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Mythology Related to The CyberNet Chronicals

Mythological Reference
Thriae Autolycus
Sailor Echion
The Thriae - When Hermes (Mercury) asked Apollo to teach him augury, Apollo said he couldn't. Instead, he told Hermes to visit Apollo's old nurses the Thriae, who could teach Hermes the art of how to make predictions from pebbles.

Autolycus - One of Hermes' sons and a famous thief.

Echion - One of Hermes' sons and the Argonauts' herald.

Rhea Obsidian
Sailor Sabazius
Rhea - The sister and wife of Cronus (Saturn).

Sabazius - Cronus shared a temple with Rhea in Athens where he was worshipped as the Barley-god Sabazius.

Titan - (Rhea's younger brother) Cronus was the eldest titan.

Thule - (Rhea's older sister) Cronus was imprisoned asleep on either the island of Thule or the island of Ogygia.

Themis Eurynome
Sailor Charites
Themis - One of two titans for the planetary power of Jupiter.

Eurynome - A nymph who bore the graces (Charites) to Zeus.

Charites - The graces, daughters of Zeus by Eurynome.

Cale - (Themis' younger brother) One of the Charites.

Joukuuno Senjo
Sailor Scylla
Silphe - Air nymphs; originated from the Greek word silphe which means butterfly or moth.

Oread - (Scylla Oread Summoning) Nymphs of Mountains and Caves.

'Nymph Butterfly of the Air' - (Joukuuno Chou Senjo) Oreads and Silphes are both nymphs, silphe originating from a word meaning butterfly. Uranus' domain is the air.

Minthe Erinnyes
Sailor Phoebe
Sailor Chibi Echion
Phoebe - One of two titans for the planetary power of the Moon.

Minthe - A nymph whom Hades (Pluto) seduced.

Erinnyes - The Furies, they lived in the underworld.

Phobos - One of Ares' (Mars) two sons; Fear

Deimos - One of Ares' two sons, Terror

Sailor Logios
Logios - As patron of good luck, games of chance and commerce, Hermes was known as Logios.
Sailor Ogygia
Ogygia - Cronus was imprisoned asleep on either the island of Thule or the island of Ogygia.
Sailor Tarpeian
Tarpeian - As upholder of justice, Jupiter had oath-breakers hurled from the Tarpeian Rock.
Sailor Amphitrite
Amphitrite - Poseidon's wife.