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Ronin Warriors

Ronin Warriors Main Page / Story / Episodes / Good Guys / Bad Guys

The Bad Guys


Lord Talpa / Lord Arago

Birthplace: somewhere in Japan

Height: 12 ft

Weight: Unknown

Armor: combined of all 9 ronin armors

Weapon: Giant Battle Swords

Super Move: Unsladuna plus many more.


__ Before Talpa was ruller of the deamon world he was a human being living in Japan's fudual age. He was supposly so evil that when he did he entered the deamon world and conquered it. Even with all the opposition he received, notable from Lord Saberstrike.

__ It was about 1000 years ago that Talpa first came back to teh earth notably Japan, to conquer it. Even the armies of Fudual Japan were no match for him. Then the meet the Ancientwho defeated Talpa and sent his spirt back to the deamon world. Unfortently though the ancient was not able to send Talpa's evil armor back to the deamon world, from which Talpa got all his power. Un able to get rid of the Evil armor, the ancient divided the armor into 9 seperate armors to diffuse its power.

__ Talpa was however able to recover the 4 armors more succtable to evilby recruting their wears when they found them.

Anubis Darkwarlord of cruelty

Anubis / Sh'ten

Birthdate: May,5 1551 (Children's Day), (Taurus)

Birthplace: Near Kyoto

Height: 173 cm /

Weight: 69 kg /

Blood Type:

Armor: Ogre

Weapon: Kursari-gama

Super Move: Quake with fear

Element: Ogre

Attribute: loyality

__ Anubis is leader of the dark worlords of the Dynasty. Even though he is the youngest he is by far the most powerful of the dark warlords. He also appears to be the thinker of the group. He seems to plan out his attacks more according than the rest of the Dark Warlords. It is probally due to the fact that Anubis is a scholar in addition to a warrior, because he likes reading and writing.

__ Anubis was the first fo the warlords to question Talpa orders. Becasue of the resistance Anubis put up, Talpa sent Abubis to saturated with the nether spirts to turn him back under his control. It worked for a while untill the Ancient showed Anubis that he had to have a master to follow but he could choose his master. This was due to his attribute, Loyality. It was at the first show down with Talpa that Anubis truly changed sides and he vanished after that.

__ Later Anubis shows back up, only this time he has taken the place of the Ancient that had died during the show down with talpa. But it did not last long as Anubis gave his life and armor to free Lady Kayura of Talpa's control.

Kale Dark warlord of Corruption

Kale / Anubis

Birthdate: 1550


Height: 167 cm /


Armor: Jackel

Weapon: No-dachi "Sword of darkness / Black wolf sword"


Element: JAckel

Attribute: Obedience

__ Kale is the dark Warlord of Darkness. He seems to perfer the dark and draws his powers from it. He is exact opposites of Sage who is of the light. In fact hsi really hates Sage of Halo with a passion and singels him out more than once in order to destroy him. Because Kale's attribute is obedience he never questions Talpa's orders even after the fact that Talpa only wnats him for the armor. Kale is the last of the Dark Warlords to desert Talpa and join the Ronins.

__ In the Japanese Version Kale is called Anubis becasue it is beleived that his armor is possesed by the spirt of Anubis, Egyptian god of the underworld.

Dais of Illusion

Dais / Rajura

Birthdate: 1549


Height: 165 cm /


Armor: Spider

Weapon: Chi Lin Tou


Element: Dakness

Attribute: Serenity

__ dias is perhapps the most proud of the Dark Warlords. He is very confident of his abalities. He si in fact nothing more than a brown noser and readly sucked up to Talpa.

__ Dias may hold Talpa in high reguard but when he discovers that all Talpa wants is his armor, he deserts Talpa and joins the Ronins.

Sekhemet of Venom

Sekhemet / Naaza

Birthdate: 1551

Birthplace: ????

Height: 169cm

Weight: ????

Blood Type: ????

Armor: Venom

Weapon: Tachi Blades

Supermove: Super Wave Smacher

Element: Snake

Attribute: Piety

__ Sekemet is somewhat the loner. He perfers to be by himself. He obey's talpa's and Anubis's orders untill Anubis leaves and then he steps up and becomes the unoffical leader of the dark warlords. Like many of the other Warlords, he leaves Talpa and joins the Ronins when he discovers that all Talpa wants is his armor.

Lady Kayura

Birthdate: December12, 1559

Age: ????

Height: 158cm /

Weight: ????

Weapons: Jitte/Youjakai

Super Move: Starlight sword Scream

__ Kayura is a decendent of the Ancient's clan eventhough she works sor the Dyanasy. Kayura is loyal to the Dyansty becasue she has no idea she is a ancient. Talpa needed the power's of the ancients to succed with hisplans to rule Earth. So Talpa kidnapped Kayura and had a magical neckless made. While she had the neckless Kayura forgot about her past and to ensure that seh was loyal only to Talpa. Pluss Badamon barinwashed her to help the process.

__ Kayura was ashamed of what she did while under Talpa's control when Ryo broke the neckless. She vowed to help bring down the Dyanasty but Talpa had other plans. He had Badamon poscess Kayura to carry out his wishes. Kayurawas only returned to her true self after Anubis scracificed his life by giving the power of his armor to her to break the spell. Finally Kayura joined Roinsto help defeat Talpa.


Neon Genesis Evangelion / Oh! My Goddess / Ronin Warriors / Record of Lodoss War




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