Name: Robert White
Description: Rob is a middle aged caucasian male, probably in his early
thirties. He has dark brown eyes and hair, which is usually overgrown
and unkempt. He also sports a short beard which is equally unkempt.
Rob stands about 5' 8" and is a fine specimen of the human race. His
journeys across the wasteland the past years have honed him into great
shape, though his skin and clothes are weathertorn and irrevocably
damaged from the sun and the weather he has endured. His skin is
very tan, and he has minor scars located on his body and face. He
tends to wear his traveling attire on most occasions, which consists
of a thick brown leather poncho, gloves and boots with some army
fatigues and some scarves to wrap around his face.
History: Rob was born amongst a small group of survivors who dubbed
themselves 'The Believers'. Apparently they were a religious cult
that had 'forseen' a great disaster and had made preparations by
building a few shelters. Rob lived in one of the shelters for the
majority of his adolesence, learning from his family and the others
about what the Believers intended to accomplish.
The Believer ideology is that they were meant to survive and show
man the error of his ways, and to teach him how to create a peaceful future.
Rob felt their lessons were sound, but time had taken its toll on the
idealistic cult, and they were loathe to venture out into the wastelands.
"Our time has not yet come..." they would say, as their machinery
strained and the shelter became over populated. It was in his 19th
year that Rob left to the wastes, to bring their word and spread peace
to the wastes. Robs secondary mission is to catalog his experiences in the
wastes and if possible bring them back to the shelters, or to another
like it so that the knowledge may help a new generation.
Not too long in his traveling he encountered a group of raiders led by the
infamous 'Slash'. Things didn't look good for Rob, but luckily he was taken
captive and put into slavery instead of being killed, if one calls that
He bided his time and kept telling Slash that he could be put to better
use teaching and healing his raiders instead of moving heavy objects. After
two years he convinced Slash, and became the resident medic for the band.
He would preach the Believer teachings to those he was treating, as they had
little choice but to listen to him. Eventually the basics of his teachings
caught on, and he was able to convince Slash and the raiders to take a
different approach to things. Rather than raid what villages and traders were in the
area,he reached a bargain amongst all the parties involved so the raiders would
protect them from other bands and creatures of the wastes, getting food and supplies
from those they protected. Rob saw the situation better controlled and left soon
after, he had taught them all he knew.
Personality: While Rob was raised in amongst a religious cult, he is
by no means a zealot. He is a very bright individual, as he didn't have
much else to do in the shelter but learn. In turn, he tends to treat
others like students whether they are or not. He is also very observant,
and while
he might not seem like he notices something, he usually catches very slight
He is prone to gooff on tangents and start preaching about Believer ideals.
It may be frustrating to some, but Rob only has the best intentions for
he meets. Even though he has traveled the wastes for about 15 years,
his heart and soul are still pure. He'll give people the benefit of the
doubt if they are sincere enough, but if someone threatens his life or
others, he will not hesitate to react with force. Overall Rob values
human life above others. While he is a survivor, he is not ruthless.
Other Information: In his time of learning at the shelter, Rob learned
about how
to survive in the new world. While a majority of his book knowledge hasn't
been very applicable in the wastes, he possesses a variety of skills that
are useful.
Medicine, Biology and Botany were his favorite subjects, and as a result he
is something of a 'pinch doctor'. He can patch up serious wounds and diagnose and treat
a variety of ailments. He also grew a variety of plants and fungus back at the
shelter, and hopes to grow more in the future; provided he can find a suitable location.
In his time with the Raiders he gained a basic knowledge of how to traverse
the wastes,what was ok to eat, what was a fair trade, how to track, what creatures to
stay away from. He learned how to fire some rifles and pistols, and how to defend himself in
close combat...things the Believers neglected to teach.
Equipment: Rob packs light, owning only what he can carry: Traveling
outfit(thick leather poncho, boots, gloves, army fatigues, headwrappings, gas mask, a small popup
tent, a few medical books, first aid kit and some expiring prescription medication, a small
assortment of plant seeds, a couple canteens of mucky water, a hunting rifle with a
magnifying scope, a knife, a pair of binoculars, a few pouches of dried fruit and meat, and
some extra clothes and a canteen of whiskey for trading. Most importantly his journal, which
he catalogs his experiences for future generations.