Age: looks to be about 18-19 yearsWeight: about 110-120 ,., girls never tell their weightHeight: 59
Equipment: she has a few nice pieces of equipment thanks to dear old dad- a high powered hand held grappling hook for climbing but has proven useful in punturing a scull or two
Sx 80 automatic- supercharged, high velosity handgun with modified loading duel chamber..extended range barrel , laser sights and optional silencer..
She also caries a semiautomatic pistol for a backup .. various knives in her boots and pockets and a one shot Derringer somewhere on her person
Skills: Survival.. spending most of her life on her own she picked up various skills along the way..
Mechanics- able to maintain her bike and weapons with ease and rig devices to make them usefull..
Kickboxing - learning the basics as a young kid then spending much time in the shelter watching kickboxing dvds and practicing moves she holds her own in hand to hand combat
Rogueish skills ,., picking locks.. climbing.. stealth.. general female persuasion .. hey gotta use what you got to stay alive out there but preffering to use whit over braun she manages to get out of some sticky situations.. course the weapons come in handy every once in a while
Description: Tall with an athletic build ,, long red wavy hair not much attention paid to its style but it works for her.. green eyes.. she wears a long coat over her clothes mostly to protect against the elements while riding her modified Harley
History : having an over zelous dad paid off for her.. Building the bomb shelter,, a joke of the neighborhood at the time.. but he stocked it well.. unfortunatly when the bomb hit he was at work.. Murphys law I guess... Mel found her way to the shelter when the bomb hit ... well stocked with weapons , ammo, food, and Dads favorite toy his Harley Davidson .. for a while she called the place home sheilded from the terror and panic in the streets above.. eventually though the stores of food were depleated... her only companion Champ, her dog, died and boredom struck she decided to head out into the very different world.. since then traveling on her own.. borrowing what she needed from various groups she met on the way.. finding her fair share of violent encounters ..
She found herself in more than one precarious sitution ... at the age of 12 a group of raiders influenced her to do them a small favor.. for some smuggling a micro disc surgically implanted in their head holding important information on weapon specs would be more than a small favor but what did she know... The raiders figured her young age would deter suspicion while traveling into the deadlands.. besides she was expendable.. of course when Mel learned they couldnt remove the disc without killing her ,, she didnt stick around... They have been looking for her since.. Mel knowing this tends to keep moving ,, not staying in one place for any length of time and moving within different groups.. one week traveling with a group of Raiders the next week with street vagrants ,, She has made some useful connections and more than a few enemies along the way