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Map Scales
This exercise is just for fun, but it shows another example of how the Megalithic Yard is connected to Imperial Measure

It has probably sunk in by now, that the radius of a 30°/60° triangle with an SS of 3 inches and a LS of 6 inches, will produce a circumference of 1 MY.

Thus if this same triangle and it's circumference of 1 MY, is placed on any scale map, the number of MY in the circumference on the map will always be the 'Scale' of the map.

Take for instance a scale of 1 : 5280  ( 12" to 1 mile),

Circumference of 5280 MY = 14365.9096 ft. = 2.72+ English Miles, (1 Meg Mile)
Scale of 1 : 25000  (2.5344" to 1 mile)
Circumference of 25000 MY = 68017.47615 ft. = 12.88209 English Miles

Scale 1 : 63360  (1" to 1 mile)
Circumference of 63360 MY = 172383.4916 ft. = 32.64838 Miles = 12 Meg Miles

Thus the Number of Meg Miles (MM) in the circumference surounding our 30°/60°, 3" and 6" triangle when placed on any map, is

MM  = scale / 5280

and a recap :-
63360 / scale = inches to 1 Mile
scale / 63360 = Miles to 1 inch
scale = MY in Circ.

and away from the map

Ft. in SS x 4 = MY in Circ.
SS x 4 = M in Circ.

Now that was all pretty obvious, but now look at the area of our basic triangle/circle.
If the circumference is 1 MY, (2.720699046.. ft.), then the area will be .589048622396.. sq.ft.
 And it can now be determined that :-

The square of the number of MY in ANY circumference, is the number of .5890486..... sq.ft. in the Area of that circle.

e.g. Take a circular Acre.
  Area = 43560 sq.ft., so the circumference = 739.8588.. ft. or 271.937.. MY.
271.9370382... squared = 73949.75277
73949.75277 x .589048622396.. = 43560
or Stonehenge:-
Outer Sarsen Circumference = 120 MY or 326.48388.. ft. Area = 8482.3... sq.ft.
120 squared = 14400
14400 x .589048.... = 8482.3...

The area of a circle, circumference 4 MY, is 3 p  sq.ft., which makes the area of the outer Sarsen circle 900 x 3 p  sq.ft.


The radius of the Sarsen circle is 19.09859 MY.
The circumference of a circle whose SS is 10,000 Miles, is 40,000M miles.
(40.000M miles / Equator miles)² , is 19.09859 Miles.

Perhaps the most important engraved stone at Stonehenge, is the MILESTONE placed to the North of the Hele Stone, by accident or design?

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