Mech Lab


Spark Rouge

Player - Wildfire_Ryo

Brian "Spark" Rouge

Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Concept: Inventor

Physical Description:

Brian Rouge, also known as Spark, is a tall, lanky man with short, mousey hair. He eternally looks as though he just woke up from a nap somewhere, and most likely has--His eyes are almost always half-closed and listless, with a small bit of stubble playing at his chin. His clothes are typically somewhat spartan, wearing an old, beat-up leather duster over whatever other clothing he can find; Typically a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans.


Spark tends to view life on the lighter side of things, quick to come up with a joke in even the most terse of situations. Very happy-go-lucky and easy to get along with, he tends to make friends very easily but rarely speaks about himself, preferring to listen to others. He is very bright, but often does not show it, instead acting somewhat scatter-brained at all times.

Skills & Abilities:

Spark is a mechanical genius, responsible for the A.I. hardwire coding and servo creation for several next-generation androids, before the fall. He is able to whip together amazing creations using only the most bare essentials for components, and doing so at record time. He is also a brilliant coder, able to write fascinating programs on the fly. His physical abilities are somewhat limited, though. Spark is far from being the strongest of individuals, and though he is a fairly speedy runner he can be a bit clumsy at times. However, he is a crack shot with a gun, and an excellent driver.

Items Carried:

E-SpAS - Energy-Based Special Assualt Shotgun. Spark carries this weapon around with him on the inside of his black trenchcoat, right inside the left vest. The gun itself is made of highly polished silver metal with a pistol-type grip, small patches of reflective black metal streaking out over the barrel, and a laser-dot scope on the top. The black metal serves as super-condensed solar panels, drawing energy for the gun and placing them in small solar battery cells located under the grip. The solar cells do not last for long (depending on the firing mode), but are exchangable. Firing modes are as follows:

Standard mode. A standard, low-powered red laser blast. Fires at a rate of two per .75 seconds (one from each barrel). Uses 4 charges per blast.

Repeater mode. Fires small, very low-powered blue balls of energy from both barrels at a cyclic rate of one per every .10 seconds. Uses 1 charge per blast.

High power mode. Charges a large ball of white-blue energy from the front of the barrels for upwards of 10 seconds before releasing in a powerful blast of energy. Consumes one entire solar battery (400 charges) or whatever is remaining on a previously-used battery. Power is dependant upon remaining charges.

Sniper mode. Fires one small, concentrated laser beam, capable of ignoring most armors, substances, and obstructions. Fires at a rate of one blast per 20 seconds, and uses 50 charges.

Ion Stun mode. Fires a blue-colored beam very similar to the one used in standard mode, but only does stunning damage. The ion particles are also very disruptive to robotics and electronics, capable of disabling most models in only two or three blasts. Fires at a rate of one bolt every 1.5 seconds. Uses 10 charges per blast.

Desert Eagle .357 with one spare clip
Two utility knives
Three total solar cells
Pocket tool/repair kit
PDA Unit


Spark has managed to find and retrofit an older dune-buggy style vehicle, adding in weapon enbankements and solar panels. It has a top land speed of 60 mph. and can traverse rather rough terrain. It has ports for two hard-ammo light machine guns near the headlights, as well as a rotating rifle stand near the top (a perfect mount for SpAS, which then drains from the car's near-infinite charge solar batteries).


Spark worked for years as the lead scientist for an underground group of robotics engineers, helping to refine and reshape some rather radical innovations in the field of android creation and artificial intelligence. Things there had gone fine until one day, when one of their latest experiments went horribly awry. A machine made entirely of liquid metal with immense destructive powers suddenly went rogue, killing the majority of the scientists before departing out into the wastelands. Faced with no more friends and no future, Spark grabbed what tools and weaponry he could, activated an old land-transportation unit, and headed out into the unknown.