Charon: lies in his room...asleep...rifle on the table
Charon: ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
Stan: has been up for a while, practicing his swordplay with his left arm.
Charon: zzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Charon: is out
A-C: *Charle is sat at a computer, typing away, trying to get more information on her father*
Charon: snores
Charon: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
A-C: *Charles fingers strike the keys faster and faster, she seems to be getting somewhere*
Charon: "ZZzzzzz...*sings the meow mix commercial then snores off again*"
Charon: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Asuka: heh
Asuka: well.. gimme a few minutes...
Stan: sheathes his sword, holds his broken arm, and thinks.
Asuka: *taps in her lock code to Lab 01, door slides open* Hey, Charle... *she steps inside* you're working hard...
Charon: ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
A-C: "Affirmative mother. I am attempting to uproot information no father"
Asuka: I see... I'll take over for awhile, if you like...
A-C: "You may work alongside me f you wish"
Asuka: Okay *she takes a seat to start working* Anything happen yet?
A-C: "I appear to be getting somewhere...however whenever it looks like I am getting somewhere, I run across an unhackable wall"
Charon: "Zzzzz...We are X! Zzzz..."
Asuka: *se nods* hmm... I don't know how to bypass it...
A-C: "No...would father do something like this?"
Asuka: It's possible... he seemed to have lost all sanity...
A-C: "Understood" *she speaks in a sad voice and slows her typing down*
Asuka: Is something wrong, Charle? *she turns to look at her*
A-C: "Father was not a bad why would he do this?"
Asuka: I don't know...
A-C: "Mother, I have a question"
Asuka: Yes, Charle?
A-C: "Trent. Has he spoken of me"
Asuka: What about?
Stan: is still kinda standing around and staring
A-C: "I think....he desires me"
Asuka: Really, now? *she stops typing, looking toward her* What makes you thing that?
A-C: "He said I was beautiful. He put his arm around me....I remember on the day we met...he asked about my anatomical correctness. He spoke of lusting for Sex and..."
Asuka: *she blinks, looking at her* I believe he may be trying to take advantage of you.
A-C: "Take advantage of me?"
Stan: still hasn't moved.
Asuka: *she nods*
A-C: "What do you mean, mother?"
Asuka: Well.. its hard to say for sure.... it seems like he's trying to ... I'll talk to him...
A-C: "Trying to what? I confronted him about lusting for me, but he left"
Stan: sighs, turns and walks inside.
Asuka: *she nods* How do you feel about him?
A-C: "I have not thought of him in such a way....though this may be because I am not programmed to"
Asuka: *she shakes her head* Like I said.. you're capable of anything a human is...
A-C: "I am discovering new things all the time. Perhaps I have not discovered how to love yet"
Stan: sits in the dining room and nods off.
Asuka: *she nods* Perhaps...
A-C: "What is it like?"
Asuka: It's one of hose things that can't really be explained....
A-C: "Understood"
A-C: *Charle continues typing* "Would you approve?"
Asuka: If you really love him.. of course...
A-C: "And...I will know when I love him? anyone?"
Asuka: *she nods*
A-C: "I am glad"
A-C: "I love you, mother...and I know it"
Asuka: *she smiles and hugs Charle* I'm glad...
A-C: *Charle hugs her back* "I know I desire to be as human as I can be..."
A-C: "And I mean this in every respect"
Asuka: *she nods* Good...
A-C: "I have been reading a lot into marriage"
Asuka: Huh? *she blinks, glancing at Charle* Marriage, huh?
A-C: "Yes...I have discovered the old communication network. It is a cornucopia of information"
Asuka: Thats great!
A-C: "It tells of big ceremonies and grand sermons from religious leaders. It intrests me greatly"
Asuka: I guess it used to be that way...
A-C: "And the male used to present a ring to the female....were you planning to wed father?"
Asuka: ...I was...
A-C: "What were you planning on doing?"
Asuka: *she shakes her head* We never really planned things, back then...He suprised me when he asked...
A-C: "The network tells it was traditional for the male to get on one knee and ask the female. Did father do that?"
Asuka: *she laughs* I'd rather not say exactly how it happened (^-^)
Stan: looks around and grumbles.
Stan: You'd think SOMEBODY would be up by now...
A-C: "Why not mother?"
Asuka: Well... *she blushes*... It's kinda embarrassing...
A-C: "It is? What happened?"
Asuka: *looks at her* well... hehe...
A-C: "Yes?" *she has an expectant look in her eyes*
Asuka: We had a power outage at the lab.. we just happened to be alone in an elevator... *red faced*
Stan: mumbles. "If I had my radar, I could tell where everyone is... damn it. This is boring." Whine whine whine.
A-C: "And...he asked you when you were in the lift?"
Asuka: After... something else.... yes... *she nods*
A-C: "Something else?"
Asuka: *she laughs, turning her head* Never mind...
A-C: "No, mother...I..."
Asuka: *she stands* Well.. *grins, and turns, walking for the door* I'll tell you later...
A-C: "If you promise you will, mother"
Asuka: I promise.. *she heads out of the lab, going to the kitchen*
A-C: *Charle stands and follows*
Stan: is sitting in the dining room, staring blankly.
A-C: "Good afternoon, Stan"
Asuka: Good afternoon.
Stan: doesn't respond.
A-C: "Stan...has Trent spoken of me?"
Stan: still doesn't respond.
Stan: Stan: still doesn't respond.
A-C: "Stan?"
Stan: shakes his head. "Huh?"
Stan: Oh sorry.
Stan: rubs his forehead with his left hand, his right arm still in the sling.
Stan: Um, hello...
A-C: "Hello, Stan"
Asuka: How are you?
Stan: scratches his head. "Been better. How about you?"
A-C: "Awaiting response_ _ _"
Asuka: Okay.. *still red faced though*
Stan: Hello, Charle...
A-C: "Hello. Awaiting response...has Trent spoken of me?"
Stan: Oh, sorry, didn't hear you. No, I haven't seen him today.
A-C: "Any time before now?"
Stan: Nope. Nobody else is up yet.
Asuka: *she shrugs* I pulled another all nighter, last night.. I need to get some rest...
Stan: Yeah... you look pretty flushed right now.
A-C: "Very well. Mother...if you require sleep, I suggest you rest."
Asuka: *she nods* I knew you would.. sorry.. I'll go to bed now.. *goes*
A-C: *Charle takes a seat* "Stan, do you wish for some food?"
Stan: No thanks...not right now.
Stan: Don't have much of an appetite.
A-C: "Very well. Would it be alright if I got something?"
Stan: Sure, go right ahead.
A-C: "Thank you" *she smiles to him and goes to a cupboard, opening it and staring into it* "How is your arm?"
Stan: Well.... it's broken. And it hurts. Not much more to say about it.
A-C: "" *she remains staring into the cupboard*
Stan: What kind fracture? Or how did I break it?
Stan: My upper arm pretty much snapped up near the shoulder, if that's what you're asking.
A-C: "Thank you. How did it happen?"
Stan: Well, the AT rifle I was using was a modified rifle from a power armour. I had never shot it before, so I didn't realize how great the kickback would be.
A-C: "I have not used such a weapon. I simply stick with my plasma gun. And what is good to eat?"
Stan: I dunno. What IS there to eat?
A-C: "Chips...cookies...not a lot"
Stan: Well, try whatever you haven't tried before.
A-C: "Cookies...I have not tried those" *she takes a packet of cookies*
Stan: What kind of cookies are they?
A-C: *She reads the packet* "Chocolate chip" *she opens the packet (somewhat clumsily) and takes one. She eats it* "B...Bizarre"
Stan: What?
Stan: Are they bad?
A-C: "no I...they taste pleasant. I simply have not tasted anything like it before....though I have not had much to eat so far" *she takes another and holds it out* "Would you like one?"
Stan: No thanks.
Stan: ...wait a second.
Stan: Would this be the first time you've had sweet food?
A-C: "This is the first time I have had cookies"
Stan: Hmm.
Stan: Well, don't eat too many of them.
A-C: "Why not?"
Stan: Well, cookies, like chips, are a form of junk food.
A-C: "I have had chips...chips are pleasant"
Stan: Now, I'm not sure how your body digests food, but for humans, eating too much junk food can make you sick. Or fat. Junk foods taste good, but they aren't good for you.
A-C: "I have no body fat. My heat is maintained by an internal coolant system. I do not think it is possible for me to become fat"
Stan: Well, then, you don't have that problem.
Stan: 's PDA chirps.
Stan: <P> Nano Programming function recovered. Transfer?
Stan: Confirm.
A-C: " have nanotechnology?"
Stan: Didn't I tell you?
Stan: No, I didn't, did I.
A-C: *Charle shakes her head and eats another cookie*
Stan: Heh, I did until a few days ago.
Stan: I drained my nanobots until they malfunctioned.
Stan: Now I have to reprogram all my functions... it's a really big mess.
A-C: "Am I able to assist?"
Stan: I don't know yet. But thanks for the offer.
A-C: "You are welcome"
Stan: Hmmm... actually, is there a computer here I could use?
A-C: *Charle nods* "There is a bank outside"
Stan: Alright, could you show me?
A-C: "Certainly" *She eats one last cookie and stands*
Stan: stands as well. "Thank you very much."
A-C: *Charle walks out the room and down the corridor to the computer room*
Stan: follows.
A-C: "Here is the suite, Stan."
Stan: Thank you. I'll be in here, if you need me.
Stan: sits in front of the computer, pulls out his PDA, and sets it next to the computer.
Stan: Begin uplink.
Stan: begins to type.