"Mustang Sally, (good god)
Guess you better slow your Mustang down.
Mustang Sally, now baby,
You got to slow, you got to slow that old Mustang down.
You been a runnin' all over town now girlfriend,
I got to put your flat feet on the ground."

In February of this year, eight women, who met in a political chat hall on the 'net, got together in what's sure to be an annual event...The Goddess Gathering. We came from all over the country, and converged on Virginia Beach, VA for four days and three nights. Here are some of the pictures from that historic event. Too bad none of us took any photography classes...

Thelma C and Ms. M on the beach.  It 
was a bit windy that day.

After a visit to the Edgar Cayce institute, Isis gives us all a lesson on bamboo branch flying.

We spent a lot of time just hanging around and talking. None of us is really into partying, but we did have one night out. What an experience that was. We all went to a bar called The Jewish Mother. Between the Raincoat Man trying to pick one of us up, and our short lived careers as backup singers for the band, we had a good time. The following are pictures of us getting ready to go out, and pictures of us having a good time at the bar.

Angeliou getting ready to go out.

This is Themla C and Bly horsing around before leaving for the bar. 

Shoe posing for the camera at her house. She must have tried on a million outfits before deciding on what to wear.


Marebell, Thelma C and Ms M with one of the bottle's Raincoat Man bought us.

Hat and Bly drinking champagne at the bar.

Finally, the picture you've all been waiting for...All of us together, singing backup to "Mustang Sally" with the band.

From left to right:  Hat, Ms. M, Shoe, Thelma C, Marebell, Isis, Bly and Angeliou.  And of course, in the front...The Band.

Moving around on the site...

Main Page: Where you came in.
Features: Ask Auntie Shoe, Ms. M's Word of the Day and Quote of the Day.
News of the Day/Editorial Page: Everything you could possibly want to know about what's going on in the world. Well, my world anyway.
Stuff: My favorite places on the web.
The X-Files Page: X-Files and other related links.
Angel Law: Free legal advice.
MarxLennon's Gratuitous Image Page: A history of the MarxLennon clan.
The Conspiracy Page: Conspiracy theories...My way.
Kelsey's Page: Kelsey's favorite things.
Help Desk: Trippy's Techno Tips: Do you need computer help? This is for you.
Croesos the Classicist: The Trojan Epic
Bocce's COPA Page: If you love COPA, this is for you.
Lunatic Fringe's Joke Page: Some of LF's favorite jokes.