One of his most interesting theories is that of the orgin of Human's on Earth. Being different from that of Darwin's
and the Bible's. He claims that many years in the past a comet, Nibiru, collided with a planet called Tiamat,
the same comet that made the asteriod belt, Earth, and the Moon. This comet was inhabited by a race called the
Annunaki or Nephilim (in the Bible) that slowly inhabited the Earth by interbreeding with our ancient ancestors to make us
hominoids. (in thier image)
He also thinks that the Bible ought to be read literally as a historic/scientific document, and that ancient civilizations,
much older and much greater than assumed, were the product of knowledge brought to Earth by the Anunnaki, "Those Who
from Heaven to Earth Came."
Zecharia's 8 books: "The 12th planet", "The Stairway to Heaven", "The Wars and Gods of Men",
"The Lost Realms", "When Time Began", "Genisis Revisited", "Divine Encounters", and "The Cosmic Code".