Mind control works by subjecting the victim to intense trauma. For instance when you are in a life threatening
car accident you remember nothing of it. You had the experience, you were there, you did see it, yet you can't recall
My old theory of pain is just memory falls in line with this, if you do not remember being hurt, it doesn't hurt, because
you can't remember the pain.
This same technic is used to control the thought process of many people.
Arizona Wilder is one of MANY to claim part of an extreme world-wide Satanic government cover up of a reptilian
race. Sound farfeched?? GOOD I got your attention. Story is as follows:
Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, was mind-programmed from birth, to become one of the three most important female
conductors of Satanic rituals on the planet. Her programmer was Josef Mengele, the notorious, "Angel of Death" in the Nazi
concentration camps, Dr. Green, and when he died in the late 1980s her programming began to break down.
She talks with David Icke, of the same experiences with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeline Albright, members of
the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of the most famous names in the United States and the United Kingdom.
(download below)
This is not the full recording (7:58)
Arizona Wilder & David Icke interview - Mind Control (incomplete)
Mengele |

Dr. Green |
Joesef Mengele Mengele tested many different genetic theories aiming to illuminate Hitler's racial dogmas.
He was very interested in twins and other birthing abnormalities. Twins were particularly useful because a set of twins
share an identical gene pool and their reactions to mutual treatments could be monitered with this in mind. Mengele also picked
out individuals with any other physical deformities: midgits, dwarfs, hunchbacks.
Mind control is not just an act on an individual, there are also less direct slow forms of mind control, like T.V. How
many hours a day do people spend watching thier T.V. The human race has existed for centuries without a T.V. yet we
seem to go nuts without our idiot-box. Obviously not all television "programs" are mind control, but the mass media
programs are indeed.
Propaganda was PERFECTED by the Nazis during the Third Reich under Hitler, who stated that the "Bigger the Lie, the more
likely one would be to believe it".
David Icke's theory of problem, reaction, solution ---> create a problem, get a reaction, offer a solution, is a very indepth way of
looking at how our countries and others have been run for the past hundreds of years.