Brick wind says sleep glitz & kitsch Rescue
fog stutters fiery chasms in pinch Chocolate cartoons screen of river-horse bathed in boxes Machines taunt
Andromeda twill & snip be ragged edge Slump raven, overlap the pink dwarf puma Heart says
haunt pyres of salt sneeze through the crab storeroom fling acrid the sundial over Yangtse
chamber four noses Soon machines will haunt the night Soon sweet leaf will flutter blue Soon lips will escape the
heavens and light will squall in the cellar Zip a kiss to rat-faced children
~Patricia Wellingham-Jones
Patricia Wellingham-Jones, former psychology researcher and writer,
has poetry and short stories published in numerous traditional and online journals. Recent books are Voices on the Land
(Rattlesnake Press, 2005) and Belt of Transit (PWJ Publishing, 2005).