Mech Lab


Trent Coughlan

Player - ][Charon][

Trent Coughlan

Age: 17
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Alias: Sick Boy

Weapons: Semi-Auto Military Assault Rifle (US Military used in the war before the bombs dropped). Fists and feet.

Skills: Driving, Small Guns (Rifles and Pistols), Unarmed, Guitar and singing.

Description: Blue eyes, Black spikey hair, wears t-shirts and a leather jacket with blue jeans. Slim build but toned. Usually has his assault rifle around a shoulder and ammo belt around his waist.

Trent is a weird guy. Plain and simple. He claims to be in a band of musicians named X and that his stage name is Sick Boy. And of course he dreamed of being a rock star for some reason with sex, drugs, and ROCK AND ROOOLLLLL! He was born in Niagra Falls but most of his life he lived in Atlanica (Atlanic City). He owns a jeep currently but wants to get something more powerful and more fun to drive.

He left the group becaused he wanted to have a small break and explore the wasteland a little bit. But for some odd twist of fate, his jeep stopped in the middle of the wastes and he had to push his car to the mech lab. He met Xiona and Charle there and decided to live in the lab. His decision of going back to Atlantica or not is uncertain for now...