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Instrumental | Choral | Vocal | Poetry | Eternal Greetings Card
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Stephen Benfall | Nigel Butterley | Wendy Hiscocks | Margaret Dylan Jones | Gunhild Marchant | Meta Overman | John Peterson | Roger Smalley | Josephine Symons | Graham Wood. Back to top.
Jean Argyle | Jack Davis | Brenda Gearing | Claire Grose | John Joseph Jones | Andrew Lansdown | Shane McCauley | Gladys Milroy
Wendy Alford | Daniel Argyle | Brenda Gearing | Lawrence John Jones | Nicky Stone
Jean Argyle | Prue Ashurst | Stephen Benfall | Sarah Bowman | Mark Coughlan | Roy Howat | Patricia Thorpe | Graham Wood. Back to top.
...where eucalypts green-tip the sky | At the Still Point | Barcarolle and Variations on a Theme of Chopin | Blues at Eleven | Child's Play | Colourfast Piano Music | Complete Scale and Arpeggio Manual for Violin (& Viola) | Hammers | Jump Right Ins: piano starters and re-starters | Machine Code | Piano Dexterity for Beginners | Scenes from Gorillahood | Sonatina | The True Samaritan | Toccata
Alone in the Dark Forest | Ambling Along (Scenes from Gorillahood) | Arioso | At the Still Point | Barcarolle | Blues at Eleven | Breaking Out | Clouds | Comment on a Popular Song | D'N'A, or The Busy Worm | Exultate Domino | Ferrous Fanfare | Forest Giant | (Frogs) | Hammers | Homage to Schoenberg | Homage to Webern | Il Gubbo | Interceptor | (Joseph and Mary) | Machine Code | Marri with Nuts | Philosophical Futilities | Piano Dexterity | Prayer During Sickness | Prayer for Solo Harp | Prayer of the Swinging Mantis | Reuben's Big Day Out | Six Blake Songs (score of No. 6) | Sonata for Clarinet | Sonatina | Song of Christ the Rock | The Fairground | The Greedy Row Snake | What shall I render to the Lord? score | Exultate Domino score | Prayer During Sickness score | (The True Samaritan) | (The White-throated Warbler) | (Three Serenades) | Toccata | Tuart Forest, Ludlow | Upside Downs | Uttering Joyous Leaves | Variations on a Theme of Chopin | Violin/Viola Scale & Arpeggio Manual | What shall I render to the Lord? | Woodchipping | Yellow Tingle Tree | Toccata | Busy Insects | ColourKey Piano Technique No. 5 | Wegtts: first few lines of each poem | Piano Dexterity for Beginners | At the Still Point | Complete Scale and Arpeggio Manual for Violin (& Viola). Back to top.
Poetry As Such: No. 1 Three Poems of Celebration | No. 2 Summertime Poems | No. 3 Tasting the Stars | No. 4 Footprints on the Shore | No. 5 The Weight of the Baby | Six Blake Songs: all texts | ...where eucalypts green-tip the sky | What shall I render to the Lord? full text; | Exultate Domino full text; | Prayer During Sickness full text; |
Eternal Greetings Cards: Instructions | Stephen Benfall's music: list of CDs and scores | Wendy Hiscocks' music: full catalogue | Roger Smalley : Full List of Works with Piano |