you need help with?

Asuka: can you watch the chicken for me?

Rosebud: grins a bit. "Ever had mead?"

Charon: the chicken?
Charon: it's not moving so...why watch it?

Rosebud: chuckles
Rosebud: so it doesn't burn.

Charon: doesn't the oven have a timer?

Stan trudges across the wasteland, makeshift staff slung across his back, and approaches the lab. Standing at 5'11" with the body of a boy in his middle teens, he doesn't look very dangerous. He is wearing a faded black trenchcoat, worn by scorch marks, slashes, and bullet holes.

Asuka: ~he can begin to hear the whirring of the Fusion Generator beneath the ground as he nears the lab~

Asuka: *she goes to find what Rose requested*

Charon:'re telling me this highly advanced facilities doesn't have a oven with a timer?
Charon: what kind of place is this!?

Stan: (To self) Odd. Are there other humans here?

Charon: oh well I'll watch
Charon: sits down, with his gun over his shoulder... and watches the chicken
Charon: hahahahaha try to get out of THIS one Mr. Bond!
Charon: talking to the chicken of course..

Rosebud: chuckles and gets a pot out.

Asuka: *she brings Rose what she asked for* here you go...

Rosebud: smiles. "Good. Thank you."

Asuka: What exactly are you making, anyhow?

Rosebud: Honey Mead

Stan notices footprints outside, tire treads from what looks like a.... jeep, perhaps...
Stan: Raiders. It has to be.
Stan: Stan sighs wearily and pulls his shotgun from his trenchcoat.

Rosebud: You'll like it, but it'll be a day or so before it's fully done.

Asuka: *she takes he glasses off, rubbing her eyes a little* ummm.. exactly what is it, though?

Rosebud: It's a drink

Stan: Stan touches the side of his head near his temple and closes his eyes.

Rosebud: pours the water into the pot and turns it on to boil, then turns to cut the lemon

Stan: Hmm... 3 humanoids... a recently activated android... Not Raiders....
Stan: Well, let's try something new.

Rosebud: Pretty good actually, I make it non-alcoholic..

Stan: Stan knocks on the door.
Stan: Anyone home?

Asuka: *she nods* good...Daimien and I tried drinking once... *she blushes, remembering how they woke*
Asuka: ~The doors slide open~

Charon: ....

Stan: ....

Rosebud: smiles. "Well this won't get you drunk, unless you want a batch that will

Stan: Stan walks inside and examines his surroundings.

Rosebud: chuckles.

Asuka: ~The hall is lit by faint blue light, noise coming from the second door on the left*

Stan: ....
Stan: Hmmm, someone's home.

Charon: watches the chicken and quotes those classic Bond movies

Rosebud: It's pretty good actually, kind of sweet with a bite to it.

Charon: I'm sure you found out things has...heated up here Mr. Bond...mwahahahahahaha

Stan: Stan sneaks up to the second door and presses his back to the wall, not opening the door.

Asuka: no thank you... we vowed that we wouldnt drink again... until... *she shakes her head, looking down at her right hand, turning the ring slowly*

Charon: pretends to pet a kitty

Asuka: ~The Dining room is empty, the door is proximity, and slides open~

Stan: ....

Rosebud: nods a bit and smiles. "Like I said, it won't get you drunk."

Stan: Stan peeks inside.

Charon: Die Mr. Bond!
Asuka: *she closes her eyes, opening them to look a SB*

Stan: Hellooo?
Stan: Stan walks into the dining room.

Rosebud: perks up and looks over

Asuka: *she blinks, moving to look through at Stan* Hello!

Stan: Friendly humans.

Charon: walks out to see the new person, assault rifle in hand

Asuka: We're getting all kind sof people tonight, come on in and take a seat!

Stan: It's been a while.

Charon: ...who are you?

Stan: ....
Stan: Dunno.

Asuka: Boy-o, stop being so hostile!

Rosebud: looks over. She looks to Stan and smiles

Charon: looks at Xiona "Sorry Xiona..."

Stan: Erm, got a bite to eat? I haven't eaten in, oh, about 4 months.

Charon: 4 months? that's been a while...

Asuka: have a seat, it'll be ready in a jiff.

Stan: Yeah, you could say that....
Stan: Thanks.

Rosebud: how'd you survive out there?

Stan: Stan unslings his staff, puts it on the floor, and sits.
Stan: ....
Stan: I found ways.
Stan: I'm... shall we say, a hunter.

Rosebud: looks at Stan. She's not hostile, just curious it seems.

Stan: Stan stares vacantly.

Charon: looks at Xiona "I'll check back on the chicken..."

Asuka: *she puts her glasses on, going to greet him personally* Xiona. I'm in charge of this lab.

Stan: Lab, is it?
Stan: Oh, nice to meet you.

Charon: walks back in and checks the chicken

Rosebud: looks at him. She warily holds her hand out. "Colleen Rosalia. Rosie."

Asuka: *she nods* some kind of research laboratory.

Stan: Stan wearily shakes her hand. Nice to meet you too.
Stan: Research of what?
Stan: Must be big if the lab needs a fusion generator. Am I right?

Asuka: I havent broken the codes to all the records yet, or the restricted level, but it wont be long.
Asuka: theres an attatched Mech factory.

Rosebud: smiles a bit. She'll have to talk to this one later

Stan: Mechs?

Charon: checks the chicken...Ahhh it's done...

Stan: Stan shudders.
Stan: What kind?

Asuka: you okay?

Charon: Hey! chicken is ready! should I bring it out to the table Xiona?

Asuka: Military, by the look of it...

Stan: Yeah.

Asuka: Yeah, bring it out!

Stan: Time to eat.

Rosebud: nods faintly to herself. "I'll get the mead ready to set Xiona."

Charon: grabs the oven mitts and brings it out and sets it on the table...

Rosebud: Just save me some okay?
Rosebud: smiles

Charon: let me get the plates and stuff...
Charon: walks back into the kitchen and turns off the oven and closes it..

Stan: Heh heh heh... this should feel good.
Stan: Don't even remember the last thing I ate.

Charon: grabs the knives and forks...and the big knife and fork thingy to cut the chicken...
Charon: puts those on the tables then goes to get the plates and put THOSE on the table..

Asuka: *she sits there with the group, waiting on all the food* thank you, all.

Charon: serves Stan, Xiona and himself..

Stan: Phew. Thanks.

Charon: looks at Xiona "Thank us for what? I should be thanking you at least."

Stan: Stan begins to eat, rather slowly, despite the fact that it has been 122 days since his last meal.

Charon: cuts some for Rosie too and sets it aside for her..

Rosebud: sets the mead up and heads back into the dining room.

Charon: looks at Rosie "That plate is for you"

Stan: This is very good.

Rosebud: Thanks.

Stan: What is it?

Rosebud: sits down. "Chicken, real chicken even."

Charon: chicken...

Stan: Chicken... chicken....

Charon: a rarity..
Charon: after the big ones dropped
Asuka: *she sips, eating quietly* You can all make yourselves comfortable in the residential section after eating...

Stan: Stan grabs his head.

Charon: grabs a glass of fresh clean cold water
Charon: sits down
Charon: looks at Stan "Are you okay?"

Stan: Chicken. Small, flightless bird, commonly used as food.
Stan: *ahem*
Stan: Excuse me.

Charon: also lays eggs too

Rosebud: looks at him, she watches him cautiously.

Charon: mmm...scrambled eggs... ^_^

Stan: ...noted.
Stan: Thanks.

Rosebud: I'll make omelettes tomorrow morning?

Charon: looks at Rose "what would you put in it though?"
Charon: eats a little bit of chicken...

Rosebud: I'm pretty sure Xiona's tired of making all the meals.

Stan: I can cook, too.

Asuka: *she nods* yeah... although Charle is a pretty good cook.

Charon: ...I made soup

Stan: Charle... oh, the android?

Rosebud: I found a pot, and I have a small pan in my pack if I can't find a proper griddle.
Rosebud: wait.. you said in it..

Charon: looks at Stan "...."

Rosebud: turns a bit red and chuckles

Charon: ...How did you know there was an android here?

Stan: ....
Stan: Stan shakes himself awake.
Stan: Eh?
Stan: Sorry, dozed off a bit.

Charon: ...How did you know there was an android here?

Asuka: *she blinked, looking at Stan

Stan: ....
Stan: I...

Rosebud: eats her chicken

Stan: Stan sighs wearily.

Charon: what are you? telepath?

Rosebud: probably the same way i knew there was one here...
Rosebud: the power source..

Stan: No, no....
Stan: I'm...

Rosebud: looks at him.
Rosebud: 14 A cyborg?

Stan: heh heh heh....
Stan: No.
Stan: Not really.

Charon: You're...
Charon: thinks...
Charon: uhhh...
Charon: You

Rosebud: looks at him, she gets a bit more chicken.

Stan: When I was 15, I fell asleep.

Charon: just eats...
Charon: stops

Stan: When I woke up, the world had changed, IT happened. I was 16, yet it was several years later.

Asuka: *she yawns* tired... *she ignores the term, glancing at Rose, rubbing her metallic left arm lightly* it was fun.. I'm going to bed.. you all can use any of the rooms in the residential area.. *she stands, exiting the dining room, going toward, not a room, but the Lab 01*

Stan: I... changed.

Charon: ...Xiona...
Charon: follows

Stan: Good night...

Charon: wait!
Charon: hugs Xiona "Good night"

Rosebud: watches her go. "Night Xiona, rest well."

Charon: the hug was well...looks like you needed it...

Asuka: *she blinks, suprised*

Rosebud: smiles

Stan: Don't be surprised if you don't see me in the morning.

Rosebud: looks at Stan. "I hope I do..."

Asuka: *she shook her head.. good night... *she makes her way into Lab 01, locking down the building for the evening.. and doing what she always did, working through the night on the memory banks of the lab*

Rosebud: I expect that storm outside is hanging around for a while

Stan: Storms...
Stan: Nothing wrong with a bit of rain. And wind. And lightening.

Rosebud: Nope, nothing wrong with it. But you're still a kid, and being out in the rain too long is't good

Stan: ....
Stan: Heh heh heh....

Rosebud: finishes off her second helping and takes her plate back toward the kitchen

Stan: .me laughs and shakes his head sleepily.

Charon: walks back in and sits down...

Stan: Stan rubs his eyes.

Charon: takes a drink of water then spits it back out in the cup on accident
Charon: PPFTTT!

Rosebud: You'd better get some rest tonight Vash... especially if you plan on heading out

Stan: Still a kid...
Stan: Something wrong...?

Rosebud: smiles a bit, she comes back out of the kitchen and looks at boy-o

Stan: What was your name again?

Charon: ...n.....that's it..
Charon: looks at Stan "I'm Sick Boy...from X"

Stan: X?
Stan: Why does that ring a bell?

Rosebud: it was a band.. he says

Stan: ....

Rosebud: jerks a thumb at him and smiles lightly

Stan: Stan holds his head.
Stan: X...

Rosebud: looks at stan. "Hey Vash.. you alright?"

Charon: loosk at Rosebud" Vash?

Stan: Why do you call me Vash?

Rosebud: well.. I didn't catch his name... and you remind me of this old comic character. Vash the stampede

Stan: Never was into comics as a kid.

Rosebud: looks at him and shrugs. "well, you'd be surprised what you'll find in old bunkers and on old military bases

Stan: Hmm.
Stan: ....
Stan: Stan winces and holds his head.

Charon: looks at Stan "X was also an old comic...and another old band."

Stan: Stan.
Stan: BRO3886.

Rosebud: stretches her arms up then takes her backpack off and heads for the door. "I'm going for a walk outside if anyone wants me." She smiles at him, then frowns faintly, not so much it shows through.

Stan: me Stan.

Charon: ....BRO3886?

Charon: You have to be a cyborg

Stan: No...
Stan: For the last time, I'm not really a cyborg.
Stan: I don't know what I am.
Stan: I'm just not a cyborg.

Charon: ...BRO3886....hmmm..

Stan: ....

Charon: looks at Rosebud "Oh if you hate calling me Sick Boy..."
Charon: call me Trent..

Stan: You can't see it due to my hair, but it's tattooed to the back of my head.

Charon: my full name is Trent Coughlan

Rosebud: peeks back around the door. "I like trent better than sick boy boy-o"

Stan: ....

Charon: ...fine Rosie-o..

Stan: Stan scratches his head weakly.

Charon: looks at Stan "can I see the tattoo?"

Rosebud: leans against the wall against the door. Tapping on her du, her goggles back down over her eyes. "I don't mind the names!" She calls over her shoulder.
Stan: No... I have hair now.
Stan: As you can see.

Charon: ...

Stan: Stan has eerily well-kempt hair for a wasteland walker.

Charon: ...Hmmm I might have a clue on what you are

Stan: Really? So do I.

Charon: ...but you said you didn't k now who you were...

Stan: I don't.
Stan: But I can make assumptions as to WHAT I am.
Stan: But I'm curious. What do you think?

Rosebud: picks her stuff up and heads for the residential areas to get herself a room

Charon: ...One of the band members long ago said the government did experimentations on people...I thought he was crazy but he was a conspiracy theorist...
Charon: maybe you're a experiment during the wars or something...
Charon: are you done with the food? I have to clean up...

Stan: Yeah.
Stan: Stan takes his plate to the kitchen and begins to wash.

Charon: takes the rest and helps out...
Charon: I wonder if there is a shower around here..

Stan: There should be shower facilities in the southern North-East restrooms on the first floor.
Stan: Have you checked there?
Stan: I mean, all the plumbing is there...
Stan: Stan continues to wash dishes.

Charon: not yet
Charon: continues helping

Rosebud: moves out of her room and heads for the forward doors. She steps outside and looks up at the sky.

Charon: goes off to wrap the chicken and store it...good for hot chicken sandwiches
Charon: continues helping with the dishes

Rosebud: puts her hands behind her head, leaning beside the doorframe and watching the storm

Charon: ahhh there...all done...

Stan: Phew.

Stan: Stan shakes off his hands.

Charon: grabs a towel and wipes his hands clean, he gives it to stan

Stan: ...thanks.
Stan: Stan wipes his hands.
Stan: Not used to such luxuries.
Stan: Raiders don't have stuff like this.

Charon: should we look around for showers?
Charon: that or check on Rosie

Stan: ....
Stan: Stan closes his eyes.

Rosebud: looks at the tracks in the sand and dust and frowns. "Hope the rain washes away everything. A raid wouldn't be good. Not untill after I can help Xiona get this place fully operational. That generator may need repairs." She's just mummering to herself

Stan: Stan snaps awake with a surprised look on his eyes.
Stan: I'll be right back.

Charon: ...Okay...
Charon: I'll look for Rosie then..

Rosebud: leans her head back against the wall, watching the rain and lightning.

Stan: Stan runs through the dining room, grabbing his staff and slinging it on his back, then sprints out the front door.
Stan: Stan closes his eyes.

Rosebud: looks over and frowns as she sees stan leave. "Hey! Vash! where're you going!"

Charon: follows and watches stan

Stan: Stan doesn't hear you, as he is already sprinting off to the east.

Charon: runs out and follows
Charon: stops at Rosie
Charon: looks at her "where is he going?"

Rosebud: Wonder where he's going.
Rosebud: Like he'd tell me. I don't trust him. He reeks of raiders.

Stan: Stan is out of sight in the stormy night.

Rosebud: narrows her eyes a bit. "I have a feeling he'll be back though. Weather he comes with friends or not I'm not sure. But I'm betting hell be back tonight.

Stan: *off in the distance, shots are fired*

Charon: ...Oh shit...
Charon: loads his assault rifle

Rosebud: looks at him. "What? It's thunder."

Charon: I think it's gunshots...
Charon: find a way to turn on security systems of if possible...

Rosebud: Not that you can really tell in this storm.
Rosebud: I can't..
Rosebud: I can't get into the system. It's locked down tighter than a tick to a mongrel

Charon: aw shit...

Stan: *the gunfire becomes more rapid*

Rosebud: cants her head, listening. "Sometimes being a pureblood sucks."

Charon: ...go inside and lock everything...Protect Xiona. Okay?

Stan: *the gunfire is beginning to slow, until there is only a shot or two fired every few seconds*

Charon: runs to wards the gunfire

Rosebud: Are you kidding me? Lock Down? Lock myself in there and you out here? Sorry, not happenin' buck-o That's gunfire, and I'm not a warrior, but -you- don't have a first aide kit on you.

Charon: runs towards the gunfire
Charon: tries to keep himself undetected...

Stan: Stan sees Trent approach and waves him back.

Charon: hides in the bushes
Charon: tries to watch what is going on

Rosebud: stays were she is, right beside the door, watching out into the rain. "Can't be raiders."

Stan: Stan turns and fires a shell into the darkness.
Stan: *there is a scream*

Charon: turns the safety off

Stan: ....

Charon: way...

Stan: You can come out now. That was the last one.

Charon: HEY! You could of saved me some!
Charon: greedy twat!

Stan: Sorry, wasn't expecting you to show.
Stan: Thought you would have left me. I mean, I have been a bit suspicious, eh?
Stan: Stan grunts and grabs his side.

Charon: well you didnt' shot us on sight...
Charon: that kind of improves your karma

Stan: Heh heh...

Charon: walks to Stan

Stan: Stan coughs painfully

Charon: the fuck is a matter with your side?

Stan: Stan takes his hand off his side.
Stan: Shrapnel.
Stan: Bastards had a grenade.

Charon: damn...there might be medical stuff in the lab..

Stan: No need.

Charon: no need?
Charon: you probably have a piece of shrapnel up your ass!

Stan: Left lung.

Rosebud: waits, watching out. "Hope these two baka can find the way back, rain's washed away their foot prints

Stan: Stan grunts.
Stan: Got anything to eat?
Stan: Jerky or something?

Charon: ....
Charon: dude we just ate chicken..
Charon: you're still hungry?

Stan: Not really.
Stan: I... you'll see.

Charon: eh let's go back...
Charon: starts to walk
Charon: stops
Charon: wait...

Rosebud: not a cyborg and hasn't eaten in four months. he's a cybertron. there's not anyone else that can survive that long, look like that and -not- be

Stan: Huh?

Charon: ...let's look the raiders' bodies to see what they have

Stan: My thoughs exactly.
Stan: You take that group over there.
Stan: I'll check the bodies I snuck up on in the first place.

Charon: okay
Charon: I wish my jeep still had to fuel

Stan: Fuel?

Charon: well fuel cells

Stan: Hmm...

Charon: we could take whatever we find and load it on the jeep then drive back in

Stan: What size and type?

Rosebud: mutters, crossing her arms over her chest "Wish those two would get back soon"

Charon: fuel cells are standard now man...just fuel cells
Charon: they are usually hydrogen

Stan: Like this?
Stan: Stan pulls a small fuel cell from his front pocket.

Charon: yeah
Charon: hydrogen fuel cells...

Stan: I can get more of these.
Stan: Tomorrow.
Stan: Let's get back now.

Charon: well it would save Xiona some time...

Stan: I haven't slept in a while.

Charon: looks through the bodies
Charon: only guns here some drugs...should we take the guns?

Stan: Hide them in those bushes. We'll pick them up tomorrow.

Rosebud: First project.. radio and communication systems...
Rosebud: taps her foot in the mud

Charon: fine
Charon: does that

Stan: Rosie's probably worried about you by now.
Stan: Go ahead and tell her what happened, I'll catch up.

Charon: okay
Charon: runs off

Stan: Stan follows, limping but still quickly.

Charon: runs to Rosie
Charon: Rosie!

Rosebud: looks up. "There you are! I figured you'd been shot!"

Charon: No...
Charon: Stan took all of the raiders out
Charon: the bastard has a good shot...

Rosebud: I am SO going to work out a communication sta,... what?
Rosebud: and you left him behind?
Rosebud: grabs her backpack "Well? where is he?

Stan: Right here.
Stan: Stan hobbles into sight.

Charon: he needs help...

Rosebud: looks up and over. "You... idjit, you should have asked for help. Where were you hit?"

Stan: Twice in the left leg once in the right arm, shrapnel pierced my lung.
Stan: No matter.

Rosebud: blinks

Stan: Let me get at that chicken.

Rosebud: shit.. trent, help me get him inside
Rosebud: how in the world can you think of food?

Stan: You'll see.

Rosebud: how much do you weigh?

Charon: of course I'll help
Charon: helps

Stan: About 140, 150 maybe.
Stan: Thanks.
Stan: Stan struggles into the kitchen.
Stan: Where's the *cough cough*
Stan: Excuse me...
Stan: Chicken?

Rosebud: kicks a chair out "you. sit. trent, get him some food i'll work on cleaning these wounds out

Stan: No, I already did.
Stan: I just need food.

Rosebud: looks at him. She checks over the wounds anyway.

Charon: fine
Charon: runs to get the chicken...he washes his hands, ripping off a drumstick from the chicken and runs to Stan and gives it to him
Charon: here a drum stick

Stan: Thanks.

Rosebud: You really -are- like vash the stampede.. you know that?

Stan: Stan tears through the drumstick... a swarm of tiny nanobots covers his wounds. When they dissipate, his wounds are healed.
Stan: Phew.
Stan: Teach me to fight without an apple or something handy.

Charon: ...... o.o;

Stan: Anyways, I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.

Charon: ...errr wash your hands first
Charon: and throw away that drum stick..

Stan: ....
Stan: Stan looks at his hands.
Stan: Stan sighs.

Charon: well we gotta keep the place clean

Stan: Stan throws the bone away and washes his hands.

Charon: it may help Xiona feel better

Stan: Heh, alright.
Stan: Stan is barely awake.

Rosebud: shakes her head. She's in shock and surprise. She moves back a bit and after a curt nod she heads for the doors again

Stan: Night, both of you. Thanks for the help.

Charon: no problem

Stan: Stan walks out the front door.
Stan: Stan walks about 100 yards from the entrance, stops, and slams his staff into the ground.
Stan: Stan lays down and goes to sleep.

Charon: watches him "Does he know he can sleep in here?'

Rosebud: I don't know.
Rosebud: clenches and unclenches her fists.
Rosebud: And here I thought it was just science fiction.

Charon: looks at Rosie "What's your full name?"

Rosebud: Colleen Rosalia Buchannon
Rosebud: looks at the wall. She shakes her head slightly.

Charon: what's wrong?

Rosebud: Did you see his wounds?

Charon: yeah....

Rosebud: when they closed?

Charon: looks like Judah was right..

Rosebud: Judah?

Charon: another band member
Charon: the conspiracy theorist
Charon: saying the government experimented on people
Charon: he may be a guinea pig

Rosebud: leans back against the wall, she looks up at the ceiling. "Those aren't supposed to exist

Charon: shrugs
Charon: at least he is on our side

Rosebud: Oh.. I know they experimented on people. But that tech doesn't exist. It's not supposed to be possible

Charon: what...those things healing him?

Rosebud: nods
Rosebud: I have a pretty good idea what they were. Just about every hacker and science nut does.

Charon: tell me then oh great wise HAXX0r

Rosebud: Look, I don't know -who- came up with that imbilisic code, but it's the biggest load of crock in the world. It's Mouse. And I'll bet those were nanos.
Rosebud: cell-sized robots designed to do specific things, a host carries them where they 'live' out their programming

Charon: ...Mouse? I'm suppose to call you that?

Rosebud: some can 'eat' pollution, some are supposed to heal, some make particular AI's possible
Rosebud: no. But if you 're planning on calling me a hacker, that was my Hacker ID

Charon: oh
Charon: I'll just call you Rosie then..

Rosebud: I'd appreciate it, that's what my friends call me

Charon: but if I call you Mouse...Call me Sick Boy...Deal Mouse?

Rosebud: smirks
Rosebud: not on your life boy-o

Charon: ...why do you hate the Sick Boy name?

Rosebud: because it's annoying.. and it doesn't roll right or seem to fit you
Rosebud: besides it sounds more like an insult

Charon: it was from a old classic movie...more than 100 years ago I believe..

Rosebud: Never saw it

Charon: fine...just call me Trent's been awhile since someone did...

Rosebud: I like the name Trent

Charon: weird...that name also came from a old rock star too from what I hear...
Rosebud: chuckles
Charon: and there I was trying to be a rock star...

Rosebud: it's a real name

Charon: yeah it is actually...

Rosebud: shakes her head. "I'm going to research those nanos. See if I can find anything on them from the eagle
Rosebud: sighs lightly.
Rosebud: So.. what brought you here anyway?
Charon: from the eagle?

Rosebud: Yeah, kind of a pet name I gave the government database I took out of the military bases

Charon: what brought me here? about we go inside to talk about it...
Rosebud: I found some that were intact and picks out the hard drives and stuff, mostly out of curiosity

Rosebud: nods
Rosebud: Okay..
Rosebud: turns and heads inside

Charon: walks in, and lets the door close
Charon: hmm...should we sit in the dining room?

Rosebud: mpds

Charon: walks to the dining room and sits
Charon: I just wish the residents had beds instead of cots...
Charon: ahhh the good old days before the bombs...
Charon: want to know how I got here?

Rosebud: Well yeah

Charon: well I'll tell you the long story

Rosebud: Works for me.

Charon: You see I was still with the band and had with my parents
Charon: sure we were at war for a stupid reason but life was good...
Charon: then...when we were all at a friend's house...
Charon: a nuke struck New York City

Rosebud: nods

Charon: the bombs struck New York City...We were in shock obviously...
Charon: weird how fate friend had a bomb we all went underground to the shelter...cable, internet, beds...he invested a lot in too of course..

Rosebud: nods

Charon: then...while we were watching hour later...more bombs...then the nukes

Rosebud: listens

Charon: ...then the nukes hit our area...Niagara Falls...

Rosebud: nods slightly

Charon: was scary...

Rosebud: I can imagine

Charon: we had to stay underground for two days...
Charon: but we couldn't wait...
Charon: we had to go to the surface...
Charon: in some was dark and cold...others...a desert...
Charon: actually just a waste land
Charon: we took our spare clothes we took with us and some supplies with us...and we walked the land..
Charon: and found others eventually...
Charon: *sigh*
Charon: when we reached Niagra was nothing...
Charon: just rock...

Rosebud: nods

Charon: the beauty of the land was destroyed...
Charon: looks depressed now
Charon: good memories replaced by a nightmare...

Rosebud: nods again slightly

Charon: so we were able to find the military bunker...
Charon: got some good assault weapons...and the jeep...
Charon: and a hummer...and more weapons
Charon: so we drove out...

Rosebud: nods, listening

Charon: we gained people to join us...we eventually became a militia...from indy rock group to militia
Charon: we killed many... to defend others..

Rosebud: nods

Charon: but...I told them that I wanted to do some exploring...and meet them back at the town we were at in a month or so...
Charon: so I basically found this place...
Charon: when I ran out of gas..
Rosebud: chuckles and nods a bit

Charon: and found groupies! *Grins*

Rosebud: chuckles

Charon: even though one is an android I don't mind...
Charon: even though when I mentioned it to her it kinda angered her I think...

Rosebud: might've insulted her
Rosebud: she's still a person.

Charon: yes I know...but...
Charon:'s a old rock fantasy
Charon: booze, money and groupies

Rosebud: chuckles

Charon: hmmm...I wonder what would it be like the dirty with a hot looking android *grins*
Charon: maybe you and Xiona can join in on the action too *laughs*
Charon: it's just a big fantasy of when I get famous...
Charon: but that's impossible now..
Charon: yawns
Charon: I'm going to go to sleep now...
Charon: I'll ask Xiona about a shower tomorrow...
Charon: laters Rosie
Charon: gets up and walks to his room to sleep