Guide to surveys
Links about surveys

Last uptade of this list : september, 24th, 2000

Welcome on my list of links. Here, you will find links to other web sites related to surveys, methodology and social research. Acutally. more than 110 are listed. The description of the link is usually in the same language of the resource. That is why some descriptions are in french. To add a link in this list, you can use the page "add url".

Your webmaster : Frédéric D'Astous

Data gathering Directories of links
General resources About copyrights

Governmental organizations


The Australian Bureau of Statistics - Organisme du gouvernement de l'Australie.

(NOUVEAU) Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Organisme du gouvernement du Kazakhstan. (Anglais, russe et kazakh)

World Bank - Website of this international organisation (french, english, spanish, and others).

Bureau de la statistique du Québec - Organization of the government of Québec.

Bureau of Labor statistics. - Site du bureau américain de statistiques touchant le marché du travail.

Cairo Demographic Center - Educational and Research Institute. Created in 1963 this institute is the result of a cooperation of the Egyptian government and the United Nations.

Central Bureau of Statistics (Israel) - Organisme du gouvernement d'Israel.

(NOUVEAU) China statistical information network - Organisme du gouvernement de Chine.

(NOUVEAU) Danmarks Statistik - Site du bureau danois de la recherche statistique.

(NOUVEAU) The Data Archive - The Data Archive is a specialist national resource containing a collection of accessible computer readable data in social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom. Through these web pages it is also possible to search the catalogues of other national archives for computer readable data and to use the services of the Data Archive to acquire these data on your behalf.

Danmarks Statistik - Website of the danish bureau of statistics.

Eurostat - Page d'entrée francophone du site Eurostat (Office statistique des Communautés européennes) présentant des données statistiques générale sur plusieurs aspects de la vie socio-économique de la communauté européenne (disponible en français-anglais-allemand).

Fond Monétaire International - L'anglais est la langue de travail officielle du FMI. Ce site propose toutefois une sélection limitée de documents en français (anglais, français, espagnol).

Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques - Organisme du Gouvernement de France. (français, anglais)

(NOUVEAU) Istituto Nazionale di Statistica - National Statistical Institute - Organisme du gouvernement d'Italie.

Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI) - Organisme du Gouvernement du Mexique.

The Labour Force Survey - (LFS) is conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on behalf of the Employment Department. The LFS was introduced as a requirement of the UK's entry into the EC. The main purpose of the LFS is to produce a set of national and regional employment and unemployment statistics for use by government departments and for comparison with other European Union countries, based on internationally standardised definitions.

(NOUVEAU) Official UK statistics StatBase® - StatBase® is an on-line database, which holds a large selection of Government statistics. It also provides detailed descriptions of all the UK Government Statistical Service's data sources, derived analyses, all its statistical products and services, and all the relevant contact points. It consists of four main elements.

OCDE - Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économique - Site de cet organisme international. (français et anglais)

Office Statistique des Communautés européennes. - (In french, english and german) The mission of this organization is to gather data for the European Community.

(NOUVEAU) State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic - Organisme du gouvernement d'Azerbaijan.

(NOUVEAU) Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland - Organisme du gouvernement d'Allemagne.

Statistics Belgium - La loi sur la statistique publique de 1962, adaptée en 1994, définit les compétences de l'INS en tant qu'autorité publique chargée de la statistique. L'INS (Institut National de Statistique) collecte des données quantitatives et qualitatives auprès des entreprises et des ménages. (En français, anglais, allemand et néérlandais)

Satistique Canada - Organization of the government of Canada.

(NOUVEAU) Statistical Center of Iran (S C I) - Organisme du gouvernement d'Iran.

(NOUVEAU) Statistik Österreich - Organisme du gouvernement de l'Autriche.

Statistique Suisse - (Office fédéral de la Statistique) STATWEB, la banque de données statistiques de la Suisse, accessible au public, fait partie des prestations de l'Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS). Elle permet à ses utilisateurs d'avoir accès en ligne, via Internet, aux données de la statistique publique sans pour autant disposer de connaissances informatiques particulières. (français, anglais, allemand)

United Nation Statistical Division - And the page about Social indicators is covering a wide range of subject-matter fields are compiled by the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, from many national and international sources in the global statistical system. These indicators are issued in general and special.

World Health Organisation - Organisation mondiale de la Santé - Site de cet organisme international (En anglais seulement)

Methodology courses

Frédéric D'Astous - Méthodologie des sciences humaines. - Mon site personnel relatif à ce cours que j'ai dispensé au Cégep de Granby à la session d'hiver 2000.

Claude Martel - Information marketing et comportement du consommateur. - Site de ce professeur du Cégep de Sherbrooke (Qc Canada), créé pour appuyer les étudiants dans leurs démarches d'apprentissage. Ce cours permet à l’élève de développer des techniques afin d’étudier le comportement de différents types de consommateurs.

Field Study in Conflict & Harmony: Syllabus - Page descriptive d'un cours de Jeeny Bear, professeur au Bryn Mawr College.

Professional associations

AQRP - British association for qualitative research.

Associazione scientifico professionale dei sociologi italiani - Italian Association of Sociology.

Population Association of Pakistan - PAP is a non-profit, scientific, professional association established for individuals and organizations interested in population in the Pakistani context. This site have a list of useful links.

Research ethics

Applied Ethics in Professional Practice - This project is provided by the Professional Engineering Practice Liaison Program of the College of Engineering University of Washington.

ASA Code of Ethics - Code d'éthique de l'Association américaine de sociologie.

Virginia Tech's Ethics in Science Selected ressources and essays in science ethics. Selected essays on ethics in science: Ethics in Science, Bad Science, Misconduct in Science,

On Being a Scientist, Document of the Commitee on Science, Engineering, and public Policy - The Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEUP) is a joint committee of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. It includes members of the councils of all three bodies.Washington, D.C. 1995.

Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education (NUCASE) - Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education (NUCASE) was established in 1990 for science students who wish to investigate and respond to ethical concerns through a combination of reflection (StepBack) and more active research and problem solving (StepForward).

The Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of British Columbia - The Centre was formally created in 1993 by the University of British Columbia's Board of Governors as an independent unit in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. It is primarily an interdisciplinary research centre which studies a diverse range of topics.

The Loka Institute - Making Research, Science & Technology Responsive to Democratically Decided Social & Environmental Concerns. The Loka Institute is a non-profit research and advocacy organization concerned with the social, political, and environmental repercussions of research, science and technology.

Poynter Center - The Indiana University established the Center in 1972 with a major gift from the late Nelson Poynter. An IU alumnus, Mr. Poynter was chairmanof the board of the Times Publishing Company, which publishes the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly. His initial award, prompted by his concern about the erosion of public confidence in civic institutions, supported five years of research.

Conseil de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines du Canada - Page présentant le document "Éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains. Ce document sert de politique pour examiner les enjeux éthiques reliés aux demandes de subventions. (anglais et français)

Ethics Page from the University of Wisconsin at Madison - Very exhaustive list of links to various websites on medical ethics, business ethics, professional ethics, and engineering & science ethics.

Specialized university resources

L'Agora sociologique - Ce site se veut un point de rencontre pour les sociologues francophones. Vous y trouverez diverses rubriques dont celle d'exploration où l'on trouve quelques listes de liens internet.

Academic info - An annotated directory of Internet resources. Sections include Meta-Indexes, a Reference Desk, Digital Library with data archives and centers, Virtual Discussion Groups, Durkheim, and a listing of selected Organizations.

Alambina (built environnement resource center) - The page about community and human settlement . This web site is located in Malaysia. Its goal includes Architecture, Building, design, landscape architecture, quantity surveying, urban and regional planning.

Alternative Methods for Collecting Evaluation Data Regroupement d'articles consacrés aux méthodes reliées à l'évaluation.

Anthropologie, ethnologie et sociologie - Une des rubriques thématiques de ClicNet. (Swarthmore College en Pensylvanie É-U). Ce site édite ou localise des ressources virtuelles en français pour les étudiants, les enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE) ou langue seconde (FLS), et tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux cultures, aux arts et aux littératures francophones.

Antologia deRecursos de Matemàtiques a Internet, Llegits, Anotats i Recomanats - Banque de liens en langue catalane gérée par un professeur de mathématique, rattaché au Ministère de l'enseignement de la région autonome de Catalogne. Ce site a été créé à l'occasion d'un projet pédagogique pour aider les étudiants dans leurs divers travaux scolaires.

Collège Vanier - Outils de recherche pour projets. Page francophones d'outils de recherche de ce collège anglophone de Montréal Qc (Canada)

Julian Dierkes' Sociology Links at Princeton - A frequently updated list of sociology meta-links, concentrating on the United States.

Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research This page lists FREE resources for methods in evaluation and social research. The focus is on "how-to" do evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling, interviews, and other methods. Most of these links are to resources that can be read over the web.

RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) - Social Science in the Global University site. We hope you enjoy and find useful the resources from the world's universities that we have included here. They are designed to be used by a range of students, from first year students through to post-graduates.

Social Science Research Methods: Resources for Teachers collects and organizes material of interest to teachers of research methods in the social sciences. It is compiled and maintained by a professor at the Department of Sociology at Southern Illinois University.

A sociological tour through cyberspace - List of links edited by a professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthopology at Trinity University in San Antonio (Tx. É-U). One of the topic is Methods and statistics.

Social science hub - Website with Anthropology and Sociology Resources. Links to news, websites, conferences, newsgroups, data archives, research tools and publications.

Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG is based at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol. It is a national service funded by the ESRC and JISC which provides an easy means of access to a wide variety of high quality Internet resources for social scientists. Each resource is strictly evaluated before it is cataloged with a description and key words. Users can browse under subject headings ranging from Anthropology to Statistics; or they can search the entire SOSIG database using their own search terms.

Social Science Pages - The school of family and computer sciences at University of Akron (Ohio). Liste de liens en sciences sociales de cette université.

Social Science Research Methods: Resources for Teachers collects and organizes material of interest to teachers of research methods in the social sciences. It is compiled and maintained by a professor at the Department of Sociology at Southern Illinois University.

Social sciences resources - List of links of edited by a professor in the sociology department at Carleton in Ottawa. One of the topic is Sociology and anthropology.

Sociology in Switzerland - Site de l'Institut de Sociologie de l'université de Zurich (Suisse).

Sociology resources at USMA. - List of resources of this american military academy.

Sociosite Subject areas (Page d'entrée générale)Research, methodology and statistics (une des pages thématiques) - The SocioSite (of the University of Amsterdam) is designed to get access to information and resources which are relevant for sociologists. It has been designed from a Dutch point of view, but it has a much broader horizon - it gives access to the European and world wide scene of academic sociology. The intention is to provide a comprehensive listing of all sociology resources on the Internet.

Université de Montréal : Bibliothèque des sciences humaines. Liste de sites répertoriés par thèmes relatifs à la sociologie et aux sciences connexes.

University Library, California State University, Long Beach - Topic : Sociology - Liste de liens relatifs à la sociologie de cette bibliothèque universitaire.

The virtual library (sociology resources) - List of links of the MacMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada).

(NOUVEAU) Web survey methodology - The page is located at the Center for Methodology and Informatics at the Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The core research team (Katja Lozar Manfreda, Zenel Batagelj), lead by dr. Vasja Vehovar, studied the Web survey methodology for three years. They work on two Web surveys, the national RIS (Research on Internet in Slovenia) project and the RINE (Research on Internet in New Europe) project. They actively participate at conferences, and their results are available on the Web.

Organizations related to research by survey

Centre Liégeois d'Étude de l'Opinion - Créé en juin 1982, le Centre Liégeois d'Étude de l'Opinion (en abrégé CLEO) de l'Université de Liège est un centre de recherche pluridisciplinaire, dont les activités sont directement axées sur l'étude des comportements, des opinions et des représentations sociales de la population ainsi que sur le développement d'outils de collecte et d'analyse de données.

Laboratoire d'Analyse Secondaire et de Méthodes Appliquées à la Sociologie Institut du Longitudinal - Ce site présente un intéressant glossaire des termes statistiques utilisés.- Depuis sa fondation en 1986, le laboratoire allie très étroitement : programmes de recherche, veille méthodologique et aide à la diffusion et à l'utilisation des données des grandes enquêtes. Privilégiant les outils quantitatifs, l'organisme se spécialise dans l'analyse secondaire des enquêtes sur grands échantillons, les questions de l'éducation, de l'emploi, des professions, des mobilités, des relations sociales et des modes de vie sont au coeur d'une grande partie des travaux du laboratoire. Si , ils n'excluent pas des travaux qualitatifs liés à d'autres dimensions présentes au laboratoire, en particulier anthropologique et historique.

Palestinian Public Opinion Polls - at The Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC) - JMCC periodically carries out public opinion polls assessing Palestinian attitudes on issues such as democracy, the peace process, and the changes of Palestinian public opinion vis-a-vis its political leadership and factions.

The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research (TSC) - It is a multidisciplinary academic framework shared by the faculties of the humanities, social sciences, and law at Tel Aviv University. The purpose of the Center, established in 1992, is to promote systematic research and thinking on issues connected with peacemaking processes and conflict resolution.

Other resources

Applied Ethics in Professional Practice - This project is provided by the Professional Engineering Practice Liaison Program of the College of Engineering University of Washington

Evaluation of information sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.

Generalized linear models (GLMs) - Maintained by Gordon Smyth, Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland (Australia). Those techniques are used to do regression modelling for non-normal data with a minimum of extra complication compared with normal linear regression. GLMs are flexible enough to include a wide range of common situations, but at the same time allow most of the familiar ideas of normal linear regression to carry over.

Glossary of Selected Social Science Computing Terms and Social Science Data Terms - Located on the server of the University of California at San Diego (California, USA), this glossary includes terms which you may find useful in managing data collections and providing basic data services. It does not attempt to cover all social science research terms or all computer terms.

(NOUVEAU) Infobourg Prof - Section relative aux compétences. Répertoire québécois de ressources pédagogiques.

(NOUVEAU) ISEF - Index des sites éducatifs francophones. Répertoire franco-québécois de ressources pédagogiques

Qualitative Research in Information Systems - This resource aims to provide qualitative researchers in IS - and those wanting to know how to do qualitative research - with useful information on the conduct, evaluation and publication of qualitative research. It is a very complete resource.

(NEW) Statistics glossary by Valerie J. Easton & John H. McColl - Various definitions of terms regrouped by topics.

The question bank - The Question Bank is an on-line social survey resource of the CASS (the Center of Applied Social Surveys). The mission of CASS is to strengthen skills in survey design and analysis in the UK social science research community. It was created by the Resource Center of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) jointly with the Social and Community Planning Research (SCPR) and the University of Southampton, with the University of Surrey.

Le réseau franco-science (page des sciences humaines) - Répertoire québécois consacré à la promotion des sites scientifiques francophones sur l'internet. En plus de sa page sur les sciences humaines, ce site présente divers rubriques sur des sujets scientifiques variés. On retrouve plusieurs sites consacrés à la vulgarisation des sciences et leur usage pratique.

Sociology cafe - Sociology resource - It is a place where people interested by sociology can meet. They have also a list of links related to this science.

(NOUVEAU) Statistics glossary by Valerie J. Easton & John H. McColl - Various definitions of terms regrouped by topics.

The Virtual Data Center Project - An operational, open-source, digital library to enable the sharing of quantitative research data, and the development of distributed virtual collections of data and documentation

Helpful topics of some search engine in english

Altavista : Science / Social Sciences / Sociology - List of links in english.

BeGuide: Science: Social Sciences: Methodology: Survey - List of links in english.

DMOZ - Open directory project : Science: Social Sciences / Sociology- List of links in english.

Google / Science / Social Sciences / Methodology / Survey - List of links in english.

Hot bot : Science & Technology / Social Sciences/ Sociology - - List of links in english.

Lycos : Science / Social Sciences / Sociology - - List of links in english.

Lycos : Science / Social Sciences / Methodology / Survey- List of links in english.

MetaCrawler - Science / Social Sciences / Sociology - List of links in english.

Netscape : Science : Social Sciences - Methodology - Survey - List of links in english.

Netscape : Science / Social Sciences / Sociology - List of links in english.

Suite 101 Home : Society and Culture : Social Science : Sociology - List of links in english.

Helpful topics of some search engine in french - Société / Sciences humaines et sociales / Sociologie - List of links in french.

Infoseek-Nomade : Sondages, statistiques, études - List of links in french.

Nomade / Vie politique et sociale : Sondages, statistiques, études - List of links in french.

La toile du Québec : Sciences humaines et sociale - List of links in french.

Voila : Sociologie, anthropologie - List of links in french.

Yahoo : Sciences humaines: Sociologie: Enquêtes et sondages - List of links in french.

Online journals 

Esprit critique - Engendrer un espace de collaboration et de communication entre les sociologues francophones de partout dans le monde. Créer un espace de réflexion pour confronter les idées à l'échelle internationale.

Esprit critique - Engendrer un espace de collaboration et de communication entre les sociologues francophones de partout dans le monde. Créer un espace de réflexion pour confronter les idées à l'échelle internationale.

Social Research Update A quarterly electronic journal which covers new developments in social research, one per issue. Univ. of Surrey, UK. Methods of doing social research are continually advancing. New developments in information technology enable complex analyses. In face of all this change, social researchers, pressurized to produce results, often do not have time to keep up with the latest developments. It is this gap that Social Research Update attempts to fill. Editor: Nigel Gilbert. Among those article you can read Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing ,Official Social Classifications, Telephone Interviewing

Social science paper publisher Is an online journal founded in 1997 by Alain Samson, a graduate student in sociology who recently transferred control of the website to a small group of volunteer editors. At present, there are six, active editors from various parts of the globe; we are all students and have never met in person. is a not-for-profit academic forum dedicated to the presentation of broadly sociological works. It strongly encourages submissions from other related disciplines (e.g., anthropology, political science, etc.). We publish both theoretical and empirical papers from authors at all academic levels.

Personal pages related to social sciences

J. Coates Teaching sociology - Other sources of interest List of links of this teacher of the University of Leicester, UK.

Claude Martel - Information marketing et comportement du consommateur. Site de ce professeur du Cégep de Sherbrooke (Qc Canada), créé pour appuyer les étudiants dans leurs démarches d'apprentissage. Ce cours permet à l’élève de développer des techniques afin d’étudier le comportement de différents types de consommateurs.

Doris Lavoie : Travail Social & Suite de Sites de Soutien Social Il s'agit du site d'un Travailleur Social renfermant plusieurs liens touchant des domaines associés aux PAE (Programmes d'Aide aux Employés), à l'aide psychosociale (principalement pour les familles de militaires déployés) et au Travail Social en général, y compris la recherche (tout particulièrement sur le concept de "Pair Aidant" en milieu adulte). Ce site comprend également un répertoire très exhaustif des ressources communautaires de la région de l'Outaouais (québécois et ontarien). Notez aussi la banque de liens consacrés à la recherche sociale.

Field Study in Conflict & Harmony: Syllabus - Page related to armony, conflict and methodology cours by Jeeny Bear, professeur at Bryn Mawr College.

Lucinda F. San Giovanni, Ph.D. Professor San Giovanni (B.A. Seton Hall University, 1964; M.A. Columbia University, 1968; Ph.D. Rutgers University, 1973) is a member of the Department of Sociology/Anthropology at Seton Hall University. She has done extensive research in the area of sport and society, with a special focus on the Olympic Games, gender and sport.

Página pessoal de José Pinheiro Neves. Page of ressources created by a professor of the Sociology Department of the Social Sciences Institute of Minho University (Portugal).

Thomas Franklin Waters, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Northern Arizona University in Yuma.

Organizations related to copyrights Voici le site d'aide à ce fournisseur d'hébergement qui est dans l'obligation de fermer ses portes. Il a été victime d'un jugement déclarant responsable d'un contenu illicite un fournisseur d'hébergement. Ce jugement est une menace au développement d'un espace internet francophone.

La "défête" de l'internet Voici le site qui vient expliquer les menaces légales qui peuvent peser sur les hébergeurs francophones, particulièrement ceux situés en France.

L'organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle Voici la page d'accueil francophone de cet organisme faisant partie des Nations Unies.

SOCAN Le très bon site de la Société Canadienne des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique.

National libraries

Bibliothèques et Conservation du Patrimoine Graphique au Liban BIBLIB est le résultat d'efforts de l'Association des Antiquaires du Liban et de l'Association des Bibliothécaires en vue de promouvoir un projet de Bibliothèque nationale pour le Liban.

Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Page d'accueil de cet organisme chargé, entre autres, de recevoir le dépôt légal pour le Canada.

Bibliothèque nationale du Québec Page d'accueil de cet organisme chargé, entre autres, de recevoir le dépôt légal pour le Québec.

Bibliothèque nationale de Suisse La Bibliothèque nationale suisse a pour mandat, en vertu de la loi , de collectionner et mettre en valeur les publications imprimées ayant un lien avec la Suisse, les "Helvetica", de les conserver et de les rendre accessibles au public.

National and international laws

Canadian Intellectual Property Office. This organization is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of Intellectual Property in Canada.

Le droit d'auteur Ce site canadien traite du droit d'auteur, entre autres, dans le cadre des oeuvres du monde des arts et du spectacle.

Le droit d'auteur dans le monde Ce site européen fait le point sur le droit d'auteur dans le monde. On y retrouve des renseignements sur différentes facettes de cette problématique

Loi Canadienne sur le droit d'auteur Site très détaillé du service des bibliothèques de l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).


Internet et le droit d'auteur Article de la revue Édumédia (vol. 1 no. 3)

Ethics and Etiquette of Internet Resources - This document of the virtual library tracks online materials relevant to ethics and etiquette of the use and development of networked information resources.

Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online - An ADL [Anti-Defamation League] Report on Internet Bigotry, Extremism and Violence. This report fo ADL documents the historical background of hate groups online, looks at actual trends in online hatemongering, explores the social and legal implications of "cyber hate," and suggests ways to combat online hatred.

The editor of this website is also coeditor of the methodology page of the "SocioSite".

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