Asuka: *works way to hard*
A-C: *Charle is still in her pod, recharging*
Asuka: *slumped against the table, eyes closed... she stayed up really late*
A-C: *The pod hisses and catches drop as Charle blinks her blue eyes open*
Asuka: mm... sleepy...
Asuka: Diamien... *she shifts a little, muttering*
A-C: *Charle looks about* "Administrator?"
Asuka: *shes resting her head against the keyboard*
Rose: walks out of the residential area and stretches, heading for the kitchen
Rose: Raiders, nanos, little kids with guns... jeeze..
Rose: checks on her mead and scrapes it, then stirs it and covers it again
A-C: "Administrator?" *She steps out and looks about the place, her eyes with a green tint*
Rose: makes herself a sandwich. While eating it she heads for the stairs to go check on Xiona.
Asuka: *mutters* uhh...
Rose: Something.. about a lab..
Rose: O1.. that was the one she went to last night...
Rose: heads for lab 01
Rose: Charle should be recharged too.
Asuka: *she falls outta the chair*
Rose: knocks on the door. "Charle?"
A-C: *Charle hears her name and makes her way towards it*
Rose: Charle? Is Xiona in there?
Asuka: *sleeping on the floor, now, hah*
A-C: *Charle opens the door* "Rosie" *Charle nods to her*
Rose: pushes her goggles up onto her head and folds the mouthpiece. She smiles to Charle. "Morning Charle. How do you feel?"
A-C: "Amply Recharged. How are you?"
Asuka: *she rolls over, metallic arm clanking against the floor softly* mmm... Diamien.....*she smiles softly*
Rose: I'm alright We got a new guy in last night after you went for a recharge. And there were some raiders nearby. I wanted to ask Xiona about setting up a communications unit here so that we can keep up with people who go outside the building.
Rose: looks past Charle and shakes her head. "We should probably get her somewhere more comfortable than the floor."
A-C: *Charle looks to Xiona* "A bed would be ideal"
Rose: nods. "She have a bed down here? Or up in the residential area?"
A-C: "She has a place of rest in the residential area"
Rose: nods. "Want help moving her?"
Rose: The rain stopped early this morning, it's a little wet outside, but if you want to, I'm going out to look and see whats left of the raiders that Vash and Trent got."
A-C: "Vash and Trent...status=New users"
Rose: Trent is "Sick Boy
Rose: change his identification name. Vash's real name is Stan. He's the new guy I told you about.
Rose: He was asleep outside last I saw. Don't ask me why, I guess he didn't want to come in out of the rain. Let's get Xiona to a bed. Then, if you want to help, I'm going to scavenge around for a radio base and some radios.
Rose: after that, I want to see about what the boys left out there.
Rose: Charle, do you know anything about nanotech?
Rose: Cellular-sized and based robotics?
A-C: *Charles eyes flicker a moment* "Data banks reveal nothing of Nanotech"
A-C: "Have you nanotech, Rosie?"
Rose: No
Rose: But I think a friend of ours does.
A-C: "Administrator? You think administrator has nanotech?"
Asuka: *she sits up, shaking her head, obviously worn out by the sound of her voice* oh... morning...
A-C: "Good morning administrator"
Asuka: *shakes her head a little more, standing with the wall's help* morning...
A-C: "Administrator is having trouble attaining verticality...does she require assistance?"
Asuka: *she laughs* I'm okay... just... tired is all...
A-C: " must recharge more, this cannot be good for your systems"
Rose: looks over at Xiona (sorry insurance company being jerks)
Asuka: Yes, but...
Rose: No buts Xiona.
Rose: If you're not careful, I'll get Charle to make sure the lab is locked after she goes to recharge.
Rose: Sleeping at the console isn't healthy for you.
Asuka: I... fine... *she sighs*
Asuka: *she could decode the lock, anyway.* I'll go rest.
A-C: *Charle nods* "Excellent, Administrator"
Rose: smiles some. "Good. Xiona, is it alright if i set up a communications system in the building and for outside excursions?"
Asuka: *she nods* go ahead... use lab 02 if you need it, the code is 83446751.
Rose: eight four three three six seven five one?
A-C: "Negative. Code number eight three four four six seven five one"
Rose: picks up her pdu and taps on it. "Oh.. "She blushes and smiles. "Sorry, numbers went a little fast.."
Rose: Thanks.
Asuka: *she smiles* Charle, let her in, will you? *she stands, looking around, before sitting back in the seat, typing a little more, the main screen goes blank*
Rose: looks to Xiona. "Oh, and when you get up again tonight.. I wanna ask you something okay?"
A-C: "I can assist with any enquiry you have"
Asuka: hmm? okay...
Asuka: No, Charle, its okay...
Rose: smiles to Charle "It's about the nanotech."
A-C: "Understood" *she nods*
Asuka: Nanotech? hmm.. *she rubs her dry eyes with her right hand, yawning*
Rose: smiles a bit and steps out of the lab. "Yeah, a new guy we got in last night during the storm.. I think he has nanos inside of him."
Asuka: I'll see what I can do.. not very experienced in the field, but I know the basics.
Rose: nods. "Works." She turns and looks around for lab two. "Oh, and Can I have a crack at that restricted area you were talking about? Without being turned into swiss cheese I mean."
A-C: "Rosie is capable of metamorphosis?"
Asuka: You can try, but even my TechMagic cant break the lock codes, I doubt that laptop will.
Asuka: Its an expression.
Rose: blinks and laughs
A-C: "an analogy?"
Rose: chokes and chuckles. "Sorry, it's just, like she said. And besides, I got the grage open, maybe I can get the area open."
Rose: Something like that, yeah.
Asuka: I've gotta get some rest before I fall over dead.. Charle.. give me a hand...
Rose: chuckles to herself and heads for the second lab to do some building
A-C: *Charle nods* "How do you need assistance, Administrator?"
Asuka: Walk with me to a room, to make sure I don't fall asleep on the way *she laughed a little, yawning afterward*
A-C: "I shall accompany" *she nods*
Rose: inputs the code and grins at seeing the lab. "Wow... tech treasure." She leaves the door open and looks around. "I think next is that warehouse garage whatever thing."
Rose: is just kinda talking to herself in lab-02
Asuka: *gets walked to a room to sleep at last, heh, poor tired scientist*
A-C: "Do you wish to be awoken after a period of time?"
Charon: still sleeps...
Asuka: *she shakes her head* no.. I'll get up on my own...
A-C: "Understood." *she turns and leaves*
Asuka: *curls up, removing her shoes, coat, and glasses*
A-C: *Charle makes her way to lab 02*
Rose: finds a good chair and smiles. "Real padding for once. Nice." She pushes the chair a bit and moves around the lab making sure everythings in working order. "Sweet! Holy.. this is niiiice" She smiles to herself. "I think I'll really like it here."
A-C: *Charle reaches the lab and quickly taps in the code 8-3-4-4-6-7-5-1 and as the door opens she steps inside* "Can I be of assistance?"
Rose: looks over at Charle. "Sure, This laboratory is great though. There's just about everything I could ever think of in here. The military bases weren't anywhere close to this, they're.. broom closets compared to this."
Rose: smiles. "This is a -really- nice robotics lab, I found my second home." She smiles broadly. "Want to come with me to check out the warehouse Charle?"
A-C: "I shall accompany you, Rosie"
Rose: smiles. "I think that warehouse will have the parts I need. I'm not wiring up a huge area, just a few radios." She smiles and heads out.
A-C: "There will surely be enough communications equipment in this room"
Rose: nods. "We'll start simple though. At least until I can improve a few things." She walks up the stairs and heads for the warehouse.
A-C: *Charle obediently follows*
Rose: opens up the warehouse and looks around. "Woah.... Mechas.."
Rose: whistles. "That's a little bit of disrepair. Don't you think Charle? Think we'll find some pilot's gear and radios?
Rose: Think any of them work?
A-C: "There will most certainly be some communication equipment here. they will need repairing I am sure, but they will be in here"
Rose: rolls the sleeves of her bdu's back and makes sure her hair is tied back. "Look at all of this.. I bet we could fix these..."
Rose: We could fix these suckers up and then we wouldn't have to worry about raiders at all.
Rose: smiles to herself and moves to the closest mecha. She looks up at it. "Lets see... where's the power sources on these big guys?"
Rose: reaches into her pockets and pulls out her gloves. A pair of fingerless gloves and provide enough protection to her hands for her to work. She looks around. "Let's see.. AH-HA!" She moves for the cockpit, climbing and trying to get inside it to turn the big bot off.
Rose: pops her fingers and finally gets the mecha turned off. She climbs out of the 'pit and looks under the armour itself. "Wow.. look at that. These things have to be some of the most sophisticated things in the world. These hydraulics are amazing."
Rose: climbs down and to where the cables are hanging off. "Okay.. That looks like a power line, keep away from that.. Alright you metal monster... where's your brains and how badly are they scrambled?"
Rose: Wonder if there's a manual for these things or not.
Rose: moves around on the mech and reconnects a few of the cables. Her goggles slide back into place over her eyes. "Alright voice command active, scan this mecha for source of power problems, fried circuitry, and broken information relays."
Rose: This.. is going to take a while.
Rose: climbs down the mecha and sits on some old scaffolding. "There's gotta be some mechanical marvels around here to fix these bad boys.
Rose: looks around
Rose: Wonder if Trent wants to help me out with this little project. He'd probably be impressed.
Charon: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Rose: moves around, collecting some of the tools she'll need to do some basic repairs to the computer systems in the cockpit.
A-C: "Can I assist, Rosie?"
A-C: is now known as A-C
Rose: looks up and over. "Yeah, want to run a diagnostic on this mech do we can see just how much it'll take to get him running again?
Charon: gets up and looks around his room...maybe there is a clock somewhere..
Rose: my scanners aren't -that- good, but I do know where the power's not getting to. The problem is getting to that spot without taking too much of the armouring off.
Charon: <Trent> *Yawn*
Charon: * Trent/Sick Boy/Whatever grabs a towel and runs off to find the showers
A-C: *Charle nods before taking a plate of the Mechs Leg. she holds up a hand and a small arrangement of 5 pins stick out of her palm, which she puts into the Mech and begins analysing, her eyes turning green*
Rose: neat trick
Rose: smiles and climbs back up the scaffolding and into the cockpit. She starts to work on the main computer system, making sure what works and what doesn't
A-C: *Charle says nothing, simply looking determined*
Charon: eventually finds the showers and well takes a shower :P
Rose: climbs under the console, running internal diagnostics
Stan: was nowhere to be found this morning. He apparently left before everyone else woke up.
Stan: left a fuel cell and a small, hastily scribbled map in the kitchen.
Rose: How's it look from your point Charle?
Asuka: *asleep in a room.. and she needs it*
A-C: "The wiring is incorrect, almost completely gone"
Charon: walks out of the shower drying himself...also finding other stuff in there to improve his hygiene...
Charon: finishes up and gets dressed, he walks to his room, throws his towel over a chair and grabs his rifle and ammo belt
Charon: walks around, looking for them
Charon: Rosie!? Charle?!
Charon: walks around looking for them
Rose: "I can fix that, can you pinpoint where the wires aren't connected?
Rose: I might be able to fix it from up here
A-C: *Charle turns, hearing the voice* "Trent is coming"
Charon: walks to whereever they are
Rose: keeps working on the computer connections under the computer
Charon: walks in "Hey Charle, Rosie...H..holy crap..."
Charon: looks around
Rose: 6 it's a three story arehouse filled wit mechs and their equipment
Charon: ...Do I get to ride in one of those?
A-C: " you need my assistance?"
Rose: Yeah, I need some fifty pin connecter cables and a few gig processer, this one's shot!
Charon: looks at Charle "Charle. What is she doing?"
A-C: "Salvaging some form of communication equipment"
Charon: communications? Why?
Charon: shouldn't we keep this place mostly a secret or something?
A-C: "It will only be for only us I believe"
Charon: Ah...
Charon: did you got a good rest or whatever?
Rose: I'm working on security and on some radios. I don't want a repeat of last night
A-C: "Affirmative, I underwent satisfactory regeneration"
Rose: is sitting in the cockpit of the mech
Charon: that's good...I'm going to talk to Rosie...
Charon: walks to Rosie, whatever path he takes
Charon: What weapons do these mechs have?
Rose: leans back inside, her head under the console. "Not sure yet.."
Rose: I'll work on that after I get it out.
Charon: what else did you find in here?
Rose: so far.. a pretty decent communications array, and there's some basic power here
Rose: I could probably relocate some raiders with this
Rose: grins and leans out. "The hydraulics are great and this thing is really strong.
Charon: hmmm...Stan would have a good time taking them out...
Charon: hmmm...speaking of which...I'll wake him up
Rose: Yeah, but Im not sure he likes mechs
Charon: I'll find him...
Charon: walks out of the warehouse and towards the front door
Rose: climbs out and slides down the scaffolding
Charon: walks to where Stan is lying down to sleep
Rose: There. Think we should try him out?
Charon: walks around
Charon: weird...he was here yesterday..
Charon: walks back into the warehouse
Charon: Hey Rosie! Have you seen Stan?
Rose: Nope
Charon: wasn't he laying on the ground last night?
A-C: *Charle moves to another Mech and analyses it before she easily rips off one of the panels, putting it on the floor next to her and reworking some circuits"
Rose: How's that one work?
A-C: "Repairable...I am running an in depth diagnostic now"
Charon: err...
Charon: sees that they are clearly busy
Charon: I'll go to the kitchen..
Charon: you want anything Rosie?
Rose: Sandwich and water?
Charon: errr...if I find the stuff for a good sandwich..
Charon: walks out
Charon: nods towards Charle before walking out to the kitchen
Charon: walks inside the kitchen
Charon: looks around
Stan: ~There is an overturned pot laying on the counter~
A-C: "Rosie...what is it to eat?" *she works more on the circuitry*
Rose: Pardon?
A-C: "To is it?"
Rose: Oh
Rose: smiles. "It's when you get a power boost with food
Charon: ...
Charon: turns off safety and takes out the cartridge "hmmm...a few good shots left..."
Charon: puts it back in..
Charon: turns over the pot, with the gun pointing at whatever is under it
Rose: It's a thing carbon-bases do. It's just a quick power boost
Stan: ~Under the pot is a fully charged fuel cell and a map.~
A-C: "I have never eaten...I do not think that I can"
Rose: you might can, I'm not sure.
Charon: what the...
Charon: turns safety on and puts the rifle over his shoulder again
Charon: looks at the map
Stan: ~The map was very hastily written on a scrap of paper. It shows a small box with the word "here" written next to it, a line going Northeast with "25 miles" written next to it, and a small circle at the end of the line.~
Charon: ....
Charon: takes the fuel cell and map..
A-C: "How can you be sure if I can eat or not?"
Charon: runs back into the mech warehouse
Rose: Ask Xiona
Charon: Rosie!
Charon: runs to her
Charon: look at this! Look at this!
A-C: *Charle busily works on the mech*
Charon: shows her the map
Rose: looks at it
Rose: frowns a bit
Rose: who's is that?
Charon: no idea. I think it's Stan though...he said he'll give me a fuel cell and i found one under the pot with this...
Charon: I'm going to this location, okay?
Charon: if I don't come back, get these mechs up and running and go to this location okay?
Rose: frowns
Rose: We have one that's nearly done. Just getting a few more cables connected and getting her powered up
Charon: well I'm still going to go..
Charon: I'm too curious
A-C: "This one will take much longer" *she doesnt look away as she works* "Estimated time until repair is complete...2 days 8 hours"
Rose: Okay
Rose: blinks
Rose: What's wrong with it Charle?
Charon: ....
Charon: should I give you the map?
Rose: Yeah
A-C: "The circuitry. I can easily repair it, but it will take time"
Rose: nods
Charon: damn I wish I had a electronic map system...
Charon: hey you think you can copy this location into one of the mech systems?
Rose: nods
Rose: I can copy it into my pdu
Charon: gives it to her
Rose: takes it she looks at it a bit. "Eagle, scan into the databanks"
Rose: waits a moment and smiles, her goggles flash once and dhs hands the map back
Rose: that.. is kinda hurriedly done.. where do you think he went?
Charon: I dunno...let's just hope it's not raiders...
Charon: I'm going now...
A-C: "I shall remain here...and continue to work"
Charon: looks at Charle "Good idea...One of you two may need to stay to protect Xiona just in case..."
Charon: I'm out...
Charon: runs out
Rose: looks to Charle. "You should stay, you have better senses and can do a better job of holding the fort."
Charon: runs into the warehouse and loads the fuel cell into the jeep.
Charon: jumps in and starts the jeep..he moves slowly towards the door so they can open up, he floors it to the map location...
Charon: is glad this is a 6-speed manual transmission...
Charon: of course goes as fast as he can in the straight line...speed...the jeep should do more than 140 MPH at least...
Rose: climbs back up into her mech and starts reconnecting the cables. "Hey Charle, can you tell how much power is in this big guy?"
Charon: damn Judah...bastard of course takes the hummer that prick...
Charon: mumble mumble other stuff
A-C: "Power?"
Rose: How much energy does this thing have? So I know how much it needs to charge before I can take it out for a test run
Stan: ~In the distance, still several miles away, Trent sees a thick cloud of dust, but it begins to dissipate~
Charon: slows down...pressing the brake as light as possible...
Charon: applies more pressure as the car slows down, and finally to a halt
Charon: looks at the thick cloud of dust...and waits for it to dissipate..
Charon: turns the safety off of the gun reasons :D
Stan: ~The dust has cleared enough for you to make out a single figure with two boxes of some sort on either side, but he is still a distance away~
Charon: starts to drive towards the figure...
Charon: checks out to see who it is
Stan: ~You see a guy in a trenchcoat with a staff slung across his back~
Stan: holds up a hand.
Charon: ....that bastard..
Charon: drives up to him and stops
Charon: what the hell is going on Stan?
Stan: Hey. Just wanted to pick up a few things of mine.
Charon: liiiiike?
Stan: Thanks for showing up, because NOBODY want to drag those things across the desert.
Stan: gestures to the two large, steel crates.
A-C: *Charle looks up* "Diagnosis shows...full power" *she nods*
Charon: ...what's in there?
Stan: ....
Stan: Toys.
Stan: Anyways, your gun uses standard rifle ammo, correct?
Charon: ooohhh is there a Tickle Me Elmo in there?
Charon: *pointing at the crates obviously*
Stan: A wha?
Charon: ....ancient technology
Rose: smiles and climbs into the cockpit. "Okay.. Charle there should be a raido base in the one you're working on.
Charon: now...I wonder if they can fit in the back of the jeep..
Stan: They aren't much bigger than big luggages.
Stan: They'll fit.
Charon: okay
Stan: If not, there's always the side seat.
Charon: moves stuff out of the way in the back of the jeep, like a hoslter with no gun, and extra clothes...
Charon: they can fit...
Stan: Good.
Stan: Let me load them.
Charon: drives up to the crates slowly then stops and puts on the parking brake...
Charon: jumps off and puts the small door down to the back...
Charon: need any help?
Stan: lifts both crates into the back. The jeep shakes violently when each one is loaded.
Stan: Got it.
Rose: turns her mech on. She then powers up everything to see what all is there. "Not bad."
Charon: ...Exactly what type of "toys" do you have?
A-C: *Charle looks to the panel*
Stan: All sorts.
Stan: You'll see.
Rose: I want to check the mech to mech communications first.
Stan: Anyways....
Charon: starts up the jeep
Stan: We'd better get going. I have some things I need to do at the lab.
Charon: no problem...
Charon: drives off...
Charon: goes all the way to 6th gear of course
Charon: you know you could tell us what's going on...I was afraid you might raid the raiders...
Charon: if they were near by..
Stan: ....speaking of that....
Stan: Got that map on you?
Charon: ....
Rose: Does it look like the radio is operational Charle?
Charon: yes...
Charon: hands it to him..
A-C: "Yes....barely"
Stan: See right here?
Charon: looks at it
Charon: what is it?
Stan: Points to a spot to the west of the lab.
Stan: About 50 miles.
Charon: ...why there?
Rose: nods to herself and climbs down. "Okay. Charle are you doing alright over there? I'm going to look for a main radio base to communicate with all of the mechs at once
Stan: A raider base of some sort....
Stan: Hold on a second.
Charon: ...
Stan: touches the side of his head behind his ear.
Stan: Hmm.
Stan: Never mind.
Stan: Anyways.
A-C: "I am fine." *she wires some more*
Stan: That base seems to be some sort of staging point, rather than a main base.
Charon: ...oh no....don't tell me that we are going to raid the place
Stan: No, we won't have to yet.
Stan: They don't know about you.
Charon: ...okay...
Stan: But, just in case...
Rose: nods and turns to look for a base.
Stan: points his thumb to the back.
Stan: I didn't know what kind of stationary defences you had, so I brought a few along.
Charon: okay...
Stan: closes his eyes.
Charon: What about the stash from last night?
Stan: Read my mind.
Stan: It is....
Stan: points.
Stan: There.
Rose: digs through a few boxes of stuff
Charon: okay..
Charon: drives towards the location, going full speed
Stan: We are only 1/4 mile away.
Charon: say...are you a ex-raider?
Stan: You can slow down a bit.
Charon: I don't wanna..
Stan: Hell no.
Stan: I create ex-raiders. I'm not one, though.
Charon: then what do you mean by "they don't know about you"? you kind of implied that you were one at one time...
Charon: slows down
Stan: I'm good at gathering information, when I need to.
Stan: Their radio channels aren't very well encrypted.
Charon: ...
Charon: um... here we are
Stan: Right.
Charon: steps on the brakes *Screeeech*
Stan: jumps out and heads for the bushes.
Charon: follows...
Stan: Hmm...
Stan: A few hunting rifles, an Assault, a shotgun or two...
Stan: takes the shotgun shells.
Charon: any booze or drugs?
Stan: No booze...
Stan: This one has a bit of heroin, but that's about it...
Stan: Just old stuff.
Charon: bah, depose of it
Charon: no shooting up drugs..
Rose: works with the oversized base. She looks around and sits herself on the foot of a powered down mech and starts putting the base into working order.
Stan: It'll go with the rest of what we don't need.
Stan: Anyways...
Stan: This one seems to be the leader, judging by his scarf.
Stan: What's this?
Charon: ...?
Stan: checks the leader's pack.
Stan: 's eyes widen.
Charon: what is it?
Stan: What the hell.... He doesn't even have the right gun to use these...
Stan: removes a cylinder, a few inches wide, from the pack.
Stan: These are rare. Damn rare.
Charon: what's that?
Stan: This was a good find.
Stan: Heh heh heh...
Charon: and that is...?
Stan: This is a clip for a Pancor Jackhammer.
Charon: are you bullshitting me?
Stan: I shit you not.
Stan: Too bad he doesn't have the actual gun... but then again...
Stan: Heh heh heh...
Charon: ...
Charon: can we go back into the jeep now?
Stan: begins to drag the bodies to a clearing.
Charon: grabs all of the weapons
Charon: puts them in the back...
Charon: do you have a flame thrower to set those on fire?
Stan: drops a small ball on the pile.
Stan: Lets go.
Stan: jumps in.
Rose: gets the base working. She powers it up and gets static
Stan: You might want to get away from that pile.
Charon: runs into the jeep and starts it up
Charon: floors it
Stan: yawns and cracks his knuckles.
Stan: ~Back at the clearing, a huge pillar of fire shoots into the sky.~
Charon: looks back
Rose: switches the channels. "okay, doing good.
Charon: looks forward at the wasteland
Charon: what grenade was that Stan?
Stan: touches the the side of his head again.
Stan: shakes his head.
Stan: Sorry?
Charon: what grenade was that Stan?
Stan: Not really a grenade.
Charon: then what was it?
Stan: It was a military experiment to make napalm usable by the infantry.
Stan: I didn't really work like napalm, so it was scrapped.
Stan: There's the lab.
Charon: ...didn't work?
Charon: works good enough to me
Stan: Yeah, me too.
Charon: drives into the warehouse where he parked the jeep yesterday...
Charon: steps on it and does a 360, jeep pointing at the garage door
Charon: stops the jeep right there
Rose: smiles and sets the radio to her mech frequency. Then she climbs up into the mech and powers it completely up.
Charon: enjoyed the ride Stanley boy?
Asuka: zzzz
Stan: Yeah.
Stan: jumps out.
Rose: Green across the board.
Rose: picks up her radio and tests it. "Testing, alright, hey Charle? Can you hear me alright on the base?"
Stan: grabs the side of his head.
Charon: what's wrong?
Charon: jumps out
Stan: says through the radio, "Got one working, eh?"
A-C: "Charle...reading you loud and clear"
Asuka: *but the noises will wake her. She sits up* what.. is that?
Stan: (From now on, when I communicate through radio, I will precede it by ::, ok?
Rose: <<::usually uses <r> or *R* or something like that>>
Rose: *R* Cool, I'll find the pilot personal radios and get them onto the frequency too once I find the pilot gear.
Charon: looks at Stan "What about the boxes?"
Stan: I got them. Go tell everyone we're back.
Charon: okay
Charon: walks to the mech lab
Stan: opens the back and unloads the crates.
Stan: slowly drags them outside... they leave deep trails in the sand.
Charon: follows and helps
Stan: Hmm... here's a good spot. They aren't going anywhere.
Charon: what are these? Turrets?
Stan: Toys.
Stan: walks off to the mech lab.
Charon: ....
Rose: climbs out of the cockpit and sits on the shoulder of the mech
Rose: Hey guys! Welcome back!
Charon: Stan...what the hell is in those things other than toys?
Stan: ....
Stan: You'll see. I'll unload them later.
Stan: They are in this building over here?
Stan: gestures to the warehouse?
Charon: yeah there
Charon: The mech warehouse
Charon: you like mechs?
Stan: Right.
Stan: ....
Stan: stops.
Rose: looks down. "Wow, the view from up here is great.
Stan: looks down and clenches his teeth.
Stan: No, I do not like mechs.
Stan: closes his eyes.
Charon: you mean you don't like the ones that attacks you
Charon: right?
Stan: doesn't answer.
Stan: continues to walk.
Charon: umm...shit...err...Stan...Go into the kitchen, maybe you can make us omlettes or something...I'll tell them about you hating mechs...
Charon: okay?
Stan: I'm fine.
Rose: climbs down from the mech.
Stan: walks into the warehouse.
Stan: slowly looks around.
Charon: follows
Charon: We're back Rosie, Charle!
Rose: is sitting on the foot of the mech
Asuka: *she gets up, heading for the mech hangar*
Charon: runs to Rosie but whispers something in her ear
Charon: <W>Stan hates mechs.
Rose: I know
Rose: I could tell before.
Charon: oh
A-C: "Hello"
Stan: calls from across the room, "I could have told her that, you know."
Stan: Hello...
Stan: Oh. You must be the android.
Asuka: *she steps inside, her right hand around the wrist of her mechanical arm, rubbing* wow....
Rose: chuckles
Stan: Morning.
Stan: nods.
Asuka: Morning... *she runs her real ahnd back through her hair* Rosie.. did you do all this?
Charon: runs to Xiona "Heyo"
Stan: grabs his face with one hand and grimaces.
Rose: looks over and nods.
Rose: Yup, Charle and I did it
Asuka: *she looks at Charle* wow.. how many are operational?
Stan: mumbles, "I'll just have to live with it."
Stan: wordlessly walk back outside to the crates.
A-C: "Administrator! One mech is operational, I am working on this second one now"
Rose: One so far... She says that one she's working on will take a couple of days
Charon: looks at Xiona since he is standing next to her "How was your sleep?"
Asuka: *she goe sover to it, examining it* I like this one... It was great, thank you, Boy-O.
Stan: walks up to the nearest crate and places his palm against the side.
Charon: errr...if you don't like the nickname Sick Boy call me Trent if you like
Stan: User logon.
Charon: my real name is Trent Coughlan...
Stan: B-R-O-3-8-8-6
Asuka: Okay, Trent.
Charon: looks around "Hey where did Stan go?"
Stan: 06A computerized voice from the box chimes, "User name accepted. Please input password."
Rose: looks over
Stan: touches the side of his head.
Rose: stands and heads the way she saw Stan leave.
Charon: looks at Rosie "Where are you going now?"
Stan: The box chimes, and then emits a huge *bang*. The top flies off.
Asuka: *she looks at Charle* I'm glad everyone is getting along...
Charon: looks at Xiona "excuse me for a moment.."
Charon: runs out to where the bang came from
Stan: All four sides fall to the ground.
Asuka: okay.
Charon: runs to where Stan and possible Rosie is at
Stan: Inside the box, there are four smaller, suitcase-like boxes. It is doubtful that even two of them could have fit inside the crate.
Charon: ...
Charon: what the hell is that?
Stan: Damn, these things are useful.
Stan: A very advanced piece of technology.
Stan: An interesting side effect of teleportation experiments before and during the war.
Stan: It breaks things down into atoms and packs them together as tightly as possible.
Stan: When the correct username and nanokey are input, they reconstruct the contents.
Charon: ...what if two people go into the transporting thingy at the same time?
Charon: do they get blown up?
Stan: Transporting thing?
Stan: First, it's storage.
Stan: Second, no, life can't survive being torn to atoms. That's why we don't have teleporters all over the place instead of vehicles.
Charon: errr...
Charon: nevermind
Stan: Need any ammo for your rifle?
Charon: sorta...I use armour piercing ammo
Stan: Good deal.
Asuka: *she goes up and sit son her too-be mechs shoulder* hmm.. high up here..
Stan: opens one of the cases.
Stan: throws Trent a medium-sized backpack.
Stan: That enough for now?
Charon: looks inside
Charon: oohh yeah..
Stan: removes the other packs from the case, revealing a weapon that looks like a deformed shotgun.
Stan: drops the pack from his back and opens it.
Charon: looks at Stan
Charon: ...what kind of weapon is that?
Stan: opens the pack and takes out one of the cylinders.
Stan: 20 guesses.
Charon: actually had a pancor on you?
Stan: Not ON me, per se, but at my.... place.
Stan: Anyways, time for field testing.
Stan: slides the cylinder into the slot on the front.
Charon: hat weapon is that?
Stan: sighs.
Stan: You just said.
Stan: Anyway, I'll see you later.
Stan: heads out into the wasteland.
Asuka: *sits there on the mech's shoulder*
Stan: In the distance six shots are heard in quick succession. A few minutes later, a single pistol shot is heard.
Charon: ....
Charon: eh he's alright
Asuka: *she looks up* What is... Raiders? *she looks at Charle* Wide range life scanning.
A-C: "Scanning, administrator"
Stan: comes into view in the distance, dragging a dead buffalo with him.
Stan: changes his mind and drags the buffalo somewhere else.
Charon: walks back inside thinking that he is fine..
Stan: Off in the distance, another fire pillar can be seen.
Charon: ...he's fine
Charon: walks into the mech lab
Charon: walks to Charle "Need any help?"
A-C: "Can you help with electronics?"
Charon: errr...not sure
Stan: Phew
Stan: returns to the boxes and opens another case.
Charon: what kind of electronics is it?
Stan: begins to set up a large tent.
A-C: "Wiring and such" *she continues busily fixing the mech*
Stan: drags his cases into the tent.
Stan: mumbles to himself, "Better get this one opened, too."
Stan: places his palm on the other crate.
Charon: err...not really...sorry Charle...
Stan: User logon.
Stan: B-R-O-3-8-8-6
Stan: touches the side of his head.
Stan: ~The top of the second crate flies off with the same bang. The walls fall the same way. In this crate are seven smaller cases, along with two large cases.~
Stan: drags the cases into his tent.
Stan: dusts himself off, and heads for the mech warehouse.
Charon: err I'm going to the kitchen, laters Charle...
Stan: nods as he passes Trent.
Charon: walks out and nods to Stan
A-C: "Goodbye Trent" *she continues working like...well, a machine"
Stan: silently steps into the warehouse, sits by the wall next to the door, and closes his eyes.
A-C: *Charle notices Vash and looks to him* "Identify"
Stan: Huh?
Stan: Oh.
Stan: You are the android, right?
A-C: "Affirmative....Identify"
Stan: Heh...
Asuka: Yes. Charle is an android.. *approaches, as she hops from the shoulder of the mech to the third floor*
Stan: Whatever. Call me Stan.
Stan: Oh. Hello.
A-C: "Heat signature identified...user=stan"
Stan: It can detect my heat signature?
Stan: ...amazing.
A-C: *Charle seems a little put out by 'it' but she turns and resumes her wiring*
Stan: Er, sorry.
Asuka: *she stretches, both her mechanical arm and the real one, the two look an awful lot alike, apparently Charle was modelled after her*
Stan: scratches his head.
Stan: shrugs and closes his eyes again.
Charon: decides to make some omelettes...but what to put in them...
Asuka: *she goes over to Charle* How are you?
Charon: thinks hmmm...maybe some left over chicken...cheeseand red and green peppers...oh and onions too..
A-C: "Functioning adequately, Administrator...but I have an enquiry"
Charon: hmm...yeah .... omelettes!
Charon: gets to work on making four big omelettes since Charle doesn't eat
Asuka: *she blinked, and shook her head, thinking* ...Call me Xiona... Whats the question?
A-C: "Am I able to eat?" *she continues working like a woman possessed*
Asuka: *she nods* yes, you are. Your systems are designed to simulate that of a human body, although the food will be processed and turned to electricity.
A-C: "So I can request food and eat it without fear of malfunctioning?"
Stan: 's eyes snap open.
Asuka: Correct. *she sits beside her, looking at her*
Rose: slips back into the mech warehouse and heads for "her" mech
Charon: starts to whistle while he cooks
Charon: whistles to Ozzy of course :D
Rose: looks over at stan and walks toward him. "You're from the government files. Aren't you?" She asks quietly and picks up a multi-tool and a radio
Asuka: Hey, Charle... do you know whats wrong with this mech? *she shows her the mech that she had been sitting on, earlier*
Stan: scratches his head.
Stan: Am I?
Rose: shrugs. "That's why I asked." She looks toward Xiona "How's it going?!" She calls out
Asuka: Just fine!
Stan: ....
Rose: sits down on 'her' mech's foot and works on the raido. "Do you know what it is that heals you?"
Stan: Nanobots.
Stan: They do more than heal me.
Stan: I know that much.
A-C: "Administrator...the wiring is broken. I am repairing as fast as I can"
Rose: What all have you tried to do with them?
Stan: I don't know where they came from, or exactly how I use them.
Stan: ....
Stan: They modify my senses, my sight, my smell, my hearing, my strength....
Stan: When I close my eyes, I can use them as a sort of radar...
Stan: There is a radio, a direct comlink....
Rose: listens and nods. "Any frequency?"
Stan: I am invisible to radar and MOST heat signature trackers....
Stan: looks at Charle.
Stan: Any frequency.
Stan: I can scan and find anything on the air, and hack into it, if need be.
Rose: frowns looking at the board in the radio and reconnecting a few broken points in the receiver. "That's quite a talent."
Stan: ....
Stan: closes his eyes again.
Asuka: I said call me Xiona... *smiles* thank you, Charle...*pats her shoulder, and turns to face the others*
A-C: "You will always be processed as administrator" *she frowns*
Asuka: *she sighs, and looks at Charle*
Stan: ....
Stan: sighs. A single tear slides down his cheek. He wordless ly gets up and walks outside.
Rose: looks over and stands, she follows Stan out. "I'm sorry."
Stan: Huh?
Stan: wipes his eye.
Stan: For what?
Rose: bringing up painful memories.
Stan: Oh, no, it wasn't you.
Rose: mind if I sit?
Stan: Don't worry.
Stan: Go ahead.
Rose: No, it was probably the Mechs.
Stan: ....
Rose: I noticed last night your reaction to being told there was a mech warehouse here.
Asuka: *she looks at Charle* Charle... do you... want?
Charon: continues cooking, having left over ingredients just in case people want seconds...but these damn things are big...
Stan: ....
A-C: "Do I want what?"
Asuka: *she shakes her head, looking down* Oh... Nothing... I love you, Daughter...*she stands, exiting the Mech hangar*
Stan: sighs and turns to Rosie.
Stan: I'm going for a walk.
Charon: washes his hands and puts the omelettes out on plates and on the table with knives and forks
Rose: Want company?
A-C: *Charle stops working, though does not look away from the circuitry*
Stan: No thanks. I need to think.
Asuka: *she's going down to B1, toward the Lab*
Charon: walks
Stan: walks off to the west.
Charon: Xiona? *looks at her*
Stan: stops and looks back at the lab, then takes off running.
Rose: frowns a bit and watches him go. She jogs after him, curious
Asuka: *she punches in her code, and goes into Lab 01, wiping her tears away on her sleeve. She moved over, slipping into the chair in front of the huge computer*
Charon: goes up to the mech lab...
Charon: Rosie? Charle? still here?
Stan: stops and looks back.
Stan: Hmph.
Stan: continues, walking this time.
Rose: keeps jogging
A-C: *Charle looks to the boards, an expressionless look on her face* "I am present"
Asuka: *sitting there, what shes doing, no one will know till they look*
Charon: oh...Charle...Where are the others?
Charon: I made food for them..
A-C: "Stan left to jog...Rosie followed. Administrator is..."
Stan: stops again and turns around.
Stan: calls back, "Rosie, go home. Dinner's ready."
Charon: Hmmm...I have to tell them that I made omelettes for them...except for you of course since you're a android...
A-C: "Administrator tells me I can eat"
Charon: really?
Charon: what would happen to the food then?
A-C: "I am told it would become electricity"
Stan: ....
Stan: turns back around and continues to walk.
Charon: you have go to the washroom after eating??
Charon: scratches his head...
A-C: *Charle turns to face him* "You really are a perverted young man"
Rose: smirks. "Don't mind, I have some food on me.
Charon: ......
Charon: I didn't mean anything like THAT...
Charon: it's just that I'm becoming more confused because you're the first android I know of that eats...
Charon: and stuff..
Stan: That's beside the point.
Charon: so the line of you being a android or a human is just fading so quickly...
Rose: Not Really. I'm curious about you.
Stan: ....
Stan: So am I.
A-C: "I have been told I am very human like. Though I assure you I am an android" *she smiles as the five pins appear from her hand and she plugs into the mech, scanning its systems*
Rose: I might can help you know.
Stan: Anyways, Trent went through all the trouble of cooking. Go eat. And, by the way, since Charle can apparently eat, let it... HER... have mine.
Charon: *sigh* forgive me for asking such a stupid question then...I'll make some food for you...
Rose: Come back to the base.
Charon: I have left over ingredients...
Stan: sighs.
Stan: I need to do something.
Stan: I'll probably be back later.
Charon: So...I'll call you when the food is ready...Good bye Charle...
Charon: runs out and to the kitchen to prepare the 5th omelette...
A-C: "Goodbye Trent" *Still with the scanning*
Rose: If you leave, I go with you
Stan: No. Please.
Stan: This is.... personal business.
Rose: looks at him. "You're in a clan now you know."
Stan: raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Charon: and green peppers...skinless chicken from last night...100% real ingredients
Rose: You came here right?
Stan: Yeah....
Stan: On accident....
Charon: whistles while cooking
Rose: You stuck around right?
Stan: ....
Rose: Helped protect the place right?
Rose: Means I owe you.
Stan: ....
Stan: looks at the ground.
Rose: Which means I'm not about to allow you to go and get hurt.
Stan: Wha?
Stan: Oh...
Stan: I see what you're thinking now.
Charon: finally finishes, washes his hands and puts the omelette on the plate and puts it on the table with a knife and fork
Rose: I have a feeling that that nanotech put some colourful characters on your trail. I don't want anything to happen.
Charon: runs up to the mech warehouse
Charon: Charle!
Stan: Colourful....
Stan: No, you have the wrong idea.
Rose: tell me?
Stan: There's a time for remembrance, and there's a time for revenge.
Stan: Now is the time for remembrance.
Stan: touches the scar on his left eyebrow.
Rose: nods
Rose: Don't forget to come back
Stan: Heh, won't be the first thing I've forgotten....
Rose: I don't like to leave open debts
Stan: ....
A-C: "Trent..." *she still works, still with an expressionless face*
Stan: turns and begins to walk again.
Charon: I made food for you Charle...
Rose: nods a bit and heads back toward the building
A-C: *Charle stops working and looks to him* "Thank you...this will be the first time I have eaten something..."
Stan: reaches the top of a large hill and looks at the scorched, battle torn valley below.
Charon: no problem...I may have to teach you how to use a knife and fork though.
Rose: walks, looking around herself as she does
A-C: "Would you?"
Charon: sure...
Stan: stands in front of a small makeshift cross... signifying an empty grave...
A-C: "Thank you" *she stands*
Stan: clenches his fist so tightly that blood begins to flow down his hand... Stan kneels in front of the cross and closes his eyes.
Charon: waits for Charle
Stan: Jen... its been a while.
A-C: *As Charle cannot take the initiative, she stands, waiting for Trent to move*
Charon: ..
Stan: I was going to come earlier but.... I found humans. Friendly humans.
Charon: walks out
Stan: I'm.... I'm going to stay with them.
A-C: *Charle follows Trent to the kitchen* "Will I eat now?"
Stan: They... accepted me. I'm one of them now.
Charon: if you want to...
Stan: They only live a few miles from here, so I can still visit... even more often than before.
Charon: points to a chair where the new omelette was made for her "sit there please..."
Rose: pauses and crouches down looking around
Stan: I still haven't got THEM back for you.... but someday...
Stan: Well, I won't be joining you for a while. Wait for when I do.
Stan: stands up, wipes his eyes, turns around, and sprints for the lab.
Charon: takes the seat beside Charle's seat
A-C: *sits*
Rose: meanders on. "Huh.. it's weird.."
Charon: takes the knife and fork and shows her how to hold them "Hold them like this..."
A-C: *Charle looks and mimics exactly*
Stan: detects Rosie on his radar, so he slows down to a quick walk.
Charon: shows her how to cut the food
Rose: shakes her head. She looks up at the sky. "I know you're up there Father."
Stan: ....
Stan: taps his head twice near his ear and kneels out of sight.
Charon: stabs the small piece of omelette with the fork "use the fork to lift the food into your mouth...put the food in your mouth...chew a few times then swallow it..."
Charon: shows her what he described
A-C: *Charle puts the food in her mouth* "mfchoo?"
Stan: swiftly and silently sneaks closer to Rosie, moving from scrub to scrub.
Charon: errr chew a few times using your mouth...then swallow the food...
Charon: keep your mouth close when you chew and try not to talk with your mouth full..
A-C: *Charle simply looks confused*
Rose: kneels down. She draws in the sand with a finger. "You hated that I became what I am." She places her hand flat on the ground "I didn't lead them... did I? You always said I left them. But I didn't
Rose: I couldn't help them any more than you could help Mother.
Charon: err...swallowing the food...errr...I dunno how to describe it...
Charon: but you use your teeth to break the food down...
Charon: then just swallow it..
Charon: thinks "this will be harder than I thought..."
A-C: *Charle chews the food a little, looking to Trent to see if she's doing it right*
Rose: looks up at the sky. She stays crouched down
Stan: ....
Rose: glances up. "I remember you though."
Rose: stands up again. "You're the only debt I left Papa. I never proved to you that I wasn't a disappointment or traitor." She sighs lightly and moves on back toward the building.
Stan: ....
Charon: just a little more Charle...
A-C: *She chews more, still looking to him*
Stan: watches Rosie walk off.
Charon: now you can swallow...
A-C: *Charle looks to him with a 'huh?' expression*
Charon: errr...
Charon: ...the food should go down your throat...
Stan: follows Rosie at a safe distance.
Rose: pauses and listens for a moment
Stan: continues to walk, less silent than before.
A-C: *"lk...ths?" *she makes an overemphasised swallowing motion*
Charon: err...sorta...
Charon: you don't have to force it down that much
Rose: looks behind her and frowns
A-C: "....a....strange sensation"
Charon:'s the food?
Rose: keeps going until the building is in view
Stan: stops.
A-C: "The...taste is peculiar. The feeling is odd...though I feel I have a little more energy...does all food do this?"
Charon: yes
Charon: well actually
Charon: all types of food have different tastes, texture and some gives you more energy than others
Charon: some can make you really tired though if the food is likeheavy
Rose: crouches down again and sighs
Stan: looks back one last time, and continues forward.
A-C: *Charle looks to him...she then looks at her plate and eats some more, swallowing again, though not as hard*
Charon: yeah that's it..
Charon: hmm...I wonder where Rosie and Stan is...
Rose: looks over her shoulder. "How long were you back there?"
Charon: starts to eat again, a bit slowly though
Stan: winces and doubletaps his ear again.
Stan: Eh?
Rose: How long were you back there?
Stan: Um, maybe 10 minutes, then I turned back. Why?
Charon: looks at Charle and stops eating "If the food tastes bad to you, I can make you something else..."
Rose: nods faintly.
A-C: "No...the food does not taste bad..."
Stan: ....I saw you crouching back there. Are you ok?
Rose: nods
Charon: nods "That's good.."
Stan: Uh, ok...
Rose: Saying... I just needed to listen to the world.
Stan: ....
Charon: hmmm..damn where are they? the food is getting cold...
A-C: "I do not know"
Charon: continues eating...he decides to stay
Rose: looks at Stan.
Stan: ....
Stan: stares at the ground.
A-C: "Shall we commence a search for them?"
Rose: heads inside
Charon: no. I'm sure they're fine
Charon: Stan has a deadly shot
Stan: doesn't move.
Charon: so they're bound to show up sooner or later
Rose: leans her back against the wall. " So in and eat Stan. Your nanotech needs the energy.
Stan: ....
A-C: *Charle says nothing but eats a little more*
Stan: I already ate yesterday. I'm fine.
Charon: eats at the same pace...
Rose: Go eat.
Stan: Go on, your food must be cold by now.
Rose: I'm not hungry.
Stan: sighs.
Stan: At least go tell them you are ok.
Rose: They shouldn't be worried about me. Why would they?
Stan: You left without saying where you were going.
Stan: Why wouldn't they?
Rose: looks at him. "Go tell them for me?
Stan: I was gonna ask you the same.
Charon: continues to eat until Charle is she won't be alone in this new experience for her
Rose: I asked first, and I doubt you play Ram-Sham-Bo
Stan: ....
Stan: Wish I knew what that was.
Rose: It's a little kid's game
Rose: Rock Paper Scissors
Stan: ....
Stan: sighs.
Stan: I just came this way to see that you got home safely.
Stan: And you're here.
Stan: So I'll be on my way.
A-C: "I thank you, Trent...I have cooked many times before...for administrator, though I have not yet tasted my food"
Stan: turns to the northeast and begins to walk.
Charon: looks at Charle "Maybe I can try your cooking someday..."
A-C: "Indeed" *she nods*
Stan: stops a few hundred yards from the lab.
Stan: looks at his right hand. It had begin to heal naturally.
Stan: sighs again and sits.
Rose: watches the sky. "I miss the trees."
Charon: I'm sure you'll be a good cook Charle
Stan: replays the events of 6 months ago in his mind.
Rose: stands up and heads inside. She heads straight for the kitchen to check on her mead
A-C: "Administrator says I am a good cook"
Stan: remembers the Sand Viper tribe of Raiders.... the village of survivors brutally slaughtered... how he and Jen had worked together to destroy them...
Rose: moves through the dining room and into the kitchen, not really paying attention to anything else
Stan: recalls the ambush... how bravely they fought... how Jen was taken...
Charon: really?
Stan: remembers the mechs.
A-C: "I have cooked many times"
Stan: stands up, an expression of pain and rage on his face and draws his pistol.
Rose: strains the risings and sets the mead again. She heads out of the kitchen again
Stan: deliriously fires into the darkness... then again... and again....
Charon: here...I'll clean up...
Stan: sighs.
Charon: you should go back to getting that mech ready...
Stan: It'll do no good now.
Stan: fires the rest of the clip into the air.
Stan: ...someday, Jen.
Stan: turns and walks back toward the lab.
A-C: "Affirmative...I shall continue my mech maintenance" *She stands and makes her was to the warehouse*
Charon: ...You're welcome Charle...
Charon: forgot to say You're welcome to her after she thanked him...
Charon: decides to clean up the used dishes and stuff...
Stan: heads back to his tent and grabs the seven small boxes.
A-C: *Charle makes her way back to the workshop and sits by the mech. Though she doesnt work, simply sits and stares*
Rose: looks over toward Charle "Hello."
Stan: looks at the boxes. There is an arrow on each one. Stan begins to circle the perimeter of the lab, and picks 7 good places to set them up, and places one in each, arrow pointing outward.
Charon: finishes and cleans his hands, he wraps up the omelettes there were not eaten and puts them in the fridge
Rose: pulls her knees up as she sits on the foot of her mech
Stan: leans against the wall by the entrance to the lab.
Stan: User logon:
Stan: BRO 3886
Stan: Password: Oboro-maru
Stan: Execute DFS.EXE
Stan: puts his PDA in his trenchcoat and watches.
Stan: sighs and waits a few seconds. Suddenly, seven click sounds can be heard in unison. The bottoms of the boxes open and begin to dig into the sand.
Stan: walks around and covers up all of the holes with sand.
Rose: climbs up into the mech. She closes it up and powers up
Stan: Hmph. This should do.
Stan: closes his eyes. "Phew... huh!?"
Stan: begins to grab his pancor, but stops himself.
Stan: This is one of ours...
Stan: Don't panic... don't be afraid... it's not gonna happen again...
Rose: straps herself into the mech controls and moves her arm, the mech mimicing the action.
Stan: It's just a machine... a machine not controlled by an enemy...
Stan: starts shaking.
Stan: falls to his knees.
Stan: Just stay here. It won't find you here.
Rose: turns her head, getting used to the mimic controls. She's not really using it, just getting used to the movements
A-C: *Charle looks to the circuitry and begins to rewire*
Stan: ....
Stan: stands up and walks towards the mech warehouse.
Rose: moves one foot in front of the other
Stan: throws off his trenchcoat and weapons and steps inside.
Rose: The two and a half story mech takes a step forward.
Stan: looks at the mech. "It moved."
Rose: A little creaky, but seems alright. *R* Charle, I'm going to take a walk, see if I can work the kinks out of this.
A-C: "Noted....estimated time until re-entry?"
Rose: *R* Not sure, not too long, Don't worry, I won't go out of sight of the base building.
A-C: "Noted. Proceed with caution Rosie"
Stan: stands at the entrance, still staring at the mech.
Rose: takes another careful step forward, a baby step.
Rose: *R* I will
Rose: *R* I think my visual sensors are a little off though, it's taking a second for the visuals to load, you might want to test that on the others.
Rose: *R* and it's a little fuzzy
Rose: The mech takes another baby step, being very careful.
Stan: watches the mech move with almost a detached look.
A-C: "Advanced visual diagnosis...check"
Rose: The mech moves forward. *R* definitely a little off, the depth perception is a bit off too. I may be able to fix some of that though. If you find any hologenerators, that'd be nice. It'll take a few weeks though
Charon: walks around the place with his rifle basically doing some security runs
Rose: The mech walks forward. *R* "Low bridge" It ducks down and exits, stepping over Stan carefully.
Stan: feels very strange without his trenchcoat. He weighs about 60 lbs less now, without his weapons.
Stan: watches the mech pass.
A-C: "Realign visual sensors...check" *Charle is making a mental list of these things*
Rose: *R* Stan: my man, don't move, Let me get by first.
Stan: doesn't move a muscle.
Rose: The mech walks out into the desert wastelands.
Stan: <R> Don't go west.
Rose: *R* I plan on patrol
Stan: <R> Good. Just don't ever go west.
Rose: *R* why?
Stan: <R> Just don't.
Rose: the mech puts its hands on its hips and walks off toward the moonset
A-C: *charle sits back* "Commencing visual diagnosis" *a series of pins appear from her hand, which she plugs into the mech*
Stan: sighs, and shakily picks up and puts on his trenchcoat.
Stan: pulls out his PDA.
Stan: Status check on DFS.EXE
Stan: <p>Process complete. Awaiting command.
Stan: Execute stage two.
Stan: <p> Stage two commencing. Estimated Time until completion: 16 hours.
Stan: Hmph.
Stan: walks out into the wastleland.
Rose: keeps walking the mech out. "Okay.. testing weapons"
Rose: lifts an arm and activates the guns, fireing off several booming shots toward the moon
Stan: stops. His eyes become wide, his mouth falls open.
Stan: No....
Stan: Not... a problem....
Rose: Guns work... cannon
Rose: *KRABOOM!*
Charon: !!!!
Charon: what the?
Charon: runs outside to see what the noise is
A-C: *Charle stands and turns to face the noise*
Rose: *R* sorry about that.
Stan: ....
A-C: "Rosie...all well?"
Charon: looks at the mech suit
Stan: falls to his knees...
Charon: ...Rosie?
Charon: looks at Stan "STAN!"
Stan: holds his left arm.
Rose: *R* yeah. I was checking the weapons systems.
Charon: runs to Stan and kneels to him
Charon: What the hell is wrong?
Stan: ....
Stan: It has been 6 months since I last heard the main cannon of an assault mech.
Stan: ....
Rose: *R* I think these will work well for security
Stan: shakily radios in, <R> Next time, could you please let me know before hand, so I can leave?
Charon: ...
Charon: runs back inside
Rose: *R* sorry, I didn't think it would be that loud..
Stan: <R> How loud it is doesn't matter.
Stan: <R> Just, next time... let me know, ok?
A-C: *Charle turns and begins working on the mech again, continuing her analysis*
Rose: *R* sorry...
Stan: weakly hobbles to his tent.
Stan: opens a case, removes a small bag, takes out a pill, and swallows it.
Stan: , holding his left arm, stumbles his way into the lab, into the kitchen.
Rose: *R* Well.. brace, I'm testing the weapons systems
Stan: sighs.
Stan: <R> Whatever. Go Ahead.
Charon: !!
Charon: jeez...
Charon: how many times is she going to do that?
Stan: holds his head and stumbles on towards the fridge.
Charon: *** three big omelettes in the fridge ***
Charon: *** on a plate, wrapped up ***
Charon: walks around whistling
Stan: grabs an omelette.
Stan: throws the omelette on a plate and eats it cold.
Stan: rubs his left shoulder.
Rose: *r* Charle, you might also want to make sure the alignment on the weapons systems are right
Rose: there's a sound of quick firing
Stan: winces and covers his face.
Charon: walks around until he goes into the kitchen "What's wrong man'
Charon: what did the mechs ever do to you?
Stan: glares.
Stan: sighs and grabs another omelette.
Charon: hey hey hey!
Charon: only one omelette!
Charon: the others are for Rose and Xiona
Stan: ....
Stan: I'll make more.
Stan: begins to eat.
Charon: I got a gun here you know...
Charon: points it at Stan
Charon: put down the omelette and make your own. those were meant for Xiona and Rosie...
Stan: sighs.
Stan: I said I'd make more. Put the gun down. I'm not in the mood for this shit right now.
Charon: hey I made those for them...
Charon: only one for them, not all put the fucking omelette down...
Stan: For the fucking love of fucking god...
Stan: pushes the omelette away.
Stan: Done! Alright?
Stan: walks out to his tent.
Charon: ...
Charon: puts the gun down..
Charon: takes a knife and cuts the part he bit into and re wraps it and puts it in the fridge
Charon: throws the part Stan bit into, into the trash...
Stan: opens one of the large cases and removes some firewood and takes it outside.
Stan: sets up a small campfire. He goes and grabs some brush to put on the wood, and lights it.
Charon: mumbles "Rosie or Xiona won't like this..."
Charon: walks into the mech warehouse and looks up at Charle "Hey! What's happening?"
Stan: grabs a frying pan and cracks a few eggs into it.
Stan: throws on some peppers, onions, cheese, chopped up meat....
Rose: The mech starts walking back
Stan: <R> Planning on having any weapons test tomorrow?
Charon: decides to walk out to sleep since Charle is busy
Stan: begins to eat his omelette.
Rose: *R* not until after I get the weapons systems fixed and the targeting computer online
Stan: <R> When will that be?
Stan: ....
Stan: sighs and finishes his omelette.
Rose: *R* not sure
Stan: <R> Well then...
Stan: sighs.
Rose: parks the mech in the warehouse carefully
Stan: stares into the fire.
Rose: climbs down the scaffolding. When she gets to the ground she tries reorienting herself
A-C: *Charle stands and turns to face her* "Welcome back, Rosie"
Rose: smiles a bit. "Thanks"
Stan: begins to whistle the same, melancholy song he always whistles.
Stan: reaches behind his back....
Stan: ....I KNEW I was forgetting something.
Stan: runs to the mech warehouse.
Stan: I'm heading back to my place. I may or may not come back tomorrow.
Stan: So I'll just... be on my way... then...
A-C: "Goodbye Stan"
Stan: Bye, Charle.
Stan: Bye, Rosie.
Stan: turns, looks back, and walks back to his campfire.
Stan: throws dust over the fire, putting it out.
Stan: salvages the rest of the usable wood, and throws it back in the tent.
Stan: sighs and begins hiking to the west.
Stan: looks back at the lab one last time, then hikes out of sight.
Stan: Hmm... I feel like I've been walking a lot today....