A P A ' s    on    T V

APA ON TV 2001
January 2001
February 2001
March 2001
April 2001
May 2001
June 2001
July 2001
August 2001
September 2001
October 2001
November 2001
December 2001

APA ON TV - 2000
January 2000
February 2000
March 2000
April 2000
May 2000
June 2000
July 2000
August 2000
September 2000
October 2000
November 2000
December 2000

Tia Carrere
Margaret Cho
Church of Rhythm
James Hong
Bruce Lee
Jet Li
Keye Luke
Martial Law
Minoru Miki
Lea Salonga
George Takei
Tamilyn Tomita
Ming-Na Wen
Anna May Wong
Russell Wong

Featured Actors
Featured Actresses
Featured Directors

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The purpose of this section is to provide highlights and noteworthy appearances of US Asians/APA's on television shows and films. This includes people on both sides of the camera from actors, directors, writers, special effects personnel, camera people and producers. Contact us by clicking HERE if we've missed anybody.


With the current "diversity" issues still not truely reflecting the various cultures existing in the United States, a constant watch and awareness of the status of Asian/Asian Pacific Americans are needed.

We have seen with the Black, Jewish and Hispanic communities that with an united and constant effort, representation can be attain. As a result, we are always seeking strategic alliances with any viable organizations to help promote the attainment of diversity in the media.

In addition, many people recognize the many parallels between the general public's perception of the US Asians / Asian Pacific American on movies and television. A personal invitation is extended to visit our Film Section to discover how our communities are being portrayed within the "Big Screen."


In addition to the t.v. programming, we will be devoting a portion of this section on Internet programming.

As this medium becomes more popular and influential, we anticipate that our images within the "Net" will be an important part of how the "New Generation" of the general public perceive the Asian/Asian Pacific American communities!

As noted in IceBox.Com's infamous "Mr. Wong" - we need to be ever watchful on how images are being portrayed in this medium. Wrong and incorrect images being shared on any public medium can only have a derogatory effect in how our US Asians / Asian Pacific American communities are perceived within the general public.


Additional information on the shows can be found at ClickTV/ TV Guide Online and TV Quest


Information from listings on the major network television stations (i.e. CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX), cable stations (i.e. HBO, ShowTime, CineMax, Lifetime, Sci-Fi, PAX, A&E, etc.), "Super Stations" (i.e. UPN, WGN, TNT, TBS), PBS shows, etc. from many resources will be listed. Visit the websites listed below for specific information on shows of interest.


Ratings and market share are the "bottom line" that the entertainment companies judge what programs are on and/or off television.

We need to support the new programming that displays accurate imagery that is being produced and support past viable programs - as we are the best judges. If we, as a community, don't support this type of programming - no one else will.

As a community, we need to support the careers of prominent US Asians / Asian Pacific Americans on television such as Lucy Liu (Ally McBeal, Charlie's Angels), Lisa Ling (The View), Garret Wang (Star Trek), Suzy Nakamura (sometimes on The West Wing), Amy Hill (The Strip Mall), Jessica Yu (director/West Wing), James Wong (X-Files), etc. to ensure that their careers will provide the opening for other talented artists!

If you are looking for additional ways to facillate accurate and positive images of US Asians / Asian Pacific American communities, please visit our Resource Section to discover how to join the efforts of the many listed community organizations.


Each month, we will feature noteworthy and important artists from the film, music, literature, athletics, community and politics world for your review.

It is important to know who our visionaries, community leaders, story tellers of our spirit, communicators of our past and our political mouth-pieces to know that our voices are being heard.


Start your journey by clicking on any one of the dates listed in the drop-down menu listed above and discover where we've been, what we're doing now so that we will know what to do in the future!

Read about the shows that we've highlighted and share with us any comments that you might have by clicking HERE.

                                           site design by Asian American Artistry
                                         for any questions regarding the content, please contact Asian American Artistry
                                           Copyright © 1996-2001 - Asian American Artistry - All Rights Reserved.