is the Dublin
Radio Collective,
The Dublin Alternative radio Collective is a non-profit,
non-commercial, non-hierachialy co-operatively organised Pirate
radio station, which is owned and run by volunteer members.
So, what does that mean? The station was set up under anarchic
principles. As a collective, we believe that a self-evident right
free-expression extends to the air-waves. We don't recognise the
State's claim to be the legitimate regulator of the electromagnetic
airwaves. Furthermore, many of those involved hold mainstream media
in comtempt for it's biased coverage (cover-ups) of information.
Thus, we have chosen to empower ourselves and our listeners through
the defiance of broadcasting laws.
As a non-commercial entity we do not except donations seek advertising
from any businesses. Corporations and businessmen already control all
legal (and most of the clandestine) radio stations, where they treat
music as a commodity and commercial products as music. Our refusal to
get a licence or to emulate commercial stations, frees us from the trap
of seeking out capitalist sponsors who want to 'stir-up' some business
through advertising. As soon as one buys into that trap, they fall
prone to confining themselves in terms audience demographics. Not
choosing to go down that road,
e have an freedom to experiment and
test the bounds of the medium. As a free radio collective we are
willing to provide open access to politcal groups and activists,
artists, and musicians who have been ignored by the established media.
Since we came on air we have broadcasted: live readings, completely
obscure unpopular unknown underground music recordings, live busking,
storytelling, lots of obscenities, rantings, information dissemination
as well as the traditional dj music show.
Running a radio station isn't cheap, yet we've managed to stand on our
own two feet. The members of the collective pay a small subscription
fee to the station per week. This is put towards the utilities, the
upkeep of the equipment, and whatever PR we can afford. We also hold
benefits such as cabarets in the (now defunct)
Garden of Delights
or punk gigs in various venues to help raise funds. Finally, the position
we've taken has lead to support, advice, and assistance from other members
of Dublin's small but loyal underground.
For information on specific dj's check out
dj profiles
If you'd like to be involved with
DARC in any way, get in
touch.Send us your reception reports,
news, comments on this site...whatever.
If you are a band and want to get some airtime on
the station send us some of your work. If you send us free stuff
we'll try to put your music up on this site too.
Monday to Friday, 6pm until midnight
P.O. Box 3327,
Dublin 8,