4. Super Goop!
PROBLEM: How is Goop like a plastic? *Remember Goop
can behave like a solid and a liquid.
PREDICT: What do you think will happen?
TEST AND OBSERVE: Follow these steps and write down
your observations.
1. Put @ 1/2 cup of the white powder into a cup. MY POWDER
2. Add just enough water @1/4 cup to each cup to make the
contents pasty.
3. Place a few drops of food coloring and stir contents of
each cup.
4. Massage the Goop with your fingers after sufficient mixing
has taken place. Do this carefully so you DON'T RIP OR TEAR THE
Cup! What happens?
CHALLENGE: What did you have to do to the Goop to make
it behave like a solid and a liquid? Which of the three Goops
worked the best?....and Why?
CONCLUSION: What did you learn? You will write a conclusion
statement in the classroom.
If you would like any information on these
or other collaborative programs send mail to kskrutvold@uswest.net.