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  • Copyright © 1998 by St. Paul's Episcopal Church, St. Joseph, Michigan.

      St. Paul's

    E p i s c o p a l     C h u r c h

    914 Lane Dr.           St. Joseph, MI              (616) 983 - 4761         Fax:  (616) 983-5682

    Women's Fellowship

    The Women's Fellowship has ministered to the needs not only of the women of St. Paul's but those wider in the community. The fellowship seeks to provide a safe retreat and environment for women to grow in the knowledge and love of God and to nurture each other. The fellowship sponsors an annual Women's Retreat each autumn that is open to all women of the parish and their friends, and other activities throughout the year.

    Men's Fellowship

    The Men's Fellowship meets for breakfast once a month as well as at other times. Members organize outings and retreats during the year that are open to all men in the parish. Past outings have included fishing and various other sporting events and other activities.

    Youth Program

    St. Paul's has a strong youth program using the Journey to Adulthood curriculum.  The Youth Group is currently divided into two groups for age appropriate meeting activities.  The Rite-13 group is for young people in grades 6-8.  The Journey to Adulthood or J2A group is for grades 9-11.

    The Young Adults of the Church group will be developed in the future for young people who have participated in the previous levels and have returned from their spiritual pilgrimage, ideally grades 11-12 and college.   The groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings of each month unless otherwise noted.  They also have a monthly fellowship activity together as well as joint service and fund raising activities in the church and greater community.

    The young people of the parish are encouraged and mentored in their active participation in all facets of parish life and worship.  More information may be found on the Youth Programs page on this site.

    St. Catherine's Guild

    The guild draws women from the parish and invited friends for lunch on the third Monday of each month at member's homes or the parish. The women meet for fellowship, but they also raise funds through a twice yearly rummage sale. Funds are used for various purchases for the church and for building repairs and improvements as well as special projects.

    Welcoming Committee

    St. Francis' Blessing of the Animals

    Christmas Caroling

    Annual Epiphany Party

    Church Picnic and Other Parties

    For information about any of these activities, call the church office at (616) 983-4761 for names and numbers of contact people.

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    Please e-mail with your comments!   (E-mail is checked Mon-Fri only)  Thanks to Deb Stewart & Tim Walsh for setting up the framework for the Original Site.  The current webmaster is Scot Lau.

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    The Rev. N. DeLiza Spangler, Rector

    The Rev. Jason A. Fout, Curate

    Susan Russell, Senior Warden

    Phil Coffin, Junior Warden