The Reading Post


Do Unto ALL
Children Say
Why Why?
Business Signs
Drunk Talk
Label Us Dumb
Body Stats
10 Life Rules
Universal Laws
Words Women Use
IF . . .
Double Meanings
Great Truths
You What ?. . .
Girl Language
Sex Test
Psychiatric Ans Mach
Rules of Manhood
Girl / Guy Facts
Dinner Date
Female Comebacks
I Love You (s)

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... the song you've always considered " our song" comes on the radio, and he snaps it off, saying, "I've always hated that thing!"

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... you notice the garbage collector wearing the scarf you spent six months knitting for "him"!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... you start noticing how, lately, someone is always dropping in just when you think you're going to spend an evening alone in her pad.

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... his recent letters end with "Very truly yours,"!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... she starts introducing you to people as one of her "oldest and dearest friends!"

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... you call him up, and "she" answers!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... he says, "We really can't go on meeting like this!"... and you're both single!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... he takes you to a "McDonald's" on the anniversary of your first date.

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... you hear giggling, whispering and slurping noises as she breaks your date on the phone because of a headache!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... the house is yours, the lights are low, the music is groovy... and he spends the night playing with the dog!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... she suddenly announces she has "just the right girl for you!"

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... he offers to drive the gang home, and you're the first one he drops off!

You Know It's REALLY OVER When... you discover he's gotten an unlisted number, and neglected to tell you about it!