Mech Lab


Mech Lab 11 - Charle and Rosie talk

Charle and Rosie talk

Rosebud: moves out of the mech warehouse, she's been holed up in there for nearly three days now and she emerges (woo-hoo) She's greasy and dirty and looks... content. She dusts her hands off on a pair of overalls and heads straight toward the residential area showers

A-C: *Charle is in the area near said showers*

Rosebud: hello Chare.
Rosebud: smiles a bit
Rosebud: How are you?

A-C: "I am fine Rosie. Where have you been?"

Rosebud: working on my mech

A-C: *Charle looks a little shocked* "You have been working all of this time?"

Rosebud: most of it yah

A-C: "Impressive. I apologise for not helping you"

Rosebud: chuckles "it's fine."

A-C: "How is your project coming along?"

Rosebud: It's going well
Rosebud: I got the base built and the radios fixed and set
Rosebud: smiles
Rosebud: the mech is even working nearly as well as it's supposed to

A-C: "Good." *charle nods* "I suspect you are to be taking a shower now?"

Rosebud: yeah
Rosebud: laughs
Rosebud: Im filthy

A-C: "Very well. I shall make you something for when you are done...what would you like?"

Rosebud: blinks and smiles. "I'm not really sure"

A-C: "We have ample supplies of fish if that is to your tastes"

Rosebud: Just about anything will do really, I'm not used to this." She smiles

A-C: "Fish it is. I will have your fish ready when you are out of the shower" *she turns and heads to the kitchen*

Rosebud: chuckles

Rosebud: moves into the showers and takes like.. half an hour to take one.

A-C: *Charle takes off her Lab Coat and puts on an apron before cooking some fish...ready when you are*

Rosebud: moves out of the shower and wraps a towel around her hair, she changes into bdu's and heads for the dining room towelling her hair off

A-C: "Hello Rosie" *Charle turns* "Would you like fish now?"

Rosebud: drops the towel over her shoulders and smiles. "Yeah, thank you."

A-C: *Charle smiles and nods. She turns and takes the pan off the stove and holds it* "How much would you like?
Rosebud: How much? One fish?"

A-C: "You desire the whole thing?"

Rosebud: umm.. I guess.. Sorry I haven't had fish in a very long time."

A-C: "Very well" *charle puts the fish onto a plate and places it on the table. She steps back and brushes her apron off*

Rosebud: looks at the fish and blinks. "That is big."

A-C: "Yes...however you requested the whole thing. So here it have not eaten for some time so perhaps it is for the best"

Rosebud: chuckles. "I asked for it alright. Thank you." She picks up knife and fork, and well... digs in."

A-C: *Charle simply watches*

Rosebud: I appreciate it Charle. Join me?

A-C: "I have been told my fish is good...yes I shall if you do not mind"

Rosebud: smiles
Rosebud: I don't mind

A-C: *Charle sits and watches Rosie eat for a while before nodding and picking uip a knife and fork, mimicking Rosies actions perfectly*

Rosebud: smiles. "You're good."
Rosebud: smiles. "And you're right, the fish is delicious

A-C: " is"
A-C: "do you think I might have a mech?"

Rosebud: I think it might be possible
Rosebud: I wouldnt mind if you did. Personally I think it's a good idea if everyone in the base learns to at least run one
Rosebud: smiles and actually finishes her part of the fish. "I need a real sleep though, I think I'll nap for a few hours

A-C: "Yes...your idea is a good one"