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Lacroix's Art Links

Here I am, Jeff Lacroix, again with some great art sites. You can see art or learn about art.
If you have any art sites you think I should add see my Info Page for details.

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Art Links

Art Seminar: An online coaurse from Penn State, to teach a different view of art appreciation.
Winsor & Newton: An online art supplies store with free lessons, and different techniques.
Sinopia: A fun site, get right to the point, high tech site.
Texas Art Supply: An online catalog, complete with images.
Artist Corner: Painting Lessons: Learn to paint online, full of instructions to start you off.
Art Studio Chalkboard: Everything you need to know to get started, great for beginners.
Rex Art: Art supplies at discount prices, 10 virtual ailes to shop at.
Watercolor Online: If you like water coloring, this is a great site to check out.
The National Watercolor Society: Looks dull at first, but gets better as you go.
Columbia Museum Of Art: Hundreds of objects that date back to the 1200's.
Picasso and Portraiture: Well a lot of Picasso here.
Alaska State Museum: Find information and see images from its' collections, and exhibitions.
American Institute Of Archetects: Plenty of information and advice.
African American Museums: African artifacts, African culture, read about the history.
Bonnyville Museum: Architecture and art of the pioneer times.
Asian Arts: Great artworks by Asian Artist.
Cave Art Paintings: Some of the worlds oldest art near South France.
Museum Of Bad Art: Just plain bad art.
National Museum Of American Art: Tour pictures and Artwork by American Artist.
Web Museum, Paris: Italian Renaissance paintings and the Impressionist period.
@design: Several art topics.
3D Adventure: Combination of Sci-Fi and 3D Art.
3DSite: About Computer graphics.
American Kaleidoscope: Four exhibits to choose from.
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Dovoted to the broadway great.
andy warhol Museum: About the 20th centery American artist.
Art Chicago.Com: A lot of great art.
Art Gallery Of Ontario: Toronto's Art Museum.
The Artist Resource: Submit your art here.
Art Source: List of art related sites.
Canadian Center For Architecture: Contains styles from Canada.
The Canadian wildlife & Wilderness Art: Images and sculptures.
Classics World: The worlds greatest composers.
The Detroit Institute Of Arts: Art from more than 100 galleries.
DIVA: Digital Images from Melbourne, Aust.
Francesco Boretti. artwork: Abstract Expressionist art transforming reality through colors.

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