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Ronin Warriors Main Page / Story / Episodes / Good Guys / Bad Guys

The Good Guys


Ryo of Wildfire

Ryo Sanada

Birthdate: August 15, 1973 (Leo)

Birthplace: Yamanashi

Height: 165 cm (about 5'4")

Weight: 57 kg (about 125 lbs.)

Blood Type: O

Armor: Wildfire

Weapon: Twin Datchi (Katana)

Super Move: Flare Up Now

Element: Fire

Attribute: Virtue

__ Ryo is a optimistic person and cheerful person who has a big heart. He does however have a nasty temper, is impatient and stubborn. Ryo likes soccer nature, hiking, and a video game called Moguru Tataki. He dislikes lukewarm baths, interviewing, and flavored Ice.

__ Ryo's parents are both dead, his mother when he was young and his father (he was a wild life photographer.) was mauled by a wild animal. Ryo's family is also descended from a famous ninja line. His father (he was the heir) disliked the strict conventions they kept and left. Ryo was forced to live by himself in a cabin in the mountains, he had to walk 9 miles to school. He later moved to Tokyo to attend high school.

__ During a forest fire set by poachers to lure out game, Ryo got his armor. Jin appeared on his forehead and the fire was absorbed by his body and formed the sub-armor. Ryo first meet White Blaze when he was 4 years old. White Blaze then visited him again at 7 and 10, when he lead Kaos (anciet) to Ryo. Kaos then began to train Ryo.

Rowen of Strata

Rowen Hashiba / Touma Hashiba

Birthdate: October 10, 1973 (All Sports Day)

Birthplace: Osaka Fu

Height: 165 cm / 5'4"

Weight: 55 kg (about 121 lbs.)

Blood Type: AB

Armor: Strata

Weapon: Long Bow and tchachi arrows

Super Move: Arrow of Shockwave

Element: Air

Attribute: Wisdom

__ Rowen is usually a cool, self-possessed person, but he becasue of his emotions he can be very violent espicallt when his friends are in trouble. Rowen is a very smart person (an I.Q. of 250), so he likes Go (a Japanese chess), Chess, Computer games, and swimming and jogging. He like the Hanshin a baseball team and dislikes the Kyodai team and their fans. Rowne also eats and sleeps a lot becasue of his low blood sugar level. He likes to stay up to late (like 2 am) and getting up early for his is like 11am.

__ Rowen's parents are divorced when he was 12 and has lived with his father eversince in an Apt. His mother does however visit them occasionally. His father is often busy because of his work in a lab in Kyoto. Rowen also has a grandfather who owns a shrine where Kento stayed as a foreign student.

__ On his father's side there was a tale of a suit of armor passed down throught the generations. Rowen got some odd information while researching it, his mother told him that is was "Ama nohashidate" a famous sight in Japan. He later trains there and then while on a spring break he found his Armor.

Kento of Hardrock

Kento Rei Faun / Shuu Rei Faun

Birthdate: September1 1973 (Virgo)

Birthplace: Kanagawa (Yokohama)

Height: 164 cm / 5'4"

Weight: 64 kg / 137 lbs.

Blood type: O

Armor: Hardrock

Weapon: Naginata and nunchuks

Supermove: Super Rock Crusher

Element: rock / earth

Attribute: Justice

__ Kento is more or less the joker of the gorup and often opens his mouth without thinking. Kento is also the braun of the group, he loves to fight and eat. Kento is best friends with Sai, and loves to tease him. Although he doen't mean half of the things he says to him.

__ Kento's family is from China and now his family currently owns a resturant in Chinatown. Both his motherand father are alive and he is the oldest of 5 children. Out of all the ronins, Kento's family seems to be the richest but he is not snobbish about it.

__ when Kento was thirteen his grandfather (the leader of the clan that the Rei Fauns are part of) sent Kento and the other two oldest of his siblings to the family resort where all the family treasures are kept. While there an old woman broke many of the treasures and kento and his siblings were going to be blamed for it. Instead kento broke a few more of the treasures and took the blame. In fact the old woman was the grandfather and was testing them. after Kento passed the test he gave him the Ronin armor.

Sage of Halo

Sage Date / Seiji Date

Birthdate: June 19, 1973 (Gemeni)

Birthplace: Miyagi

Height: 167 cm / 5'5"

Weight: 58 kg / 128 lbs.

Blood type: B

Armor: Halo

Weapon: No-dachi

Supermove: Thunder Bolt cut

Element: Light / spirt

Attribute: Wisdom

__ Sage is outward and gregarious, and seen as the pretty boy of the group. He is not stuck up but he is the most socially eliteof the group. Sage speeks very formal and proper version of Japanese. Sage was also rebelious while he was younger. Sage never disliked Kendo but the hated all the etiquette. His grandfather made him learn the bamboo flute and bonzai to teach hi restraint. Sometimes Sage is pictured as a flirt but usuall he is pictured as someone who has trouble talking to girls. It is due to his sister who teased him so much.

__ Sage is descended from Date Masamune, a famous general who built a castle in the prefectural capital of Miyagi. Currently the date family lives in the outserts of Sandai adn owns a family dojo.

__ Sage found his armor in his basement. He was sent there as a punishment when he broke one of the rules in a kendo match. The boy he was fighting threw something into Sage's eye and in retalation sage then knocked of his face mask and knocked him out.

Cye of Torrent

Cye Mouri / Shin Mouri

Birthdate: White day. March 14, 1973 (Pisces) White day si a holiday where boys give girls that they like white chocolate.

Birthplace: Yamaguchi

Height: 164cm / 5'4"

Weight: 54kg / 118 lbs.

Blood Type: A

Armor: Torrent

Weapon: Suiko Yari (a combanation of a trident and mancatcher) and a tanto on his back

Supermove: Super Wave Smacher

Element: Water

Attribute: trust

__ Cye is a gentle, polite, considerate of otheres, and very shy. Cye also hates to fighting, and becasue of his shyness he has a hard time metting and talking to people. Sometimes Cye is refered to as "boy-chama" meaning Mister Boy or Master Boy. Cye is also a great cook. it is probally part of the reason Kento is such good friends to him.

__ Cye is descended from Mouri Motonari, a famous neval general in Southern Japan. It is the duty of the Mouri fasmily to watch and protect over the sea. cye's family lives in Hagai which is in Yamaguchi, Cye lived in an apartment in Tokyo to attend high school. Even though Cye hates fighting he effectly weilds a spear and bo as part of his traning to become the head of the house hold.

__ Cye found his armor at thebottom of the Hagi sea while diving (without an air tank i moight add). Cye was diving because it was a ritual of passing into man-hood. Later Cye told his mother about the armor he found and discovered that she knew about it. Before that Cye read some ancient family scrolls, and learned of the armor.

White Blaze / Byakuen

Age: over 1000

Length: 370 cm / 12'2"

__ White Blaze is a White Indian (Bengal) Tiger. Orginally he used to accompany the ancient. If that is true it would mean that White blaze is hundreds of years old. Now though he has found his place at Ryo's side. White Blaze was the one who chose Ryo to don the Armor of Wildfire. He is also found at Yuli's side paying with him or protecting him and Mia from danager

__ For a while White Blaze had no powers. It was during Ryo's battle with Lord Saber Strike that he gained any special powers. During the battle White Blaze was mortally injured and was about to die untill Ryo defeated Saber Strike. Syber Strike's own tiger, Black Blaze's spirt then merged with White Blaze bringing him back to life at his master's request. because of the Merge White Blaze gained Black Blaze's armor and his apperence whenever he transforms. White Blaze also is also the carrier of the Soul Swords of Fevor for Ryo.

Yuli Yamano / Jin Yamano

Height: 118 cm / 3'10"

Weight: 25 kg / 55 lbs.

Birthdate: June 30 1979 (Cancer) same as sailor moon's

__ Yuli was just a helpless little boy who got caugth up in the Ronin's Struggle with Talpa. Yuli Stayed with the Roninsto help free his parents when Talpa took the people of Tokyo away. Yuli's father is a Salary man (????) while his mother is a house wife. Yuli received a skateboard from his parents just before they were taked away, so treasures it.

__ Yuli never really has powers to help the Roninsexcept that he wore the jewel of life which helped Ryo defeat Talpa.

Mia Yagyu / Nasuti Yagyi

Birthdate: May 28 1970

Heigth: 168 cm / 5'6"

Weight: its a secret

Blood Type: AB

__ Mia lived with her garnfather who was a scientest, he knew a great deal about the ronin's armor. Talpa later killed him. Mi's parents are rich and her father is japanese and her mother is french. It is her family's house that the ronins stay in through out the series.

__ Just like Yuli Mia dosen't have any powers but she does know a great deal about the Ronin's armors. She also knew the poem that told where the ronins were being hidden after Talpa scatted them through out Japan.


AGE: ???? possible thousands

btthdate: ????

Height: ????

Weight: ????

Blood type: ????

__ Kao is simply an ancient. actually the ancient. He is very powerful and olny shows up to help the Ronins out of a jam. Kao dies when he helps the Ronins to cross over into the nether world to battle Talpa. His death created thebridge they used to cross over.

__ Kao is very powerful and wise probally due to the fact that he has lived longer than any other human being. It is implued that he is at least a 1000 years old becasue he was arround to stop Talpa from invading this demension a 1000 years ago. Another intreasting fact it the chinese ghosts have white hair just like Kao, what are they implying.


Neon Genesis Evangelion / Oh! My Goddess / Ronin Warriors / Record of Lodoss War




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