Fanfiction by Nicole Dorner

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By Nicole Dorner,

"Hard Feelings"

After all I've done for you,
How can you still be angry at me?
You had good reason to after Solaris
When I told you my duty to Cain-
This I understand.
I broke your trust to the fullest extent...
Lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving-
That was part of His goal, and for that I am sorry.
But why now?
It's over now-
Deus is gone, Everything is how it should be-
Yet you still give me that strange look
That questions if what I say or do is true
Or just some other lie.
Can you even comprehend
What I had to do for you?
Defying Krelian and the Elders back There-
That was the death penalty.
Moreso, time and again, I-
Though it pains me to say this-
Had to put Yui and Midori's lives on the line...
All for you.
What family, outside these two women, I had-
They wouldn't even acknowledge my existance,
All to make sure
You didn't fall into the wrong hands.
The things I've seen and done
To protect you all-
The average person would have died of fright-
Such horrific sights.
Maybe now that you know,
Can you trust me again?
Can you forgive me?
Or for the rest of our lives
Will you wish you never knew
The name Citan Uzuki?

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Page Design by Arcana. Posted on 06/03/2000.