Misty: This story is the greatest! Will you buy it for me Ash? Pretty please?
Ash: What for? Its all about how you can earn cheap love!
(Brock and Misty have sweatdrops)
Misty: So you won't buy it for me?
Ash:(sighs) Course I will...but why do you need it?
Brock:(excitedly) YEAH I COULD NEED IT!
Misty:(whacks Brock) WILL YOU KEEP QUIET! You guys are hopeless. I need this book to add to the fanfic collection of this page.
Misty: So? You didn't need to know!
Ash: I'm your boyfriend, I have a right!
Misty: Oh really?
Brock: Chill guys chill.
(Ash and Misty continue fighting)
Brock: I might as well tell you the rules for submitting fanfics.

Fanfic (Story) Rules
1. It must be Pokémon related.

2. Please make sure the story you're sending us is indeed YOUR OWN story. Don't send us stories that you didn't write. That would be plagerism.

3. For fanfics (stories) you must give me a rating on content wise...such as G, PG, etc. One thing for sure, we will not except rated R, NC-17 stories. The fact is, Pokémon is not like that. The furthest allowed is kissing, hugging, maybe even a little touching. But anything graphical will not be permitted. Also violence...keep it mild. No guns killing main characters or guns being described in a violent way. Absolutely no cussing either. You may wonder then why do we have PG-13. Well PG-13 does have some violence...but not the type of violence where blood is described all the time. Also there's hints to some more mature themes but it's not like any of them happen. They're more said as of a joke...or in other words...Brock. @_@

4. Must specify if you'd like your stories to be posted in either txt or html format. If you don't specify, then I'll automatically put it in text format.(Make sure you can attach files through e-mail so I can recieve it. DON'T SEND ME DOCS, ZIPS OR WORD PROCESSING FILES {wps}. I'll IMMEDIATElY DELETE THOSE! Txts are fine or better yet, embed your text within the e-mail. This makes it easier for me.)

5. PLEASE PUT THE TITLE OF YOUR STORY! Or else for the title I'll put it untitled.

6.  If your stories are crossovers with anything else, they'll automatically be sent to Brock_AAML so do yourself a favor and don't send your crossovers to me. Cuz crossovers are considered parodies.

7. And finally...make sure to put your nick name...not your full real name...I don't need that...but let's say you go by Macross on the internet...put by Macross so that way you have all the credit for writing the story!

These are the rules for submitting fanfiction.
For the time being until we get our site fully running again, please don't send any more fanfics. They'll automatically be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

*Important Notice*
It has come to my attention that some of the fanfics load up only half-way. I have done everything I can to solve the problem but everytime I visit them, or any of the other AAML staff visits these so called "half-load" pages, they work just fine for us. Please do not bug us about this problem. It's recommended you view them with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Sometimes I have noticed if you press reload a couple times, it works fine. (Usually the up reload works for netscape tho.) Try this if nothing else works. If you're a AOL user, please click here.

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Author's First Name (After the Maintainer's)
Ash & Misty's Fanfics *Web-site maintainer's fics*
Brock's Fanfics*Web-site maintainer's fics*
Aardvark's Fanfics
A.J's Fanfics
Akane*Tendos's Fanfics
Anna Gettum's Fanfics
Articuno's Fanfics
Arturo's Fanfics
Ash's #1 Fan's Fanfics
AshK's Fanfics
Ash&Misty4EVA's Fanfics
Ashygirl's Fanfics
Belldandy's Fanfics
Billy's Fanfics
Bloodwrath's Fanfics
Butterfree's Fanfics
Celeste's Fanfics
CharJoshua 's Fanfics
Charmander_gal15's Fanfics
Christina Gyimesi's Fanfics
Christina Mew's Fanfics
Chrona's Fanfics
Curly Fries's Fanfics
Cutebabymew's Fanfics
DarkWobbuffet 's Fanfics
D.C. Mew's Fanfics
Dil's Fanfics
DJPower's Fanfics
Dragonel's Fanfics
Dr. Ron's Fanfics
DualBlade's Fanfics
Dya Chang Liu's Fanfics
EeveeGirl's Fanfics
Erina-chan's Fanfics
Eva Evalia's Fanfics
Falkner of the Air's Fanfics
FireBlastDragon 's Fanfics
FunkieChick's Fanfics
Gary's Fanfics
Gym Leader Mhel's Fanfics
Inushoga Kato's Fanfics
Jenna's Fanfics
Kai's Fanfics
Kira's Fanfics
Legacy's Fanfics
Lucky's Fanfics
Luke's Fanfics
MagikDragonz Fanfics
Matt & Jenny's Fanfics
McWizard X's Fanfics
Midnight's Fanfics
Midnight Articuno's Fanfics
Mighty Misty's Fanfics
Miss Rocket's Fanfics
Misty151's Fanfics
Moonlady's Fanfics
Mr. Grass's Fanfics
Nicole McRathy's Fanfics
Nukem999's Fanfics
Officer Jennie & Jessie Rocket's Fanfics
Okane's Fanfics
Patrick's Fanfics
Pikachoo's Fanfics
Pikachu's Fanfics
Pikachu13's Fanfics
PikaEeveeMew86's Fanfics
Pikapinay99's Fanfics
PikaPi84's Fanfics
PikaJane's Fanfics
Pikamon's Fanfics
Pkmnfan123's Fanfics
PK Thunder's Fanfics
Pokédex's Fanfics
Princess China's Fanfics
Princess Misty's Fanfics
Raicharizard's Fanfics
Raven Rhymes
Red Fox's Fanfics
Redhawk13 and Venastoise's Fanfics
Rocket Gal's Fanfics
Rocketshipper's Fanfics
Ryno's Fanfics
Saphron's Fanfics
Sarah Lease's Fanfics
Satoshi Kun's Fanfics
SC_Espeon' Fanfics
Sean's Fanfics
Seth aka Fanatic's Fanfics
Shorty's Fanfics
Squirtle2's Fanfics
StarSpot's Fanfics
StarTreky's Fanfics
Sumi-Chan's Fanfics
Tank's Fanfics
Tasslehoff's Fanfics
Togepimarril's Fanfics
Tommy's Fanfics
TTCMB's Fanfics
Tuxedo K's Fanfics
Vanessa's Fanfics
Victor_c26's Fanfics
Vin Man's Fanfics
Wartortlegirl's Fics
Wessand7's Fanfics
Wigglytuff65's Fanfics
WingZero's Fanfics
X Launcher's Fanfics

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© Camp & Agna Productions. Pokémon: Ash and Misty's Love was our own idea so it is illegal to take anything off this site. Pokémon ©1997, 1998, 1999 Nintendo, GAME FREAK. All rights reserved. All fanfics are copyright their respective owners and it is illegal to use in whole or in part.