How do you go about organizing an entire household? The key to having a tidy home isn't just in getting it to be tidy it is also in finding a way to keep it tidy. Is already pretty difficult for most hoarders to apply the different rules to tidy things up, but how do you add it all together? More importantly how do you see all the functions your house could have through the clutter that there is.
- See The Structure.
This means that you divide up your home in the very recognizable parts we all call rooms. Each rooms has it distinct function or ideally should have a function. However the clutter turns most rooms into rooms without any function at all, or just the 1 to store the clutter in. But despite this you should still be able to see what each room could be used for.
So you start by writing down each room and adding it's function. So now you have the basis, the structure you will build on.
Now if you take the LIVINGROOM you could subdivide it further. You may want to fit the sitting area, the t.v. area and the computer area all in that room.
- See The Structure and the Functions.
With your entire house mapped out in function- areas you could start to look at some of the things you have. How about the stack of magazines that lay in nearly every room or maybe just your living area?
Now start by asking where would a person, you, use their magazines? What is the most practical place to keep them?
Let's say you decided that you want them close to your sofa because you know that is where you would relax while reading them. Okay, now we know what room they should go in. Do all your magazines fit next to your sofa, allowing you enough space to fit all the other functions in?
Most likely would the stacks of magazines interfere with quite a few things you had wanted to do in there.
- Structure versus Clutter.
So what is more important, what you set out to do with the room (which is what you wanted.) or what your clutter makes you have to do?
You also may be thinking how you still have to read all those magazines and and and...
But you have to keep in mind the structure you made before you started trying to fit in all the clutter. Is very much what you want versus the things your clutter is making you do.
Let your structure set the rules and not the clutter.
The structure is the basis and you will have to work with that. The clutter is added on and is what will have to change most.
- Are You Stuck?
Are you stuck because some clutter, like 4 broken vacuums, will not be able to be fitted in a function- area? So what do you do with them?
You deal with them like is described in the section about repairing and mending or 1 of the other sections.
- Envision Your Freedom.
Some of you may be scared that having a clean place will mean you will have to invite people to your homes. But that is and will continue to be your choice, this change isn't about others but about you.
Is about giving yourself the freedom of choice so if and when you don't want people to come over this will be a Real Choice, not something you can't do because of the clutter.