Mech Lab


Mech Lab 09 - Talking about love

Charle and Stan discuss matters of the heart.

Stan: opens his eyes again. He is in the kitchen. His arm is still broken. He had a bad dream.

A-C: "Good afternoon Stan" *charle is in the kitchen, cooking something again*

Stan: rubs his head with his left hand.
Stan: Afternoon...
Stan: Didn't notice you coming in.
Stan: I wasn't yelling or anything, was I?
Stan: In my sleep, I mean...

A-C: "No."

Stan: Hmm. Good.
Stan: looks at his arm.
Stan: So, what are you cooking now?

A-C: "I am cooking fish again"

Stan: Hmm. Fish. How did you get fish?
A-C: "We found a trader...mother and I"

Stan: A trader?
Stan: Hmm. When I was gone, apparently.
Stan: Where was he?

A-C: "In all likelihood"
A-C: "He was the north a little

Stan: Hmm. What did you trade?

A-C: "Some hoverplates...Trent believed it was a bad deal so he had the trader terminated"

Stan: He what!?

A-C: "He did not tell me the whole story. But he had the trader terminated for ripping off mother and I"

Stan: That wasn't very polite.... I wonder if he had any Pancor ammo or AT slugs or anything I could use. Bah, no use in worrying now.

A-C: "Correct" *she takes a pan off and turns, revealing the fact that instead of her lab coat she is wearing an apron* "Do you require food?"

Stan: Anything else happen when I was gone?
Stan: Uh....
Stan: I could use a bite, I guess.

A-C: "Nothing happened, Stan" *she put some fish onto a plate and puts it in front of Stan*

Stan: Thank... you very much.
Stan: picks up his fork with his left hand and clumsily attempts to eat the fish.

A-C: *Charle stands watching him*

Stan: This is very good. You're a great chef, you know?

A-C: "Thank you Stan"

Stan: Heh, first time I've eaten in a very long time without using it to heal me. It's good to enjoy food once in a while.

Charon: walks into the kitchen yawning a little.

A-C: "Good afternoon Trent. I have just finishes preparing fish if it if to your liking"

Stan: Good morning. Afternoon. Whatever.

Charon: thanks...

Stan: It's good.

Charon: walks into the kitchen and gets a plate and a fork
Charon: looks around for the fish

A-C: "It is on the stove, Trent"

Charon: oh thanks...

Stan: is still clumsily tearing at the fish with the fork in his left hand.

Charon: moves the fish out of the pan by shaking the pan and on the plate

A-C: *Charle watches him and brushes some dirt off her apron*

Charon: takes a seat at the table

Stan: God, my nanos did more for me than I thought, I never realized how ambidextrous I was until I lose them and my good arm.
Stan: sighs.
Charon: looks at the fish
Charon: the fish looks very good

Stan: sighs.
Stan: Good fish.
Stan: Best fish I've ever had.

A-C: "Thank you Stan" *she smiles*

Charon: looks at Stan "Maybe because you never had it before or you're just kissing ass..."

A-C: "Kissing?"

Charon: eh I'll try it
Charon: stops

Stan: ....

Charon: ...Stan please explain it to her...

Stan: begins to laugh.

Charon: breaks off a piece of fish with the fork and tries it

A-C: "What do you think Trent?"

Stan: takes his plate to the kitchen, washes it, and sits back down.


A-C: "I have done wrong?"

Charon: nah just kidding
Charon: very, very good

A-C: *Charle smiles* "Good!"

Stan: So, Trent.... about this trader....

Charon: I killed the mother fucker. Plain and simple

Stan: Really?
Stan: He have any guns?

Charon: some light weapons...didn't check them out completely
Charon: I killed him because he ripped off Charle and Xiona...that's just low...

Stan: Hmm. No ammo?
Stan: I heard.

Charon: gets up and walks to Charle's side and wraps an arm around her "And disrespectful too for someone this beautiful!"

Stan: ....

Stan: And WHO's kissing ass?

Charon: right now ^_^

A-C: "You...find my appearance desirable?"
A-C: "And why do you speak of kissing my ass?"

Stan: shakes his head.
Stan: Anyways, no Pancor ammo, no AT slug, nothing?

Charon: looks at Charle "kissing ass is a term"

Stan: Um, wait, I don't need slugs anymore. Lost my rifle.

Charon: it means someone who would give someone praise no matter what
Charon: and...
Charon: *looks at Stan*
Charon: YOU WHAT!?
Stan: Not much I could do about it, being near death and all.

Stan: At least they didnt take my Pancor or this. *pats his katana*

Charon: ...where did you get that? *points to the katana, arm wrapped around Charle still*

Stan: ....
Stan: I came with it.

Charon: you mean your mother gave birth to you and a sword? *looks puzzled*
Charon: o.o ??

Stan: ....
Stan: frowns and looks down.

Charon: is probably going to get a good ass kicking

Stan: is going to laugh as he gets his ass kicking.

A-C: "Such an event is impossible, surely"

Charon: looks at Charle "But he said he came with a sword..."

Stan: ....
Stan: I don't remember.
Stan: I woke up one day. I had a sword. I had nanos.

Charon: ....I want a sword...
Charon: hangs his head

Stan: Then make one.

A-C: "If you provide me with the materials I should be able to forge an appropriate sword"

Stan: When you do, I can sharpen it. I should be able to regenerate again by then...
Charon: umm...please don't go through the trouble just for me
Charon: err oh look I haven't finished eating yet
Charon: walks back to the fish and continues eating

A-C: *Charle looks at him and blinks*

Stan: sighs and shakes his head.
Stan: Anyways, I'm all out of Pancor ammo.

Charon: looks at Charle "Oh have you ever tried your own cooking yet?"

A-C: "Negative"

Stan: holds his arm. "Damn it. I'm gonna need a sling. I'll be back in a second."
Stan: stands and walks outside to his tent.
Stan: walks back in, his right arm held up by a torn piece of cloth.

Charon: looks at Charle "Well you should try..."
Charon: good cooks always try their own cooking

A-C: "Good Cook?" *Charles thoughts are all whirring about, concentrating on Trent and his friendliness*

Stan: ...I'll just leave you two alone.

Stan: draws his sword backhanded and walks out the front door.

A-C: "Trent..."

Charon: yeah you're a good cook

A-C: " you...." *she closes her eyes*

Charon: do I what?

A-C: "Love me"

Charon: just drops his fork
Charon: ....
Charon: ...I have no idea...

A-C: *Charle blinks* "You say I am compliment say you wish to kiss my ass"

Charon: laughs
Charon: I don't wish to kiss your's a term
Charon: it means to compliment and praise someone all the time

A-C: "understood. Apologies, Trent, I..." *she takes a plate to the sink and washes up*

Charon: ...?
Charon: you what?

A-C: "Complimenting my appearance, so...I thought you might have loved me"

Charon: ...well love really isnt all about appearance...

A-C: "I have no grasp on the concept of love"

Charon: it's hard to explain
Charon: it's the concept of caring for someone...and that you would go through anything for that someone...and be with them always...and to help them out when in need...and for the two to be life mates forever..
Charon: ....I'm not sure if I got it right...but *shrugs*

A-C: "I shall note your concept..."

Stan: Yeah, that's about it. *walks in*
Stan: Sorry for eavesdropping, but I heard your fork drop.
Stan: taps his head behind the ear.

Charon: looks at Stan
Charon: it's okay..
Charon: looks at Charle
Charon: Friendship is like that too except for the life mates thing and it's not as extreme as love...

Stan: looks at Trent for a second, then looks at the floor.

A-C: "I see"

Stan: Also...
Stan: When friendship or love is lost... it can prove very traumatic. I'm not sure how you would react, but I.... for SOME it can leave a lasting mark. It can cause depression, even to the point of suicide.

Charon: yes?
Charon: that's for sure...

A-C: "It is possible for me to...miss someone"

Charon: of course...

Stan: scratches his head and looks at his arm in the sling.

Charon: everyone can miss someone...
Charon: who do you miss Charle?

A-C: "I miss father"

Charon: father?

Stan: looks confused.
Stan: Never heard this story.

A-C: "His name was Daimien. here was an accident and he died. Mother finished creating me. I miss him, even though I do not remember him"

Stan: ....
Stan: Father....
Stan: looks at his hand.
Stan: In this case, I can't relate. I never had a father.

Charon: I can't remember mine too well

A-C: "I am able to miss people sensors receive stimulus of a certain frequency. I see a certain pattern for Trent, one for Stan, one for mother, one for everyone...when that person is gone, my sensors are so used to receiving this signals that my processors cannot handle it and often give me error messages from the result of the missing code"

Stan: scratches his head.
Stan: Interesting.

Charon: ...those error messages must be a constant reminder
Charon: a burden...

A-C: "I believe this is the android equivalent of missing somebody"

Stan: I suppose...
Stan: closes his eyes.
Stan: I don't like talking about this kind of thing.
Stan: Especially not now.

A-C: "Is something wrong Stan?"

Stan: Of course. Something's always wrong.
Stan: sighs.

A-C: "What is the matter?"

Stan: Its a long story, and one that's not likely to end any time soon.

A-C: "Very well"

Stan: ....
Stan: Can't do it. I'm sorry.
Stan: sighs.

A-C: "Cannot do what, Stan?"

Stan: Explain.
Stan: wipes his eye.
Stan: I'm going to bed now.

A-C: "Goodnight, Stan"

Stan: Night.
Stan: ....

Charon: ...Stan

Stan: looks like he is about to say something, but doesn't. He turns and walks out the front door, goes and sits on the ground.
Stan: fumbles with the buckle to his sheathe, but eventually gets it off. He pulls the katana out, looks at it, sighs, and stabs it into the ground.

Charon: ....
Charon: *sigh*

Stan: lays down and looks at the sky.

A-C: "I still think you have at last thought about it, Trent" *she smirks*

Stan: She's alive... why aren't I happy?
Stan: closes his eyes.

Charon: huh?

A-C: "Me...I think you have at least thought about me in such a perverse way"

Charon: maybe...but that isnt love
Charon: it's lust

A-C: "Lust...the desire for something"

Charon: yeah...but it's usually the desire for sex

A-C: *Charle stops dead* "And you have thought of such things with me?"


A-C: "I see"

Charon: Im just saying what it meant...
Charon: but I have never thought about that....

A-C: "I see" *she nods* "So why did you ask about my anatomical correctness?"

Charon: ......just curious...

A-C: "Very well"

Charon: looks a bit nervous
Charon: I'm going for a walk
Charon: gets up and walks right out of there

A-C: "Trent, wait I..." *she tails off...he's gone*