Mech Lab


Mech Lab 04 - Apologies

Charle and Xiona make up

A-C: *Charle is working on something on the computer, an expressionless look once again on her face. Both of her hands and her right forearm are covered in a white-ish substance, which is her skin self-repairing*

Asuka: *is analyzing "Diamien".. yep, its his real brain, but he'd lost it.*

A-C: *Charle continues to type...ignoring all the unknown wave patterns flying through her head (unbeknownst to her, she is actually thinking)*

Asuka: *starts dismantling Diamien*

A-C: *As she types, Charle's face gets more and more angry*

Asuka: *she sighs, blasting into the thing with a few plasma bolts... that'll kill it good. Heads to look for Charle... she did some stupid things* (She as in Xiona)

A-C: *Charle's frustration hits breaking point and she hits her fist against the console, denting it*

Asuka: *she blinks, walking in* Charle?

A-C: *Charle silently begins typing again, much more slowly*

Asuka: *she approaches slowly.* Charle? Daughter? *she blinks.... she knew that Charle would be upset... she didnt know how much.*

A-C: "Administrator...leave me be"

Asuka: *she sighs, putting her hand on her shoulder* No.. I need to talk to you... I have to apologise.

A-C: "Administrator..."

Asuka: *she looks at her* I Knew yo were telling the truth down there...I knew it... but... his voice.... it.. .did something.. I... couldnt control myself... It wasn't really him... not anymore...

A-C: "Why were you so mean?"

Asuka: Because.... *she shakes her head* I don't know... its all kinda foggy...

A-C: *Charle looks to her and speaks in Xiona's voice* "Be quiet, defect!" *before turning back to the screen*

Asuka: *she shakes slightly* Charle... he... made me...

A-C: *Charle resumes typing* "Was...father like that all the time?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* I did a mental scan on his dead mind... he was completely changed... He only wanted to destroy us. I don't know why...

A-C: "he said something to me" *she speaks in his voice* "Together.. .we were meant to take over this ruined world.... unite it. You and I, My dear..."

Asuka: *she looks at her* I think... he wanted to get some kind of technology he installed in you...

A-C: "I have...something abnormal?"

Asuka: All he said was lies.... It's lucky Kara disrupted the sound waves, I would have remained under his influence...

Asuka: *she nods* not abnormal... totally unique... your system is capable of Non-Logic. Human thought... You're the ONLY system that can...

A-C: "This is why I feel hurt?"

Asuka: *she nods* Yes... Any emotion that we can feel, you can... *she nods* thats why you feel hurt.... because I'm just human...

A-C: *Charle stops typing and turns to Xiona* "Mother..." (he voice sounds like she might cry any time now)

Asuka: *she frowns, putting her arm around Charle* I'm so sorry...

A-C: *Charle puts her arms round Xiona and hugs her* "I am sorry, mother"

Asuka: No.. it's not your fault...

A-C: "He said...he said I was the one who killed him. Not you"

Asuka: Charle... *she shakes her head* lets not talk about him... I don't want to remember his insanity.... I just want my happy memories...*she closes her eyes*

A-C: "You still have the pictures, do you not? They are very happy, he and I"

Asuka: *she nods* yes...

A-C: "And consider...he made me to look like you. This to me suggests that he loved you"

Asuka: *she nods, and hugs her* I know... He did...*she looks down* Maybe we should fix this floor?

A-C: "Yes..." *she looks to her hands and arm* "Look mother...the skin is self repairing!"

Asuka: It must have been one of those systems he developed.. autorepair functions.. as long as you arent too damaged, you can regenerate gradually.

A-C: "It would seem so"

Asuka: You know... I think you have powers that no one could even dream of... *she nods* He was brilliant...

A-C: "I am sure you helped as well...the two of you worked together to create a real mother and father"

Asuka: *she nods* I do.. but I don't know everything about your systems... most of what he did is a mystery to me. Even more so since you don't know about the systems... Maybe your logic grid expansions are a way of initializing those hidden systems.

A-C: "And when I think of father these systems become accessible?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* I think they develop on a need-to-use basis.

A-C: "I understand...adaptive technology"

Asuka: remember, when the EPU developed, we almost immediately found other people. Then those chains developed just as I was almost killed.

A-C: "What if I develop something to hurt one of us?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* You have control of weather you use it. The grid only expands, and the ability to use it is given to you.

A-C: "As long as I do not hurt any of you" *she stands* "How shall we repair the floor?"

Asuka: Bring the parts of that thing from lab 03....I have an idea...

A-C: *Charle nods and walks off to Lab 03*
A-C: *Charle comes back, carrying parts of Daimien* "Mother...what would you do to father?"

Asuka: *she looks at the parts* Replace the floor...

A-C: *She places the parts on the floor*
Asuka: *she touches the metal, closing her eyes, it shimmers, stretching and shifting their shape, becoming a part of the metallic flooring*

A-C: *Charle looks on intrigued*

Asuka: *she looks up at Charle, standing* Another form of Techmagic. Metal manipulation

A-C: "Incredible"
A-C: "I knew...I knew he was not like that...even though he was evil yesterday...I am sure he was not like that"

Asuka: *she nods* I know. I read his computer... Once I realized what he was trying to do, and found this buildings maps on it, I knew he was here... Then I came to help you... but I couldnt really do much

A-C: "Do not feel bad mother..."

Asuka: *she nods slightly*
Asuka: Charle... want to go upstairs and have something to eat?

A-C: "Yes mother"

Asuka: Okay *she turns, moving toward the door, taking the stairs as she heads for the kitchen/dining area*

A-C: *Charle follows, though she is a little clunky on the stairs* "what shall we have mother?"

Asuka: *she shrugs* I think there are some chips.

A-C: "I have not had chips...I have only had omelette"
A-C: "I find it a strange eat"

Asuka: They're pretty good. *nods, grabbing a bag from the fridge, she pops it open and fills a large bowl* here we go.

A-C: *Charle takes one and looks at it*

Asuka: cold though...but still good.. *crunch*

A-C: "How am I to use a knife and fork with this?"

Asuka: You use your hands.

A-C: "I...see" *She pops it in her mouth and chews a little before swallowing* "This is different to omelette"

Asuka: *she nods* Everything tastes diffrent. *nods, yawning*

A-C: "You are tired, mother?"

Asuka: *she nods* yes.. I should get some rest...

A-C: *Charle nods* "Rest yourself"

Asuka: okay

A-C: *Charle takes her hand* "I shall escort you if you need?"

Asuka: Okay....

A-C: *Charle leads her to her quarters and pulls the sheet back*