A-C: *Charle is asleep in lab 01...inside her pod*
Stan: <P> Please lay down on your back.
Stan: does so.
Stan: <P> Commencing.... Complete. All nano-funtions have been reset. Life Support online. Radio online. All other nano functions must be relearned before use.
Stan: groans angrily, struggles to his feet, and heads back to the lab.
Stan: arrives, limps into the dining room, sits down, and closes his eyes for a while.
A-C: *The pod bleeps "Diagnostic finished, All systems nominal" and Charles blue eyes blink open*
A-C: *the door opens and Charle steps out, looking around* "Mother?"
Charon: is in the shower singing to Queen in praise of his victory over the infidel (the trader) :P
Stan: looks at his right arm. The upper arm bones were shattered. He really wishes he could regenerate right now.
Charon: walks out of the shower, brushes teeth, dries off, gets changed
Stan: sighs. "Nope. Can't do it anymore." He closes his eyes again.
A-C: *Charle walks into the kitchen* "Stan!....you cannot do what anymore?"
A-C: "I thought you had gone"
Stan: ....
Stan: Yeah. I just got back.
A-C: "I am glad you are"
Charon: walks into the kitchen, no rifle...Just in his clothes
Stan: ....
Charon: looks at Stan "The hell happened to you?"
Stan: I got my ass handed to me. Again.
Stan: But, then again, I expected worse, so I'd say I got off pretty well.
Stan: holds his arm. "So, what's been happening here?"
Charon: you lost?
Stan: Wouldn't say that.
Charon: ...you won but you got your ass kicked pretty bad?
Stan: ....
Stan: Let's just say the fight isn't over.
Charon: ...........shit
Charon: If I gave you something to eat, would you heal quicker like last time?
Stan: Nope. Not anymore.
Charon: Why?
Stan: ....
Stan: It's a bit hard to explain.
Charon: .....
Charon: It's all clear to me now </sarcastic>
Stan: Heh. I'm guessing you want me to explain it, then.
Charon: ....yes
Stan: Well, my body is completely permeated with nanobots. They augmented almost every part of me, my sight, my hearing, my strength, they allowed me to heal, etc.
Stan: However...
Stan: They run on a charge. They are self powered, and that's good enough for most cases.
Charon: ...so you need a recharge?
Stan: No. Not quite.
Charon: ....then what do you need?
Stan: I overcharged them to about 200% a few days ago to prepare for... you know. That probably wasn't a good idea after fighting that THING, but yeah. Anyways, I overpowered my nanos so much that most of my functions got screwed up.
A-C: *charle seems to snap out of a trance* "oh..I...good morning Trent"
Stan: Including life support functions.
Stan: So, in order to keep from being dead, I had to... the best way to describe it is "reformat".
Charon: nods to Charle "Morning Charle..."
Charon: maybe I can finally try your cooking today
Charon: grins
A-C: "Perhaps you shall...do you wish to try some now?"
Stan: Well, as you can see, I'm in need of a shower. Don't bother cooking anything for me, I don't have much of an appetite.
Stan: heads off to the showers.
Charon: looks at Stan "Laters..."
Charon: looks at Charle "Sure..
A-C: "Very well...what do you wish for?" *to Stan* "Goodbye Stan"
Charon: ....
Charon: .....
Charon: I have no idea
A-C: "I shall see what we have" *she moves to the fridge*
Charon: what would you recommend?
Stan: disrobes and steps into the shower.
A-C: *She opens the fridge and scans the insides*
Stan: ...and then, there were two.
Stan: steps out and dries off.
A-C: "Trent...would sausages be acceptable?"
Charon: ...no thanks...hey...what type of fish did you got from the trader I whacked?
Stan: checks his katana, but it's clean, so he sheathes it and puts his clothes back on.
A-C: *Her eyes flash green a moment* "Trout mostly"
Charon: ...is it clean?
Stan: walks back into the kitchen, nursing his arm. "Needed that."
Stan: takes a seat.
A-C: "The trout is adequate, certainly"
Stan: So, what's been going on here?
Charon: looks at Stan "Wondering what to have to eat?"
Stan: Not hungry.
Charon: Well that's what we have been doing
Charon: looks at Charle "Anything else?"
A-C: "Do you desire trout?"
Stan: scratches his head.
Stan: I mean, since I left a few days ago.
Charon: do we have anything else in the fridge Charle?
A-C: "I shall see" *she continues searching*
Stan: 's PDA chirps.
Charon: looks at Charle's ass then looks at Stan "Ahhh a new face every time I see her."
Stan: sighs.
Charon: what?
Stan: You do realize that she-
Stan: cuts himself off.
Charon: looks puzzled?
Stan: pulls out his PDA.
Stan: Damn thing....
Charon: ....what were you going to say?
Stan: <P> Life Support systems fully functional. Awaiting command.
Stan: Oh, nothing.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: Huh? Oh, damn thing, I wasn't talking to you.
Charon: still...
Charon: ....what were you going to say before you cut yourself off?
Stan: Nothing.
Stan: speaks into his PDA. "Try to reclaim any nano functions."
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: Right. So, like I asked before, what's happened since I left?
Charon: ...
Charon: eh I think I knew what you were going to say anyway
Charon: looks back at Charle thinking about how nice she looks :P
Charon: Found anything else?
A-C: *She stands and turns to face Trent* "No"
Charon: hmmm...I guess I'll have trout...is it possible to make it boneless and breaded?
A-C: "I can make it boneless, however breaded may take some time"
Charon: well...just boneless then...please
Stan: How in the hell did you get fish?
A-C: "Boneless it will be, Trent"
Charon: thank you Charle
A-C: "You are welcome" *she turns to begin cooking*
Charon: decides to walk to her then hugs her gently just for the hell of it
A-C: *Charle looks shocked...but hugs him back*
Stan: walks out as they are hugging.
Charon: lets go
Charon: err sorry...*looks a bit nervous*
A-C: "Why apologise?"
Charon: eh for that err...sudden reaction ^^
A-C: "The hug? Do not worry, mother hugs me a lot"
Charon: oh...
Charon: out of curiosity...how old is your "mother" anyways?
Stan: sits outside and meditates on the events of the last few days.
A-C: "Mother is thirty three years old"
Charon: wow I thought she was younger...
A-C: "Oh" *charle turns round again and continues cooking*
Charon: ummI'll be outside
A-C: "Very well" *she continues cooking*
Charon: walks into the garage
Charon: unloads the stuff from the jeep and leaves them on the floor
Charon: starts up the jeep and drives out
Charon: drives around the lab, trying to drift the jeep and that's hard to do especially with a higher centre of gravity
Charon: drives past Stan "HI STAN!" *VROOM!*
Stan: sighs.
Stan: stands and walks back to the kitchen.
Stan: sits down.
Stan: What the hell is he doing?
Charon: *the jeep is driving around the area near the lab, the car is sliding most of the times.*
Stan: Whatever. Guess he needs something to do. *watches Charle cook*
A-C: *Still cooking away, gutting the fish and cooking*
Stan: Hmm, that reminds me. *talks into his PDA again*
Stan: Focus reclamation efforts on blade maintenance.
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Stan: Charle... need any help or anything?
A-C: "Negative....thank you for your offer"
Stan: Alright.
Stan: sits back and nurses his arm.
Charon: wheeee! *drives around
Stan: <P> Backup of blade maintenance nano function found. Uploading now.
Stan: Confirmed. *closes his eyes*
Stan: <P> Complete. Continuing scan.
Charon: spins the jeep
Charon: woah!
Charon: gains control again and stops
Stan: Right. Charle, I'm gonna go see what he's doing.
Charon: *sigh* I wish I had a ricer...
Stan: walks out the front door and looks around.
A-C: *Charle steps back. She takes the fish off the grill and goes outside* "Stan?"
Stan: Yes?
A-C: "Inform Trent his meal is ready"
Stan: I would if I knew where he was.
Stan: Must be on the other side. Oh well, he'll show up eventually.
Charon: drives around again
Charon: okay let's try this again!
Stan: sighs.
Charon: drives around as fast as he can
Stan: There he is.
A-C: *Charle nods* "TRENT!" *her voice booms loud and metallic*
Stan: winces and covers his ear... then yelps because he involuntarily tried to move his right arm.
A-C: "Stan...your arm...is hurt"
Stan: ....yeah.
Charon: stomps on the brake
Charon: GAH!!!
Charon: almost loses control of the jeep
Charon: *screeeeeeeech!*
Charon: *whew* *breathe breathe* I almost suffered a heart attack
A-C: "How did it happen?"
Stan: ....
Charon: drives back into the garage
Stan: sighs.
Stan: We'll talk about it over dinner.
Yurie: Clio sighs, taking a long swig of water as she glances over at the plume of dust, lifting an eyebrow
Charon: walks out and goes off to wash his hands in the bathroom
Yurie: ...what's that over there?
Charon: walks into the kitchen
Charon: Charle...You almost gave me a heart attack
A-C: *Charle walks to the kitchen* "Apologies, Trent"
Stan: waits outside.
Yurie: ...
Yurie: begins walking towards the garage
Charon: no problem
Stan: leans against the wall.
A-C: *Charle raises her head* "Unidentified sound wave"
Yurie: quickly walks towards the HANGER, then jogs..
Stan: NO.
Charon: yawns....
Stan: looks over towards Yurie interestedly, but goes to his tent instead.
Yurie: blinks, then frowns. wasn't anyone going to acknowledge her presence?
A-C: "I shall locate and confront the specimen" *she turns, draws her gun and walks towards Yurie*
Yurie: blinks, then stops, noting the gun and raising her hands
Yurie: nowwwww h-hold on a minute... n-no need to get violent....
A-C: *Charle aims the gun* "Identify"
Asuka: *and Miss Xiona would be taking the elevator up from the Lab floor below* ~DING~ *she steps out as the doors slide open* Hmm? *she glances toward Charle and Yurie. Might notice some real similarities in the two* Charle, what's going on? *She walks toward them, boots echoing softly in the dimly lit hallway*
A-C: "Unidentified user, mother" *she doesnt move her eyes from Yurie*
Yurie: m-my name's Clio Giovanna and I saw a plume of dust off in this direction.. I thought I w-would investigate... um.. could y-you tell her to put the gun down? I'm unarmed ^^000
Yurie: -still- has her arms raised
Asuka: Mmm... *she looks her over* She doesn't seem to mean any harm, Charle. Stand down. *she turns her head back to Clio* I'm Xiona. *she extends her right hand*
Yurie: nods and slowly lowers her hands, taking her hand and shaking it firmly
A-C: *Charle puts the gun in the holster* "User identified..."
Yurie: nice...to meet you... er.. I hate to impose, but would you have some food or something? I haven't eaten a decent meal in god-knows how long -.-
Asuka: We've got plenty.. This building was surprisingly undamaged when we found it a few weeks ago. Since then... *she starts moving into the dining room, and on into the Kitchen* ... We've taken in just about everyone who came our way...
A-C: *Charle follows*
A-C: "Apologies for threatening you"
Yurie: follows
Yurie: eh...no problem
Yurie: stares at Xiona's arm as she walks
Asuka: *she'd be in front, so wouldnt notice* Here's the kitchen, our food is your food.
Yurie: thanks a lot ^^ I really appreciate it
Asuka: *turns, and nods* Not a problem. If you'd like to stay, I could get a room ready for you.
Yurie: um.. sure....I don't suppose I could bring my SOMA in as well
Stan: leaves his tent and heads to the kitchen.
Asuka: Mmm? Sure.. .We've got room in the Hanger... Charle, would you go and get a room ready?
A-C: "Yes mother" *she walks off*
Stan: walks up. "Oh look. Another one."
Asuka: *glances at Stan* What do you mean by that?
Stan: sighs.
Stan: Nothing. Sorry if that seemed a bit sharp, I'm not really in a good mood. Name's Stan.
Yurie: m`name's Clio...
Yurie: turns, then drools over the kitchen
Asuka: *she nods* tell me when you're ready to bring it in.
Yurie: walks into the kitchen, then goes berserk, quickly slapping together several sandwiches
Stan: sits in the dining room.
Stan: Last time I've seen someone that hungry was... well... me.
Yurie: begins eating as she walks into the dining room, half a sandwich stuffed in her mouth
Asuka: *she nods* I remember. *she stretches, then leaning on the table, arms crossed*
A-C: *Charle returns* "The room is ready, mother
Stan: holds his arm and sighs.
Stan: That... thing, what was it?
Yurie: mmf mming?
Yurie: gulps down the sandwich
Yurie: what thing?
Asuka: I'm not sure.. Charle.. you didnt run into it again when you were on Restricted Level 6, did you?
Stan: Restricted...?
Stan: scratches his head with his left hand.
Yurie: huh... um... I'm lost
Stan: You weren't here.
Stan: Sadly, I showed up JUST IN TIME to get my ass kicked.
A-C: "Kara and I fought it once on restricted level. Not since"
Stan: holds his right arm and mumbles "Not the last time..."
Asuka: Oh? I'm glad you're all okay...
Stan: Kara?
Stan: Oh, that one.
Stan: Never had a chance to meet her.
Asuka: *she nods* She keeps to herself, mostly...
Stan: Hmm.
Stan: So, back to my question.
Stan: What was that thing, why did it attack us?
Stan: Hmph. So, what happened to it? I was too busy being in a coma to know what happened afterwards.
Asuka: *she glances at Clio* It was a Phase Transition Biomechanical Experiment...
Stan: ....
Yurie: a Phase Trans whatty whadda?
Asuka: *she shook her head* Hard to explain.. basically, it could make itself Ethereal, if that makes any sense.... As in, move through things...
Yurie: you mean like a ghost *munch*
Stan: A very hurtful ghost.
Asuka: Kind of...
Stan: Anyways, continue.
Asuka: Charle, were you able to eliminate it, on the Restricted Level, or did it escape?
A-C: "We disabled it, presumed terminated"
Asuka: *she nods* good... That's a relief... the thought of that thing coming back up here is dreadful... Especially since we're all scattered, right now...
Stan: Heh, good, I won't be fighting anything like that any time soon. Not that I did any good anyways....
Stan: sighs.
Stan: So, it was just running around on the restricted level? Why did it just show up all of a sudden?
A-C: "Perhaps we disturbed it"
Stan: Hmph.
Asuka: That WAS the day I accessed RL7.
Stan: ....another thing.
Stan: Erm, never mind.
Stan: Well, as long as that's cleared up....
Stan: So, what's been happening around here since I left?
Asuka: Okay... *she stands* Charle, would you help her bring whatever it is she wanted to here? I'm going to the lab.
A-C: "Of course mother" *To Clio* "Shall we go?"
Stan: ....
Stan: closes his eyes and grits his teeth.
Stan: Is there some reason why nobody will tell me what's been happening around here?
Yurie: don't look at me *munch* I jus got here
Stan: sighs. "Same here."
Asuka: Heh.. *she laughs a little as she returns to the stairs, yawning*
Stan: Whatever.
Stan: stands, wincing and holding his arm.
Stan: 's PDA chirps. <P> "Enough backup info has been found to debug Quick Reflex nano functions. Proceed?"
Stan: Hmm. Confirm.
Yurie: shrugs, then walks outside
A-C: *Charle obediently follows*
Stan: sits alone in the dining room.
Stan: I STILL want to know where they got that fish from.... *mumble mumble*
Asuka: *descends the stairs, walking to her lab, and entering* hmm.. I wonder why everyone seems to be arriving here...
Stan: Hmph. Don't wanna sharpen my sword yet.... now that I can't close the wound....
Stan: lays his head down on the table.
A-C: "Clio...tell me your story"
Stan: Hmph.
Stan: gets up and heads outside.
Yurie: well, I used to wander about the old junkyards and stuff, looking for neat stuff.. at least, until I found this old base...something about the 'United something Air Force' or something
A-C: "History banks suggest 'United nations'
Yurie: United Nations? what the hell is that?
A-C: "History banks report that it was a collection of leaders from 40 countries, united in decision making"
Yurie: countries... you mean there are other countries around here?
Asuka: *she sits at the computer, trying to hack the databanks of the lower restricted levels*
Yurie: oh well.. anyway, I manage to squeeze inside the 'base' and found lots of neat shit.. including Sylph
Stan: mumbles to himself. "I woke up 2 years ago.... but how long was I sleeping?"
Stan: walks back inside.
A-C: "Unknown Entry...Sylph."
Yurie: anyway, Sylph was something called a SOMA... Self-Optimized Mechanical Armour or something
A-C: "A mech?"
Yurie: I guess so
Yurie: was a bitch to learn how to pilot it though. Thankfully there were some old manuals and books in the bases storage
A-C: "You have your own mech? Is this what we are retrieving now?"
Yurie: no.. I left it out in the desert
Yurie: reaches into her shirt and pulls out a triangular-shaped remote
A-C: *Charle looks to the device, her eyes flashing green as she scans it*
Stan: <P> Reclamation efforts on Cellular Regeneration nanofunction have failed. Continuing.
Stan: ....oh hell. That's not good.
Asuka: *she sighs, and stands.* I should prepare the hanger... *she heads for 2F to go to the hanger*
Stan: leans against the wall.
Yurie: what's that mean?
Stan: fingers his sword. "I was hoping to sharpen this tonight... or at least heal my arm... this is very bad. This week has been very bad." He sits, his back against the wall.
A-C: "Your device, Clio, looks to be a form of remote control"
Yurie: I figured it was
Asuka: *shes prepping the hanger for the arrival of a new mech, opening the front of the hanger, and clearing a space for the mech to go. She hops up onto the shoulder of her black and violet mech, and waits*
Yurie: hrms, then grins
Yurie: well.. let's see if I can't make this thing work
Yurie: raises the remote over her head, pointing it upwards.. then depresses the main button
Stan: gets up and goes back outside.
Yurie: 12 SYLPH! GO!
Yurie: a few moments pass before a loud sonic boom is heard in the sky above, a blue-and white shape flying in the air
Stan: Hmm. I seen to be just in time.
A-C: *Charle looks up, not flinching* "What is that?"
Yurie: the Sylph descends, then lands a ways away from Clio, the wings folding onto its back as the main thrusters folding back as the back plate secures itself, the mecha kneeling slowly
Stan: walks toward Charle and Clio.
Yurie: meet SOMA-A29, Sylph
Asuka: * *GM As sylph lands, a noise can be heard on the other side of the Mech Factory, LOUD stomping, mech-like, but somehow not totally mechanical* *
A-C: "Greetings SOMA-A29, Sylph"
Yurie: Sylph doesn't speak
Stan: winces, holds his arm...
Stan: The hell was that?
Yurie: that's my Mech. Neat, eh? ^^
Stan: turns and sprints to where he heard the noise coming from.
A-C: "Impressive"
Stan: 's PDA chirps.
Stan: Not now dammit....
Stan: stops.
Yurie: quickly climbs up the things outstretched arm up to the chest section, then leaps into an open portal, landing in the command couch
Stan: You know what? Last two time I rushed into a battle, I nearly died. And I'm in no fighting shape now.
Stan: sits and closes his eyes.
Stan: <P> Installing Enhanced Reflexes nano function.
Stan: Confirm.
Yurie: quickly presses buttons, closing the cockpit hatch, activating the sensors, bringing all systems to standby
Asuka: * *GM the Strange looking thing Approaches, Levelling a tall hill formation in a few punches, sending dust flying. The think is tall, obviously possessing Biological AND mechanical parts. It vaguely resembles a human, with two long black legs, and long arms. It has a wide, dark coloured torso, with grey patterns similar to a ribcage. A small orb is placed between its eyes, and glows red, like the said eyes. The beast begin to charge the factory*
Yurie: what.. the hell!?
Stan: <P> Complete.
Yurie: the SOMA energizes, then stands
A-C: *Charle watches, awe-struck*
Stan: Hmph. Nothing I can do without my AT or my arm.
Asuka: What the!?! *Alarms begin to blare in her ears, and she looks about.* This doesnt sound good.... *she stumbled as her mech came to life, and fell into the cockpit*
Stan: Except watch.
Yurie: the Sylph's wings unlink, spreading out as the massive thrusters engage and launch the mech air-born
A-C: *Charle runs, only jus making her way to safety*
Asuka: * *GM the Creature watches the mech above, then proceeds to stomp toward the facility* (it has to use the bathroom.. kidding, heh) * * *
Stan: calmly walks toward where the huge creature is.
Yurie: grimaces, the right 'arm guard' sliding open, a trio of barrels extending as she aims at the creature
Yurie: Lidar lock on...tracking.. LOCK!
Yurie: pulls the trigger, firing a small spray of two and a half foot silver 'needles' at the mech
Asuka: * *GM she creature would step right over Stan, lucky boy. Hearing the explosion of the needles against its shield, then turns, and its eyes fire a pair of small, homing rays towards Sylph* *
Yurie: WHAT THE!?
Yurie: the Sylph boosts at full speed, the wings and engines leaving a faint white trail
Stan: sits off at a distance, watching the fight unfold.
Asuka: <Dawning>Power systems activated.. at current charge, only one minute, forty five seconds of power remain while unplugged. Beginning Pilot Synch.
Yurie: swoops down near to the ground, avoiding the homing lasers as best she could
Stan: Good reflexes, that one has.
Asuka: uhh.. oookay.. how do I plug you in? *she blinks, sitting in the pilots seat* And how do I fly you, theres no controls!?
Yurie: dammit, why doesn't this thing have missiles!?
Yurie: boosts upwards into the air
Asuka: <Dawning>Pilot via telepathic linking... The cable is on the wall. time remaining, 60 seconds.
Asuka: Okays.. *she tries to figure out how to control it* okay.. go plug yourself in.
Stan: Uh... where's the Sylph thing going? What the hell?
Asuka: <Dawning>Synch incomplete.
Stan: Oh, ok. Here it comes.
Asuka: * *GM the creature watches the mech dodging, and glares, its orb starts to glow, releasing a high speed, energy blast, Turing to try and blast her for a few loops and fry her circuits, heh* *
Yurie: thankfully, with the speed the Sylph was moving at vertically, the mech had long since disappeared into the cloud line, the mech a small bright spot in midair as she keeps boosting, turning sharply to the side in hopes of avoiding the shots
Asuka: * *GM the shots fly past, and loop around to come at her from above.* *
Asuka: <Dawning>Synch at 70% Max allowed rating under circumstances, 10 seconds remain.
Yurie: whew that was close *BEEP BEEP BEEP* what.. something above me AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Stan: Alright. What the hell are these things? *Stan continues to narrate the battle to himself.*
Yurie: tumbles downward as the blast slice through the Sylphs armour
Asuka: Plug yourself in! *Dawning starts moving, almost human-like, plugging itself in* Battery restored, running on Cable energy... three minutes without cable.
Asuka: * *GM the creature moves toward the falling Slyph, jumping with an uppercut toward the falling machine* *
Yurie: lets out a very long stream of expletives as the machine rolls slowly in midair, barely missing being creamed by the massive punch before the engines come back online, boosting the Sylph horizontally away
Asuka: * *GM the creature turns, sending its wide beam cannon at her again, orb growing hot with all its firing* *
Yurie: GYAHHHHH!!!
Yurie: boost hard, the beam shots slamming into the ground about her as she boosts more
Stan: I really wish I had my enhanced eyesight... GOD I picked a bad day to reset my nanos.
Stan: whistles.
Asuka: Okay... now... Lets get outside...
Asuka: <Dawning>*Steps outside the hanger, turning and facing the Creature* Firing at target. *From its shoulders, two long barrelled cannons rise, and turn toward the creature, firing off rapid volleys of plasma energy*
Asuka: * *GM the blasts explode around the shield, and it turns to face Dawning. It fires five bursts of lasers at it from its eyes.* *
Asuka: <Dawning>*Kneels, and jumps, pulling its cable with it, landing on the opposite side of the creature,the lasers chasing after it* Activating Barrier field...*The lasers fade away upon reaching shield proximity*
Asuka: What kinda shield does it have?! I've never seen anything like it!
Stan: raises an eyebrow.
Asuka: <Dawning>Barrier field. Biological class. *Ducks to the side as the thing charges it, firing as it skids to a stop*
Stan: That's nothing like the mech I fought yesterday. Nothing... at... all....
Stan: Or was it the day before? I must have slept through the day.
Stan: No matter.
Asuka: * *GM the creature rushes Dawning again, shields colliding* *
Asuka: <Dawning>Hold him... if the shields could be drained of their energy damage could go through...
Stan: sighs. "This is dull."
A-C: *Charle (who had been stood nearby watching all of this blankly) turns* "You think my chain will help?"
Asuka: Charle! Channel the energy into something else!
Asuka: * *GM cracks appear in Dawning's Shield, the creature breaks through, sending its fist for the Mech's head. Dawning is knocked back, tripping over its power cable as warning lights go off* *
Stan: ....oh hell.
A-C: *Charle holds up a hand and whips a chain into the shield and a second into the floor, earthing it*
Asuka: * *GM she shield starts to fade, as Dawning climbs to its feet, grabbing the creature as it turned back to the hanger. Dawning held it immobile, time ticking down.* *
Stan: ....
Stan: whistles a lively little tune.
Asuka: blow the orb up.. shield is down..
Stan: sighs. That orb looks like a great target for his AT Rifle. Which he doesn't have anymore.
Asuka: <Dawning>*struggles to hold the Think is place, its squirming like a snake, heh* One minute remaining...
Yurie: grins, beeping softly
Stan: What the hell? Where's Sylph?
Yurie: a steady stream of needler darts fly at the Orb
Stan: Answers that.
Yurie: boosts directly at the thing, firing steadily
Asuka: * *GM A few second safter being struck, a large explosion covers both It and Dawning* *
Stan: ...oh shit.
Yurie: .....oops
Asuka: the smoke starts to clear.. the creature is burning, blown apart, ruptured core lying next to Dawning, heavilly damaged* *
Asuka: *A panel atop the head opens, and she pulls herself out, collapsing on the mech
Stan: quickly walks to the mech.
Stan: Are you alive?
Asuka: *nods, weakly.* I'm okay... That was Clio who took it down, right?
Stan: ....
Stan: Charle, where are you?
Stan: Of course. Who else?
A-C: "I am operating alright. All systems intact"
Stan: Pretty nice, considering she just showed up today.
Stan: Nice work, Charle. You might want to help Xiona out, though. She looks like she needs it.
Stan: turns and heads back toward the lab.
Asuka: *she sits up, shaking her head* I'm okay... Charle, can you plug Dawning back up, I'll take it inside...
A-C: "Affirmative, mother" *charle busies herself with said plugging in*
Stan: sits in the dining room, as usual.
Stan: leans back, left arm behind his head, right arm dangling limply. "God, that hurts like a mother. I'm reteaching myself regen first chance I get."
Stan: Hmmm... just in case I need to...
Stan: taps his left temple.
Stan: Scan.
Stan: <P> One connection found with given criteria.
Stan: Good. Hack it and set a bookmark: "SYLPH".
Stan: <P> Confirmed.
Yurie: slowly lands outside the hanger, the wings folding back in and down
Stan: Heh, I wonder why I never lost that function in the first place.
Stan: whistles.