Mech Lab


Mech Lab 07 - Traders

Xiona and Charle find a trader

Asuka: *she is in her room, hah, just resting, not asleep*

A-C : *Charle is sitting at a computer screen. Once again working on the codes to restricted access level*

Asuka: *she stretches, exiting her room* umm.. *heads for the kitchen, cause shes kinda hungry*

A-C : *Charle hears the sounds and looks up, turning her head to the kitchen area*

Asuka: *Crunch, potato chips, heh*

A-C : *Charle walks to the kitchen* "Hello mother"

Asuka: *she smiles, waving a greasy hand at charle* Hi!

A-C : "How are you mother?"

Asuka: Hungry. How's Charle?

A-C : "I am functioning adequately."

Asuka: Thats good... want to have some chips?

A-C : "Affirmative, mother" *She walks forward, takes a seat and takes a chip*

Asuka: *takes a handful, munching slowly* Where have you been, Charle?

A-C : "I have been working on finding what is in the restricted levels...trying to discover more of fathers experiments"

Asuka: *she gives a not* Any luck?

A-C : "I have discovered nothing...though I know Kara is one of his projects" *she eats a chip* "She says he abandoned her when he found you...did he?"

Asuka: He never told me about her...

A-C : "She says he created her to be a warrior. Though I prefer her feline side"

Asuka: *she nods* I don't know.. but the more I learn... the more frightened I feel...

A-C : "You are worried...whyso?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* Its just a feeling...I can't explain it...
Asuka: *looks at her* can you understand that? am I just being foolish?
A-C : "Even though my CPU is designed to emulate a human mind, I am at a loss to explain how you feel. I do not feel you are being foolish, though"

Asuka: *she hugs her gently* Thanks, charle...

A-C : *Charle hugs back* "Thank you, mother"

Asuka: What for, Charle?

A-C : "for...loving me, I suppose"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* I don't need thanks... just someone to love me back...

A-C : "Though I do not understand love...I feel I love you, too"

Asuka: *sniffles a little* Thank you, Charle...

A-C : *Charle leans forward a little and kisses Xiona on the cheek* "Is...this appropriate"

Asuka: *she nods* Yes. *she starts eating again* Charle... I'm sorry, for what happened in the generator room...

A-C : "I understand...I have forgiven you" *she smiles*

Asuka: *smiles back, leans against her and shuts her eyes*

A-C : *charle hugs her again*

Asuka: *Her forehead is a little warm* thank you, Charle..

A-C : "Are you...alright mother?"

Asuka: Whats wrong?

A-C : "You are a little may be..." *she pauses* "crying"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* no.. I'm just fine, don't worry...

A-C : *Charle smiles and hugs her again*
A-C : "I do not wish you to be unhappy"

Asuka: *smiles* thanks, Charle

A-C : "What shall we do now, mother?"

Asuka: *she shrugs* what do you want to do?
A-C : "Would it be acceptable to leave the lab?"

Asuka: *she nods* I guess'

A-C : "Good" *she smiles and stands*
A-C : "We shall purchase some food if we can...Kara would like some fish"

Asuka: *she nods* okay

A-C : *She offers her hand* "Will you assist me, mother?"

Asuka: *she nods, taking it* yes...

A-C : *Charle steps back, walking along, holding her hand* "I do not recall leaving the lab. It is not one of my...memories"
A-C : *Charle reaches a big metal door. She looks at the board and keys in a code, watching as the door slides open*

Asuka: *nod sticking with her*

A-C : *charle steps out. Little panels in her forearms pull back, revealing solar panels beneath*

Asuka: *looks at her* wow... I dint know about those...

A-C : ~Outside is a complete dump. Piles of rubble lie about the place, as do the burned out shells of cars and the ruined remains of houses. The sky is very cloudy, but a warm sun still manages to shine down*
A-C : "They will act as a mobile energy source"
A-C : "It is not as I imagined it, mother"
A-C : *Charle walks to a pile of rubble, Xiona's hand in hers*

Asuka: *she blinks* this is such a mess

A-C : "Agreed." *She looks about, spying something. She squints, her eyes making a whirring noise* "Mother...I see someone"

Asuka: What? *looks that way, but cant see* Lets get a close up.. *looks at her arm, it glowing, becoming a long-range camera of sorts, with a large screen*

A-C : ~You see a man in a black, battle scarred van. The side of the van is down and various goods are on show. Weaponry, machinery, food and so on~

Asuka: Looks to be a merchant... *she starts walking that way, arm reverting to normal*

A-C : *Charle walks alongside*
A-C : "Do you think he will have food, mother?"

Asuka: Perhaps...
Asuka: I wonder what He'll want in exchange...

A-C : "Do we have anything to offer?"

Asuka: Just what's in the Research building and Mech Hanger

A-C : "Are we prepared to let him have those?"

Asuka: I don't think so. but we'll have to look into things...

A-C : "He will not will he?"

Asuka: *she shakes her head* He isnt getting you.

A-C : "See he doesnt, mother"

Asuka: Promise..

A-C : *She squeezes her hand* "Thank you, mother" *As they get closer to the van, the man looks to them and smiles a sinister grin*

A-C: <<Trader>> Good day, ladies...what can I fer ya?

Asuka: *she shrugs* what all do you have?

A-C: <<Trader>>I gots most anyhin ya need"

Asuka: What all do we need, Charle?

A-C: "Fish. Kara requires fish"

Asuka: Have any fish? *she puts her mechanical hand on her hip, watching him*

A-C: <<Trader>>Looking to Xionas arm* "Yer a cyborg, eh?"

Asuka: *she nods*

A-C: <<Trader>>Whatcha got for me?"

Asuka: what do you need?

A-C: <<Trader>>I takes anything with value."
Asuka: *she nods* Charle, please bring the spare parts from the Hanger, while I look at what he has.

A-C: <<Trader>>Looks to charle solar panels* "Ye get a mech there"

Asuka: *glances at Charle, coughing a bit.. the dust out here wasn't good for her lungs* An android. Can I see what you've got?

A-C: "Mother...I think he wants me"

A-C: <<Trader>>Ye willin to give me yer mech?"

Asuka: No.

A-C: <<Trader>>Heh...I reckon she be worth a lot"

Asuka: She isn't for sale.

A-C: *Charle steps behind Xiona* "Mother" (she sounds scared)

A-C: <<Trader>> " 'er well trained...callin ya mother an all"

Asuka: *something he'd not likely ever seen before, her arm transforms into a plasma cannon* Don't you insult her!

Asuka: Now, are you going to show us your merchandise, or not?

A-C: <<Trader>>Heh..."

A-C: *Charle turns and quickly makes her way back to the lab*

Asuka: *she steps back with Charle a few steps*

A-C: <<Trader>>Ya dont want me goods?"

Asuka: Charle's priceless!

A-C: <<Trader>>Heh...well ya still gots ta pay me if ya want somethin"

Asuka: Show me what you have, then I'll pay.

A-C: <<Trader>>The man looks to her. Then to the cannon.* "Food ya want, eh?"
Asuka: Just some fish.. and I'd like to see everything you have, because there may be something else we can use.

A-C: "I shall retrieve salvage, mother" *she turns and hurries back to the lab*
Asuka: *she coughs again*

A-C: <<Trader>>Heh..."~ *he goes to the back and brings out a crate, lifting the lid, you see several medium sized fish...they smell a little off, but they should be alright for consumption*

Asuka: Hmm... okay...

A-C: <<Trader>>He slams the lid* "Ya get nothin until the mech gets back with payment"

Asuka: *she nods* Fine... *she glances back toward the lab, coughing as the wind blew a cloud of dust into her face*

A-C: <<Trader>>Why's she call ya 'mother'? Proper mech ya built there"

Asuka: Because she chooses to.*crosses her arms*

A-C: <<Trader>>Oh?"

Asuka: What?

A-C: <<Trader>>never heard of a mech CHOOSIN to call someone that"~

Asuka: *she doesnt answer, coughing again* It is always this dusty? *COUGH*

A-C: <<Trader>>Its ya first time out, aint it?"

Asuka: *she nods*

A-C: <<Trader>>Ya get used to it"

A-C: *Charle walks back, effortlessly dragging behind her a sled like device, piled with mechanical parts*

Asuka: *gives charle a wave*

A-C: <<Trader>>I see ya gots a lot there, mech." *he turns to xiona* "Whaddy offerin?"

Asuka: for the fish? *goes over, look s around the pile* hmm.. three hoverlift generators? *holds up a plate type object, for some kind of vehicle., put on the bottom and makes it float*

A-C: <<Trader>>Fer all me fish?"

Asuka: *nod*

Trader: He thinks....* "Deal"

Asuka: *still has alot of military class hardware on the sled, unloads the hoverlifters, loading the fish* what else do you have?

Trader: What else ya need? I gots most everythin with me"

Asuka: Can we browse?

Trader: one o' ya"

Asuka: I will...

A-C: <<Trader>>Mech...stay there" *he turns to Xiona* "well then m'dear...lets see shall we?"

Asuka: Wait here, Charle... *smiles, notdding* okay...

A-C: <<Trader>>See whatcha want and we'll talk business"

Asuka: *she looks around, taking in the various stuff he's got*
Asuka: I'd need some Plasma Cells...

A-C: "I thinks I gots some o' those" *he rummages around in what appears to be a pile of junk*

A-C: <<Trader>>This fer yer mech?" *he emerges, carrying two plasma cells in reasonable states of repair*

Asuka: *she shakes her head* no... me. she has a different power source. THose... any more?

A-C: <<Trader>>heh...not for you"

Asuka: *she puts her hand on her hip, looking around more* Why not?

A-C: <<Trader>>Because, dear, there will be none for anyone else"

Asuka: Please don't call me that... *she rummages a little more* I think that'll be enough for now..

A-C: <<Trader>>And what'll ya give me?"

Asuka: mm.. *goes back out to the sled* hmm..EMP Powercell?

A-C: <<Trader>>That'll do nicely"

Asuka: *hands it over* Here.

A-C: <<Trader>>He takes it and scrutinises is closely* " passes mustard. The cells are yours" *he hands them over*

Asuka: *nods* thanks. *she pops out the current, nearly dead cell in her mech arm, and reloads the fresh one*

A-C: <<Trader>>That all, ladies? I aint stickin around long"

Asuka: *nods* Charle, do you need anything?

A-C: "...something tasty, please, mother"

Asuka: Got any chocolate?

A-C: <<Trader>>Chocolate ya say. Ooooooh well, I dont know about that" *he grins, evilly*

Asuka: *she blinks*

A-C: "Do you have chocolate or not?"

A-C: <<Trader>>Heheh...I gots ya chocolate, mech"

Asuka: *she rubs her head* Whats with you?

A-C: <<Trader>>I enjoys messin with people" *he goes into the van and returns, carrying a big bar of chocolate* "Here ya of charge" *He toses the bar to Charle*

A-C: *Charle snaps her hand out and catches it* "Thank you, user"
A-C: "Mother...shall we return home"

Asuka: *she nods* okay. *she helps charle drag back the sled*

A-C: *DragDrags*

Charon: wakes up *Yawwwn*
Charon: sits up and looks around "Bloody cots..." *looks around for the time...wondering how much sleep he got last night...*
Charon: grabs a towel and exits his room, yawning....
Charon: looks around "Where is everyone?"
Charon: just shrugs it off and heads for the shower <<actually my sister is done, yay!>>
Asuka: *is dragging the sled into the ahnger* Charle, can you unload the fish and take them to the freezer?

A-C: "Affirmative, mother"

Asuka: would you? *she takes the plasma cell in her pocket, and heads for the kitchen with her*

A-C: *Charle picks up the crate with little hassle and makes her way to the kitchen*

Charon: gets out of the shower and dries off....and gets changed

A-C: "Mother...why was that man like that?"

Charon: walks out and heads towards his room, he enters and hangs his towel over the chair...he grabs his rifle

Asuka: I dont know.. he was pretty strange...

A-C: *They come to the kitchen and Charle opens the freezer* "You wish for all the fish to go in here?"

Charon: walks into the kitchen
Charon: oh! oh hey...

Asuka: How about the big freezer in the back? *points*
Asuka: Hi, Trent.

A-C: "Of course, mother...good afternoon Trent"

Charon: eh...I sort of woke up late...Hey where did you get all of those from?

Asuka: bought them.

Charon: ...from where?

Asuka: Weird guy in a van.

A-C: "A travelling merchant"

Charon: ....What did you trade for it?

Asuka: *shakes her head*

Charon: looks at Charle "Charle...Can you please tell me the details of this bartering action?"
A-C: "We exchanged some hoverplates for this fish. Also an EMP charge for some plasma cells. Also the user gave me some chocolate for free"

Charon: ...For free? Why?

A-C: "For our custom I assume"

Charon: looks relatively calm for some reason
Charon: Charle, may I please see the chocolate bar?

A-C: *Charle fishes the bar out of the pocket of her lab coat and holds it* "Here it is"

Charon: please let me have it...I need to see the actual chocolate......

A-C: *Charle reluctantly holds out the bar for him to take* "But it is mine..."

Asuka: *nods*

Charon: Yes I know...
Charon: *Takes it* if I drop it I'll buy you a new one...I promise...
Charon: unwraps the chocolate and looks at it
Charon: hmmm..
Charon: takes a big whiff of it...just in case the dumbass in the van DID rip them off...
Charon: final test..
Charon: breaks off a small piece in the corner and pops it in his mouth and tastes it..
Charon: hmmm....mmmm hmmm...
Charon: it's clean
Charon: gives it back to Charle

A-C: *Charle takes it back* "Thank you for your concern, user, however if there was something abnormal with this chocolate I would have scanned it"

Charon: Charle please...don't call me me Trent...or if you want to annoy the others...Sick Boy...

A-C: "Apologies Trent...I shall refrain in future"

Charon: no need to apologize...It's just a preference...Now can please explain to me what this trader was like?

A-C: "5' 9" high, 15 stone, brown eyes, greying hair, losing his teeth"

Charon: and I didn't mean his appearance Charle...what were his actions? How did he acted in front of you and Xiona?

A-C: "He acted as if he wished to purchase me"
Charon: .....*winces* w...what else?

Asuka: is something wrong?

Charon: thinks to himself "Well I wouldn't mind purchasing Charle myself due to her appearance...But enough of that...This is all too suspicious to me. Oh look the guy that's controlling me CAN'T SPELL TODAY!!"

A-C: " something the matter?"

Charon: what else did he do? Did he called you anything?
Charon: did this man acted strange?

A-C: "He called mother 'dear' he referred to me as 'mech'"

Charon: I knew it...
Charon: the guy was probably anti-tech
Charon: because...he ripped you guys off...what you gave him was probably was worth 100 times more than fish.
Charon: with that technology you could buy part of a town...

A-C: "I did wrong"

Asuka: *shakes her head* don't worry, we have plenty.

Charon: ...I'll get it back for you....But let me tell you that there are a lot of bad traders and other bad people in the wasteland..
Charon: runs off
Charon: runs back
Charon: where did you meet this guy?

Asuka: A way out from the lab

Charon: north? South?
Charon: east? west?

A-C: "A little north of here. He said he was not staying long"

Charon: runs back into the garage and starts the jeep
Charon: floors it out of there, heading north
Charon: guy in a van...guy in a van...
Charon: damn I wish Stan was here...that bastard...where is he?
Charon: drives around looking for a van or something

Trader: "Hee hee...suckas!" *he looks through the things he had off the two gullible travellers*
Charon: drives to the trader and stops in front of him "Hello fellow trader! I am in need of supplies!"
Charon: turns off the jeep and walks to him
Charon: I wonder if you can help me wares are a little low...

Trader: "aaaah...are the now?" *a sinister grin appears on his face*

Charon: Yeah...All I got is some guns...ammo...and fuel cells
Charon: Can I see what you got?
Charon: is holding onto his rifle
Charon: oh don't mind the rifle...
Charon: it's a childhood toy
Charon: *sniff* ohh my Dahlia...

Trader: "I have most anything you need, sir...and I shant mind your weaponry. I have seen worse"

Charon: kisses his rifle
Charon: can I see what you have good sir?

Trader: "Certainly...certainly" *He walks to his van*

Charon: follows behind him, closely though

Trader: "Here we go, sir...step inside, see what I have."

Charon: thanks *points the gun at his head and pulls the trigger* *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!*

Trader: *The trader falls to the floor, showing his gratitude for the holes in his head by pouring blood over the floor*

Charon: stupid fuck
Charon: fires the rest of the clip all over the trader's body

Trader: *shudders*

Charon: kicks the shit out of the trader's body too
Charon: How dare you rip off my friends!

Trader: *Rolls*

Charon: inspects the Trader's body to see what he has on him
Charon: grabs the key and peeks his head in the van "Let's see...what's in here?
Charon: ...Where's the fucking hoverplates!?
Charon: Where's the EMP!?
Charon: ....goddamn did I got the wrong van!?
Charon: uses the dead body to prop the door open and leave it open just in case
Charon: looks around the van for the hoverplates and other shit...
Charon: goddammit where are they!?
Charon: keeps searching...he decides to look under the van
Charon: kicks one of the van doors
Charon: GODDAMMIT!!!!!
Charon: looks in the front
Charon: ...oh wait there they are
Charon: jumps in his jeep and drives towards the van
Charon: *Sigh* how can I get rid of this body?
Charon: ...ideeeeaaaa...
Charon: grabs a piece of rope from the back of his jeep and ties it around the corpses's neck and ties it to the back of the van.
Charon: closes the van door
Charon: grabs a chain and and puts it to the front of the van and starts to tow
Charon: drives until he finds some bushes
Charon: has a rope tied around the trader's neck. The rope is tied to the back of the van...
Charon: chains the back of the jeep to the front of the van and he starts driving off to a section where there is a lot of bushes
Charon: stops the jeep
Charon: here we are...
Charon: unhooks the van...he takes the hoverplates and stuff and loads it to the back of the jeep...
Charon: hmmm
Charon: takes the plasma cells and weapons too
Charon: I got a even better idea...
Charon: unties the rope and tries to drag the body into the van using the rope
Charon: well I already took the weapons...hmmm..I wonder what I do with this..
Charon: takes the technology and puts it in the jeep
Charon: ahh hell with it..
Charon: grabs the body by the feet and drags him into the van
Charon: now then...
Charon: gets in the jeep and drives about 10 feet away..
Charon: gets out, leaving the jeep on. He takes his rifle and aims it at the van
Charon: c'mon baby hit the gas tank....
Charon: fires a whole clip at the van
Charon: *BOOM!!*
Charon: WOO!
Charon: jumps in the van quickly and drives off as fast as he can
Charon: starts driving back to the lab
Charon: drives back towards the lab honking the horn and singing a old classic song "WEEEEEEEEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIIIIIIIEEEEEENNNNNND!"
A-C: (Go queen!
Charon: stops the jeep *SCREECH*
Charon: wait a minute....
Charon: not that song
Charon: thinks "What was it? OH YEAH!"
Charon: sings "Another one bites the dust! dun dun dun... ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST! And another gone and another gone, another one bites the dust!"
Charon: drives off
Charon: drives back into the lab
Charon: walks back into the kitchen just incase Charle is still there
Charon: Charle?

A-C: "Trent...where did you go?"

Charon: I found the guy

A-C: "The trader?"

Charon: yeah
Charon: whoops forgot to turn the safety back on
Charon: turns the safety back on for the gun

A-C: "" *charle looks shocked* "what did you do?"

Charon: I killed that piece of scum...

A-C: "You terminated him?"

Charon: nods
Charon: Terminated
Charon: and I got the equipment back

A-C: "Why?" (she seems quite shocked)

Charon: he deserved it for ripping you and Xiona off
Charon: so I had to hunt him down and kill the fucker

A-C: *Charle looks shocked still*

Charon: Charle...please try not to be horrified...What I did, in my own belief was the right thing to do

Stan: kicks to his feet.
Stan: Charge status.
Stan: <P> Overcharge at 187%.

Charon: he took advantage of you and I shot him in the head a few times

Stan: G-good en-nough...
Stan: feels incredibly twitchy.
Stan: Better get th-this over with.

A-C: "I see"

Stan: picks up his AT rifle, buckles his sword to his waist, and walks out of the tent.

Charon: well at least you got free chocolate and fish in the end
Charon: with him. I sent him to hell and blew up his van
Charon: ohhh and got other extras too

Stan: walks to the lab quickly, his left eye twitching a little.
Stan: leans the massive rifle against the wall by the door and walks in.

A-C: "Good morning Stan" (she is a little shaky)

Stan: Morning.

Charon: looks at Stan "What the hell is that?"
Charon: *points to the rifle

Stan: Anti Tank rifle.
Stan: I'm gonna need it.
Stan: Just letting you guys know that I'm leaving.

Charon: why?

Stan: Hmph...
Stan: looks at his twitching left hand.

A-C: "Stan is leaving?"

Stan: I need to... catch up with some old friends.
Stan: I may be back later...
Stan: Or I may not be back at all.

A-C: "Old friends?"

Stan: ....
Stan: If I'm not back by tonight...

Charon: ...killing off raiders?

Stan: Most of the stuff in those cases is ammo.
Stan: There's also some healing supplies.
Stan: I'm headed a few miles to the west. If I don't make it, you can come get my Pancor.

Charon: cool thanks..

Stan: ....

Charon: but I'm sure you'll live
Charon: you have a good shot

Stan: sighs quickly.
Stan: I hope it's good enough.

A-C: "Your aim is adequate, Stan. I will miss you"

Stan: ....
Stan: You know, sometimes I can't tell whether you are more human or machine.
Stan: It's like somebody I know.
Stan: turns for the door.

Charon: ???

Stan: Maybe I'll see you later.
Stan: Maybe.

Charon: what did you mean by...?

Stan: grabs the rifle and walks towards his stuff.

Charon: looks at Charle then at Stan

A-C: *Charle stands and watches Stan*

Stan: opens a pack, barely able to due to his twitchy fingers. He nods, closes it, and throws it on his back.

A-C: "Farewell Stan...again, I shall miss you"

Stan: looks back.
Stan: You're assuming I'm gonna die.
Stan: ...then again, so am I....

A-C: "I am processing the possibility that you may never return. A possibility you yourself suggested"

Stan: scratches his head.
Stan: Right then.
Stan: Got my Pancor, Deagles, AT, katana, ammo... All set.
Stan: looks back at the lab one last time.
Stan: Later.
Stan: trudges off to the west.

Charon: ....He has a fucking Katana!?
Charon: O.O:

A-C: "Impressive"

Charon: ...I so want one

Stan: closes his eyes. "Scan External site 2."
Stan: <P> No activity.

A-C: "You can forge a basic sword can you not?"

Charon: I can't

Stan: Hmph. Replay Mech footage.

A-C: "I might be able to..."

Charon: thanks....please don't go through the trouble

A-C: "It will be no trouble"

Charon: but katanas are very different Charle

Stan: <P> Replaying mech footage from earlier this week. Confirm.
Stan: No... Play the footage I took 6 months ago.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.

A-C: "I know...I should be able to forge most weaponry with the correct materials"

Charon:'s only good if it can hack off someone's head in one slice

A-C: "A simple enough project"

Stan: clenches his fist, a single tear running down his cheek. "I hate that movie."
Stan: Check site 2 again.
Stan: <P> No activity.

Charon: you have to fold it a few times so there won't be any imperfections
Stan: Heh. Looks like i have to set the table.... this time.
Stan: Speaking of the table...
Stan: <P> Entering site 2 radar.
Stan: Confirmed. Switch radar to self.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: drops the rifle and kneels.
Stan: Charge?
Stan: <P> 187%.
Stan: Alert me when anything enters my radar.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: draws his katana and tries to get back into shape with it. He hasn't used it for 6 months, so he's a bit out of practice.
Stan: ~A few miles away, the sound of rapid gunfire begins.~

Charon: reloads

Stan: ~It continues, slowly gaining in intensity.~
Stan: ~Suddenly, all is silent.~

Charon: ...

Stan: ~The gunfire begins again.~
Stan: ~The gunfire falls silent once more... suddenly, the unmistakable boom of a mech's main cannon is heard, followed by a loud crack and an explosion. All is silent again.~