What is the Mark of the Beast?

by David A. DePra


     The following is taken from a recent newspaper article:


     Computer Body Implants May Track, Control People



     Washington -- As we are catapulted into the new millennium,

privacy advocates fear the personal lives of Americans

may be shadowed by a cloud no bigger than a computer chip.

Two proposals in particular jangle privacy advocates. One is

drawn from recent science fiction film, but is close to technical

reality now....

     ...(Michael) Saylor calls it "telepathic intelligence," and he is

thinking about doing it by having a tiny transmitter surgically

implanted into your skull, or by sewing a computer chip into your

wrist and having it transmit to an imbedded radio-like device near

your ear bones....

     .....Neither Body Search nor the implanted chip technology is

far away from widespread implementation.

     Three months ago, Applied Digital Solutions, a publicly traded

company based in Palm Beach, announced it had developed a

high-tech transceiver chip, thinner than a dime, that could be

implanted in flesh and used as a tracking device by transmitting

whereabouts to a global positioning satellite. (The Johnstown

Tribune-Democrat, May 8, 2000, page 1)


     Now compare that article to this passage in the Bible:


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and

bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or

the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is

wisdom: Let Let him that hath understanding count the number of

the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six

hundred threescore and six. (Rev. 13:16-19)


     Are we here, right before our eyes, seeing the fulfillment of

Bible prophecy? For a number of years now, certain prophecy

teachers have told us this was coming. Now it is here. Are

computer chips "the mark of the beast?" Are we, at last, seeing all

of these things come to pass?

     Well, if you read that newspaper article, and then that Bible

verse, you might think so. But when the government created the

social security number years ago, many people thought that it,

too, was "the mark of the beast." Even today, you cannot "buy or

sell" without a social security number. And how about ATM's?

Some said they were "the mark of the beast." Yet none of the

previous possibilities came close to this latest one: A computer

chip in the hand and head. Isn't THIS the fulfillment of Bible

prophecy -- exactly as we have been told it would be fulfilled?


                                     Not the Mark


     There are basically two reasons why this computer chip, or any

other similar technical device, is NOT "the mark of the beast."


(1) "The mark of the beast" is the basis for eternal condemnation

before God. And as we are going to see, a physical mark, such as

a computer chip, cannot condemn us before God -- anymore

than a physical mark of some kind could earn us salvation.


     We see that "the mark of the beast" is the basis for eternal

condemnation in Revelation 14:


And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any

man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his

forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the wine of the

wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of

his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone

in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the

Lamb. And And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever

and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the

beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his

name. (v. 9-11)


     All scripture must agree with all other scripture. And scripture

the rest of scripture clearly states that the only basis for eternal

condemnation is the rejection of Jesus Christ -- not the

acceptance of a physical mark, or our participation in any kind of

world economic system.

     John 3 states this in clear terms:


He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth

not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the

name of the only begotten Son of God. And THIS IS the

condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved

darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.



     Now, along with this, the Bible says that the only way by which

we might be SAVED is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. But

once we say that a computer chip can condemn us, then we must

also say REFUSING the chip is necessary to be saved. The two

go together. But such a thing cannot be so. Faith or unbelief are

the issues here. Not any kind of outward mark.

     Of course, some might suggest that by the time computer

chips are widespread, that the acceptance of them will be directly

linked to a rejection of Jesus Christ. In other words, as some

recent movies on the subject have suggested, you will have to

renounce Christ to receive the chip, and you will have to receive

the chip to buy and sell. But again -- this is a moot point. Even

if such a thing were to come about, it would NOT be the computer

chip that was the issue. It would be the rejection of Christ behind

it. Thus, the rejection of Christ, rather than the computer chip,

would be of "the mark of the beast."

     We are on dangerous ground the moment we make the

acceptance of a computer chip, or our cooperation with any other

governmental system, equal to rejecting Christ, and deserving of

eternal death. Christians are not of the world, but we live in the

world. We all have social security numbers, credit cards, pay

income tax, and use checks and ATM's. So if merely receiving a

computer chip is, in and of itself, an evil thing, then all of us have

already done it -- we've simply done it in a less technological

way. The underlying "sin" -- if doing those things IS sin -- is

one of which we are already guilty.

     The truth is, we would be perfectly free before God to receive a

computer chip if it did not mean compromising our faith. This is

not to say that receiving such a chip is a good idea. Who wants

something like that in their body? And who wants the government

spying on them? But technically speaking, it is no more of a moral

sin to receive a computer chip than is our current participation in

the federal banking system.


(2) If "the mark of the beast" is a computer chip, then what is the

corresponding "mark" of God? These things are clearly NOT to be

taken in the literal sense.


                            Read Revelation 14:1:


And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with

Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name

written in their foreheads.


     If we are going to take these things literally, then we must

expect that those mentioned here will literally have God's name

written across their foreheads with a magic marker. Or some other

device. The point is, we cannot be inconsistant in our way of

interpreting these things, just to suit us. If "the mark of the beast"

is a literal thing -- such as a computer chip -- then this writing

of God's name on the forehead must also be a literal thing.

     There are other such examples. For instance, in Rev. 19:16 we

are told that Jesus has the name "King of kings and Lord of lords"

written on His thigh. Are we to interpret this literally? If we think

so, then we must take the rest of the passage literally, including

the phrase, "And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword." Does

Jesus have a literal, physical, sword going in and out of His


     Once we begin to try to take Revelation in a literal sense, things

quickly start to degenerate into nonsense. The entire book is a

spiritual vision given to John by God. (see Rev. 1:10) It is a

spiritual picture of God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ.

We must take the book in the sense as it is intended, not merely in

one which fits into some pre-supposed interpretive scheme.


                                   Revelation 13


     Here are some of the facts about "the mark of the beast," as

revealed in the book of Revelation: "The mark of the beast" is

grounds for eternal condemnation. People are caused to receive it

by the "false prophet." It is given upon the right hand, which

signifies our WORKS, and it is given in the forehead, which

signifies our MINDS. Above all, the "mark of the beast" is a "mark"

of ownership. It is a "brand" or "identification," which indicates to

whom you and I belong.

     Now, those are important facts. But the only way we are really

going to understand "the mark of the beast" is if we identify the

beast himself. Afterall, it is his "mark" we are talking about. And

we can only identify the beast by getting into Revelation 13 itself.


And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of

the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns

ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (13:1)


And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet

were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion,

and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great

authority. (13:2)


     This "beast" rose out of the sea. The "sea," in revelation, most

often represents cumulative mankind. It is the great multitude of

human beings in a corporate sense. The "sea" likewise speaks of

confusion and turmoil; of that which is tossed to and fro by the

enemy. This confusion and turmoil certainly applies to humanity

in it's independence from God.

     If this "beast" is said to "rise out of" humanity in it's

independence from God, then it certainly represents "fallen man"

in every sense. This beast is birthed from collective humanity. It is

the Adamic creation at it's height. It is the personification, or the

living articulation, of what man became through the sin of Adam.

Without God, man is like a wild beast, following his fleshly instinct

under the motivation of personal satisfaction.


                                      Fallen Man


     Once we realize that this "beast" is man in his separation from

God -- carnal, and ruled by his desires -- we begin to see the

Truth. "The mark of the beast" is a mark of ownership. It means

that I have given my mind and my work over to my old nature --

typified by this "beast." I am owned and governed by it.

     But that is only the beginning. Remember, the "false prophet"

causes us to receive this mark of the beast. So rather than be a

"mark" which is anti-religious, it is, in fact, quite pro-religious.

Indeed, I have received "the mark of the beast" when I have

rejected Christ in favor of a RELIGION that side-steps the Cross,

and legitimizes my old nature.

     This is clearly typified by the fact that only those who receive

this mark can "buy or sell." Buying and selling are bargining tools.

I offer what I have in exchange for something I want. Spiritually,

this is what we are in Adam. We belong to ourselves and will do

almost anything to get our will -- this is the "bargining" aspect of

our nature. We are always looking for the "best deal" possible as

far as getting our way, pleasing ourselves, or exalting ourselves.

"Buying and selling" is nothing more than a life-philosophy of "MY

will be done;" of saving my life for my own purposes.

     The beast is collective fallen man. The "mark of the beast"

indicates you belong to him. But there is something much more

indicated by this mark than merely the fact I have been born in

Adam. This "mark" indicates I want to STAY there. I want to

remain in Adam. It is like a "seal." It is upon those who have

embraced the beast -- not merely been born into him. In other

words, these are those who have rejected Christ in favor of the


     Here we see why those who receive the mark are condemned.

And this interpretation agrees completely with other scripture.

Those who have embraced the mark have done so, not from a

position of ignorance, but from a position of first rejecting the

Truth. They have chosen the old nature.

     But wait. Even that isn't all there is to this mark. Remember: It

is the "false prophet" who causes people to receive the mark. Now

that tells us the characteristics of this mark. It is a RELIGIOUS

mark. We might have thought that "the mark of the beast" would

be anti-religion. But no. It is quite religious. In fact, religion is it's

most dominant characteristic.

     "The mark of the beast" is a seal upon us which indicates that

we have rejected Christ in favor of a man-made substitute. This

man-made substitute worships the beast -- or anything in it's

image. It is a religion named by the name of Christ, but which

denies His Cross, and His Lordship. Instead, it allows those who

receive it to "buy and sell" -- that is -- to be in charge of their

own lives and eternal destiny.

     This fits exactly into the another term in the Bible: Anti-Christ.

What is "Anti-Christ? If we look up the term, "Anti-Christ," we

find that the meaning is not confined to that which is AGAINST

Christ. We find that it more specifically refers to that which is

"alongside" of Christ. "Anti-Christ" is a substitute -- a religious

substitute -- for Jesus Christ.

     This "mark of the beast" actually brings us right back into the

garden. It is akin to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,

but even worse. It goes further in it's rejection of God, but it

equals a rejection of the way out of sin through Jesus Christ.

     Those who receive "the mark of the beast" have willingly

accepted the seal of ownership from the old creation. They have

opted for life on their terms -- but have called it "Christianity," or

by some other religious jargon. But it is an alliance, and in fact, a

worship of Anti-Christ. May God deliver us from such a terrible

path of deception and destruction!




     The "dragon," who we know to be Satan, gives this beast his

power, his seat, and his great authority. Of course. When Adam

sinned, he came under the authority of the realm of darkness.

Satan immediately began to use his control over humankind to try

to defeat the purposes of God. This "beast" thus represents what

mankind became through sin, and has become, as Satan has

worked his purposes through him.

     This beast is also said to have 7 heads, ten horns, and ten

crowns. As with all numbers in revelation, these numbers do not

denote an AMOUNT.  Rather they symbolize spiritual CHARACTER.

In other words, John was not seeing "7 heads" which could be

counted one through seven. He was seeing a beast whose

HEADSHIP could be spiritually characterized by a seven-headed

creature. Seven, in scripture, always stands for spiritual

perfection. John was seeing a creature whose headship was

spiritually perfect along a wicked line. The only way God could

picture this spiritual characteristic was to show a literal seven


     The spiritual headship of this beast, as stated, was perfect. But

since the name of blasphemy was written upon his "heads," the

headship of this beast was that of perfect blasphemy. But what

does that mean? Well, blasphemy means to insult God. It means

to misrepresent Him; reject Him. Therefore, a beast whose

headship is perfect blasphemy would be one who has fully

rejected God as his true Head, and by doing so, has chosen to

become his own god.

     Here, John sees humankind in it's collective rebellion against

God. We are as a wild beast, a personification of blasphemy,

following our own desires and instinct, all the while controlled by

the originator of all sin, Satan himself.


The "Resurrected" Seventh Head


And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. And his

deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the

beast. (13:3)


And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the

beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like unto

the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (13:4)


     When God created Adam, he was spiritually perfect. God was

his Head. At that point, it could be said that Adam was a

seven-headed creature, upon whose heads were written worship,

holiness, and the glory of God. But when Adam sinned, that

changed. Now he became like a wild beast, upon whose heads

were written blasphemy. He had rejected God as his only Head,

and chosen himself instead.

     When Adam sinned, he was no longer the same creature God

had created. It could be said that instead of the spiritually perfect,

seven-headed creature God made, he "became a six-headed


     Why a six-headed creature? Because six is always the number

of man. Note that the "number of his (the beast's) name," at the

end of Rev. 13, is 666. This number would indicate man in his

fullness -- as a creature in rebellion against God.  Six is one

short of seven -- which stands for God's spiritual perfection.

Thus, a six-headed creature is spiritually perfect in his rebellion.

     Now, not only does the number six show the spiritual character

of the "heads" of this creature, but it is significant that six is used in

reference to it's heads at all. Why? Because our head always

shows our "headship" -- or who governs our life. As mentioned

earlier, a creature with "seven heads" would symbolize someone

with God as his head. Therefore, a six-headed creature stands

for man with himself as his head. God pictured this to John by

showing that this beast had, at first, possessed seven heads. But

one of them had been "wounded unto death." Through sin, Adam

had died spiritually, and had, in picture form, changed from the

perfect seven-headed creature God created, into a six-headed


     That wasn't the end of the story, however, for John did see a

seven-headed beast. The "seventh head," which had been

wounded unto death, now seemed to be healed. The beast once

again seemed to possess seven heads, but things weren't the

same as before the seventh head was killed. John makes it a

point to say that it was obvious that the seventh head had been

killed, but now healed.

     The spiritual message in this is inescapable. Through sin, man

fell from being a perfect seven-headed creature -- symbolizing

God as his Head -- to a six-headed beast -- symbolizing

himself as his head. But instead of turning to God for restoration,

man has instead sought to restore himself to his former condition.

Thus, we have the seventh head "healed," yet clearly bearing all

the characteristics of having been killed.

     This is, in fact, false resurrection. It is man's "make-over" of

himself, in his continual attempt to do for himself what only God

can do for Him through grace in Jesus Christ.

     We see Adam trying to do this from the first. After his sin, he

tried to cover himself with leaves -- that is -- he tried to repair

the damage sin had done in him. But this kind of spiritual

"cosmetic surgery" cannot work. Man might be able to make

himself look alive, and respectable, but he is dead. There is no

hope outside of redemption through Christ.

     Mankind has, from the outset, tried to restore his "seventh

head." That is, man has tried every conceivable RELIGIOUS

gimmic to do for himself what only God can do. Man has been

trying to live on his own terms, under his own religious headship.

Thus, we have upon our heads -- our headship -- the name of



The Real Mark of the Beast


     The mark of the beast is a seal of ownership which someone

willingly receives upon their "mind" and their "works." It is really

the seal of SELF-OWNERSHIP. When I receive the mark of the

beast, I'm choosing the pseudo-Christianity of humanism, of

self-exaltation, and of saving the old life. I'm refusing the real

Jesus Christ, the Cross, and the gospel of grace.

     Again, it is important to see that those who wear the mark of the

beast are quite religious.  After all, it is the "false prophet" -- the

personification of religious deception -- who "causes them to

this mark. Thus, those who fall into this category are very

religious. But quite deceived.

     Also understand that what God is revealing here is a spiritual

condition -- not historical events. Those who bear the mark of

the beast are not some end-time group who live only during the

so-called "great tribulation." No. People have been embracing

the mark of the beast for two-thousand years.

     You do not embrace the mark of the beast in a day. No. It

takes a series of moral choices and a series of steps in unbelief. It

is not accidental, nor ever a matter of ignorance. No one can

force upon me the mark of the beast. I have to willingly embrace it

-- by slowly and continually turning away from Christ to a

religious substitute.

     Thus, the mark of the beast is a spiritual condition. A state of

being, outside of Jesus Christ, which is quite religious. It is a seal

of self-ownership which demands life on MY terms. And as Jesus

said, "Whosoever would save his life will lose it."


Those Who Refuse the Mark


     This Truth about the "the mark of the beast" is verified by

looking at those who do NOT receive the "mark."


And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was

given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded

for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had

not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received

his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived

and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Rev. 20:4)


     God pictures those who refuse the "mark" as having been

"beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God." This

also is not to be taken literally. Here God is likewise picturing a

spiritual condition -- one which is the opposite of the one

pictured by the "mark of the beast."

     Note the spiritual type pictured by the word, "beheaded." What

is God saying here? Well, what does it mean to have my head cut

off, in the literal sense? It means that I no longer have my head. I

no longer possess a head. So spiritually, there would be a parallel.

To have my head cut off spiritually would mean that the head I had

is no longer my head -- head denoting headship or rulership

over me. And head I had was ME. I used to run my own life; be

my own boss, or head. Now, that is cut-off. Why? Because of

the testimony of Jesus Christ, that is, because of Christ in me.

     Those who refuse the mark of the beast; who refuse religious

self-rule, are those who choose to allow God to rule them through

Jesus Christ. Thus, their own headship is cut-off. And the result

is that they reign and rule WITH Jesus Christ. What a picture of

what it means to find your life in Christ. And what a picture of

overcoming. We grow to reign and rule with Christ by first

allowing Him to reign and rule in, and over, us.

     During this age, we are all making ONE fundamental choice:

Who is our God? God, or ourselves? The mark we bear will, in

the final analysis, represent which we have chosen.







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