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Inventory list: Fabuland Characters

On this page you can find a list of FABULAND ® characters. The numbers behind the characters indicated the set(s) in which the character is. Names of the characters have been provided by Benjamin Whytcross. In total 142 characters in 80 variations.
Comments, questions ? Mail me: Sybrand Bonsma

Henriette Hoffmann-Schläger e-mailed me the follwoing information about differences in eyes and legs.
From 1979 to 1985 the old type of eyes was used: two white points in black eyes
In 1984/1985 the instruction booklets were changed.
In 1986 the new type of eyes was used in the sets: human eyes with pupil and iris.

In 1979 some legs didn't have the copyright sign. for example in set: 137/347 Dog + Lamb + Cat without copyright sign
In 1979/1980 legs had a negative copyright sign
From 1981/1982 onwards legs had a small copyright sign
Rabbit: see Bunny
Bear see also Panda and Raccoon
Dog see also Bulldog
Crow see also Parrot
Sheep: sse Lamb

 1a	Bear, brown head, blue body/arms, red legs 		(329)
 1b	Bear, black head/arms/legs, white body 		        (3666, 3670) (Billy Bear)
 1 c	Bear, brown head, red body, yellow arms, black legs 	(3629, 3670)

 2a	Bulldog, black cap/legs, brown head, blue body/arms 	(3664, 3669) (Bully Dogge, Berty or Barty)
        The catalog shows for set 3664 the old type of eyes, but the instructions show the new eyes
 2b	Bulldog, black cap/legs, white head, blue body/arms 	(3639/3643, 3664, 3789, 3794)  (Inspektor Dogge)
        The catalog shows for set 3664 the old type of eyes, but the instructions show the new eyes
 2c	Bulldog, blue cap/body/arms, white head, yellow legs 	(3675, 3786, 3793)
 2d	Bulldog, blue/body/arms, white head, yellow legs 	(3603 loose blue cap)
 2e	Bulldog, red cap, brown head, blue body/arms 		(140/350)
 2f	Bulldog, red cap/body arms, brown head, black legs 	(3682, 3797) 
 2g	Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, brown head, yellow legs 	(3669) 
 2h	Bulldog, red cap/body/arms, white head, black legs 	(3682(2x), 3638)

 3a	Bunny, brown head, yellow body, red arms/legs 	        (3708) (Robby Rabbit)
 3b	Bunny, brown head, red body/arms, white legs 		(3712)
 3c	Bunny, beige head, white body, yellow arms/legs 	(3627, 3635) 
 3d	Bunny, beige head, white body with print, yellow arms/legs (3645, 3647, 3659, 3674, 3676, 3680, 3718) 

 3e	Cat, orange head, blue body/arms, yellow legs 		(3701) (Charlie Cat)
 3f	Cat, orange head, red body, yellow arms/legs 		(137/347) (Charlie Cat)
 3g	Cat, white head/body, red arms/legs 			(132/341, 3673, 3681, 3795) 
 3h	Cat, white head, white body with bow tie print, red arms/legs (3623, 3646, 3676)

 4a	Cow, red head, blue body, white arms/legs 		(3665, 3707) (Clara Cow)

 4b	Crocodile, green head/legs, black body/arms 		(3639/3643,)
 4c	Crocodile, green head/legs black body with bow tie print, black arms (3645, 3647, 3683, 3721)

 4d	Crow, red cap, black/yellow head, black body/arms, yellow legs (3671, 3676)
 4e	Crow, yellow/black head, black body/arms, yelllow legs  (3634) 
 4f	Crow, red cap, white/yellow head, red body, white arms, yellow legs (3625/3630)

 4g	Dog, grey head, white body/arms, black legs 		(137/347, 3672) (Docter Dog)

 5a	Elephant, grey head/legs, blue body/arms 		(3706) (Ernie Elephant)
 5b	Elephant, grey head/legs, red body/arms 		(3601, 3668, 3678) (Edward Elephant)
 5c	Elephant, grey head/legs, red body with blue print, red arms (3674, 3676)
 5d	Elephant, yellow cap/body/arms, grey head, black legs 	(3660, 3680)

 5e	Fox, orange head, black body, red arms/legs 		(140/350, 3667, 3681, 3716) (Freddy Fox)
 5f	Fox, yellow cap, orange head, red body with blue print, red arms, blue legs (3675, 3683)  

 5g	Goat, white head/body/arms/legs 			(3637)
 5h	Goat, gray head, blue body, yellow legs/arms 		(134/344)

 6a	Horse, brown head, yellow body/arms, blue legs 	        (3678) (Henry Horse)
 6b	Horse, grey head, blue body, yellow arms/legs 		(3709) (Clarence Carpenter)
 6c	Horse, gray head/legs, white arms/body with print 	(3679)
 6d	Horse, grey head, black body, red arms/legs 		(3665) 

 6e	Hippo, grey head, yellow body, red arms/legs 		(3715, 3787)
 6f	Hippo, grey head, yellow body with necklace print, red arms/legs (3622, 3662, 3675, 3798)   

 7a	Lamb, white head/arms/legs, blue body 		        (3654, 3792) 
 7b	Lamb, white head/arms/legs, green body 		        (3602)
 7c	Lamb, white head/arms/legs, red body 			(3623, 3641, 3788)
        (This is actually not a lamb but a poodle)
 7d	Lamb, white head/arms/legs, yellow body 		(137/347, 3636, 3663, 3678, 3683) (Lucy Lamb)

 7e	Lion, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs 	        (140/350, 3645, 3678) (Lionel Lion)
 7f	Lion, brown head, black arms/body (with chain print), yellow legs (3644, 3647)  
 7g	Lion, white cap, brown head, black body/arms (chain print), yellow legs (3622)

 8a	Monkey, grey cap, white arms/body, brown head, black legs (3644)
 8b	Monkey, red cap, orange head, white body with blue tie print, white arms, black legs (3662)
 8c	Monkey, orange head, blue body, red arms/legs 	        (3604)
 8d	Monkey, orange head, green body, yellow arms, black legs (3628) 
 8e	Monkey, orange head, red body/arms, white legs 	        (3631, 3713)
 8f	Monkey, orange head, white body, black arms, blue legs  (3672, 3681)
 8g	Monkey, red head, yellow body, red arms/legs 		(134/344)
 8h	Monkey, white cap/body, orange head, blue arms/legs 	(3673 (2x)) (Monkey Mate)
 8i	Monkey, white cap/body, red head, blue arms, yellow legs (3714)

 9a	Mouse, brown head, red body/arms, yellow legs 	        (3663, 3671, 3781)  
 9b	Mouse, brown head, red arms/body (with 8 print), yellow legs (3659, 3668, 3719, 3683) (Max Mouse) 
 9c	Mouse, grey head, blue body, black arms/legs 		(132/341, 3666, 3671,) (Mortimer Mouse)
 9d	Mouse, brown head, black body/arms, yellow legs 	(121/328)
 9e	Mouse, white cap, grey head, blue body, black arms/legs (3717)
 9f	Mouse, white head/arms/legs, yellow body 		(3704) (Majorie Mouse) 
 9g	Mouse, white head/arms/legs, yellow body with print 	(3679)

10a	Panda, black/white head, black body, white arms/legs 	(3628)  
10b	Panda, white/black head, white body/arms, black legs 	(3710) (Patrick Panda)

10c	Parrot, green/yellow head, red body, blue arms, yellow legs (3782)

11a	Pig, natural head, blue body, yellow arms/legs 		(325/3615)
11b	Pig, natural head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs 	(3784)
11c	Pig, natural head, red body arms, blue legs 		(128/338) (Patrick Pig)
11d	Pig, natural head, red body/arms, white legs 		(3631, 3711)
11e	Pig, natural head, yellow body, red arms/legs 		(3667) (Patricia Piglet)
11f	Pig, natural head, white body/arms, red legs 		(3703) (Peter Pig)
11g	Pig, natural head, white body with grey print,white arms, grey legs (3796)

 7c	Poodle, white head/arms/legs, red body 			(3623, 3641, 3788)
        (check figure 7c for a picture of this character)

12a	Raccoon, brown/black head, red body/arms, black legs    (3626) 
12b	Raccoon, brown head, red body with black print, red arms, black legs (3668) (Ricky Raccoon)
12c	Raccoon, brown/black head, white body, yellow arms, black legs (3669, 3681)
12d	Raccoon, brown/black head, black body, yellow arms, blue legs (324/3605)  

12e	Walrus, blue cap/body/arms, brown head, red legs 	(3633, 3646, 3673, 3680) (Walter Walrus) 
12f	Walrus, brown head, red body/arms 			(3791)

Black cap
Brown head with old eyes
Blue body
Blue arms
Black legs with new ©

3669 (Police and fire station)
3669 (Police station)


Bully Dogge (Berty or Barty)
Black cap
White head with old eyes
Blue body
Blue arms
Black legs with new ©

3639/3643 (Police van)
3789 (Police motorcycle)
3794 (Police motorcycle)
3664 (Police station)


Inspektor Dogge
Blue cap
White head with old eyes
Blue body
Blue arms
Yellow legs with new ©


Buzzy Bulldog
Blue cap
White head with new eyes
Blue body with print
Blue arms
Yellow legs with new ©

3675 (General store)

Loose blue cap
White head with old eyes
Blue body
Blue arms
Yellow legs with new ©


Boris Bulldog
Jan Katanek has an overview of LEGO keychains, including 11 Fabuland keychains:
(Thanks to Henriette Hoffmann-Schläger for the link)
Comments ? Contact me

This page was made by Sybrand Bonsma. Last revision: Februari 28, 2001 Copyright Sybrand Bonsma