Mech Lab


Mech Lab 06 - A little bit of Stan

Stan's tortured monologue

Stan: <P> Transfer complete. Running diagnostic and maintanence.
Stan: wakes up. "Confirmed."
Stan: closes his eyes again.
Stan: <P> Complete. All functions nominal. Nano charge 12%.
Stan: Hmph. I came closer to dying yesterday than I thought.
Stan: continues to meditate.
Stan: <P> Nano Charge 25% and rising.
Stan: sighs. "Activate external radar sites 1 and 2."
Stan: <P> Confirmed. Activating.
Stan: Estimate time until charge equals one hundred percent.
Stan: <P> T minus 24 minutes.
Stan: <P> Nano charge 50%.
Stan: Pause charging.
Stan: <P> Charge paused at 87 percent.
Stan: opens his eyes and stands up.
Stan: takes a deep breath, drops his staff on the ground, and grabs the radio and sword from the case in front of him.
Stan: looks at the grave one last time. "I'll be joining you soon." Stan turns toward the lab and begins to slowly walk.
Stan: arrives at his tent, drops his gear on the floor, and sits back down.
Stan: Resume charge, set overcharge at 250%.
Stan: <P> Warning, charging beyond 200% has a high chance of damaging systems, including life support. Confirm?
Stan: ....
Stan: Cancel, set overcharge to 200%.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: lays down and goes to sleep again.