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3 skulls were unearthed this week, in the eroding, sandy sediments of an ancient river in Herto, a village about 140 miles (230 kilometers) northeast of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa,  dating back 160,000 years.


One of the most intriguing characteristics was a pattern of deliberate and repeated cut marks on the skulls . Additionally, the child's skull had polished sides, possibly from repeated handling.

"These marks differ in placement and orientation from those that were made by defleshing with stone tools. They reveal some form of ancient mortuary practice," the scientists said in a statement.

Could this have been a burial preparation? or even an acient autopsy??



Monkeypox is the "word of the week" for the media.  As we all know the media is the biggest "scare source" in our world.  This Poxvirus is a reletive of smallpox, chickenpox, and so on.  The virus apparently origionated in Africa, and was transferred here through... uhhh prairie dogs... 
All of this isn't very alarming, but after 9-11, anything that might cause a scare in the people has been inflamed to almost terrorism itself.  In my view this new virus is just like SARS, with only a 1-10% infection rate.  All children born before 1980, in America, have been given the smallpox vacination, which will also keep you safe from monkeypox.
Although it doesn't seem anymore threatening than the weak ass SARS shit,
the pictures look pretty bad.
And we question the ban of prairie dogs sales.
