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Bullied? Stop Taking It

Bullying is or can be a tricky subject for our kids to deal with. Sometimes the effects of bullying may be similar to drug use, alcohol abuse, or other things we associate with pre-teen or teenage behavior.

Bullying is serious business. It can rob a child of self-esteem, and in worse case scenarios drive a child to suicide.

Bullying is real and rampant. I encourage you to watch for the following signs that your child may be a victim:
1. Has you child suddenly withdrawn, stopped wanting to participate in extracurricular activities, (sports, dance, church activities) or any other activity that might place them in "harms way?"

2. Are they no longer enjoying activities that they once took pleasure in? Maybe a child who once took pride in playing piano, or being more artistic than sports minded is acting strangely.

3. Does your child dread school, regardless if they are a good student or not?

4. Have they changed friends or become reclusive, refusing to take phone calls, or even go on dates?

5. Has your child suddenly started avoiding the computer or seem agitated after spending time online?

There are many signs, that some parents will again, associate with drug or alcohol use. Please take some time and talk to your child in a non-threatening way. And don't announce that you will call the parents of the bully. Many times that action only makes matters worse. Some bullies are reared by bullies.

I am providing links to learn more about this "crime" against our children. Don't wait for the suicide note to learn that your child is/was a victim of bullying.

Click on logos or links to learn more

Bullying at school?

Bully Advice for Kids

Taking the bully by the horns


Center for Children and Families in the Justice System


Nick Talk... Parent's get advice about talking to your kids!

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