Spinner wants you to know..."There are no penalties for loitering. Just don't hurt me."
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I like reality...It tastes of bread.

Hi, this is Spinner, welcoming you to my homepage. Come on in! Have a taste of my twisted humour, download games from memory lane, learn more about me, or stop by again to see the game of the week. Ok, well have a good time, be happy, and enjoy my homepage. Bon Appitite! (Damn Frenchards!)


My personal opinions on cereals.: Very cool. My opinions and comments on the bad the worse and the horrible, cereal wise.
Cool writings: I'm a bit of a writer, and I like to read others' writings, so I took the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best, and put it here. I'll add more when I find/write new ones.
Better writings: This is another webpage that I am one of the founders of. It contains all my works, and it looks alot nicer than this page's writings.
Interesting quotes that I've found: Here are quotes and sayings that I have collected and in some cases made up. Some are funny, some intellectual, but I think all of them are interesting.
The meaning of life!: This is what I think the meaning of life is. E-mail me, telling me what yours is, how good mine is, or how much mine sux.
The best movies of all time!: The best movies of all time, from Spinner's point of view (ones he's seen and remembered). Sorry if your favorite isn't here. E-mail me with it! I'll watch it and add it!
Spinner's cool pics: Check 'em out! As the name implies, they're cool!
Hot Sh-t: What's new in the country for this week
My freinds: A short blurb about my close friends. My opinions, observations, and the like.
Me: All about Russell Spinner
THE GAMES!!!: If you have access to a computer, and you love games, you should go here. Stop reading this and go!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!!
Spinner's Sexy Pics: Don't be fooled by the name. This site focuses on humor
Class of 2001 homepage: I made my class homepage. It shows how much I love my class. Oh, dear MA, no one likes you.
Game of the Week!: Spinner's game of the week. I will be rotating different games every week or so. No plugins required.
My Random Ramblings: Sometimes, I have something to say. I put it here.
The Magical Genie: Got ICQ? If so, go to my genie to score some free wishes.
My Awards: Awards I've stolen.
Miscellaneous stuff: A junk page with graphics I haven't used yet. Nothing special, check it out if ya wanna.
My Links: What do you think? Links to other places on the web. If you click here before looking at all of my page, your hardrive will overheat and melt. That's what I think.
Mail me!!!: Comments? Questions? Hugs? Send 'em to me. I'll respond to each and every mail I get, so make 'em good!
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