2009 Portraits!
Please contact me, I am happy to discuss ideas and possibilities.
Email horseart2@gmail.com
Painted for Jenny Berg as a Christmas gift to her husband, Greg.
This dog's grandfather won Best In Show, the biggest award at the 2006 Westminster dog show!
She has a great personality and her beautiful brindle coloring was a challenge.
I enjoyed using the rolling landscape of their beautiful farm as the setting.
Lucy is an English Bull Terrier. I loved her pink nose!
She is so powerful she often jumped right up on the big
round hay bales shown in the background!
Watercolor mixed media.
Painted for Diane Nilles as a gift to her children.
What are the odds that the only two paintings I
did for Christmas commissions would be English Bull Terriers!
Dixie is a miniature, but has a big personality. She had gone blind
and was initially very traumatized, but the love from her owners
restored her confidence. She was a delight to meet.
This was done for a friend who wanted to give it of
her late sister, as a gift to their mother.
Kristi loved the southwest and I liked the symbolism
of that shown by her sweater and the sunset.
This was the photo I worked from.
Acrylic on archival panel 6"w x 9"h
My late great studio helper and wonderfully
crabby and opinionated cat, Sweetie.
Acrylic on archival panel 6"circle
My sweet barn cat.
A "plain gray striped", there
is nothing plain about his character.
(aka "Woody" Norwegian Elkhound)
Acrylic on archival panel 12" circle
Adorable Woody lived through a rough
start in life, but had 12 great years
rescued to live on his very own farm!
Like a little windup toy of energy and personality,
he absolutely sparkled.
(Norwegian Elkhound)
Acrylic on archival panel 12" circle
Bingy had a sad start in life, he had been caged so long that his
back legs did not have enough muscle to
allow him to even jump up. When I first met him
at the shelter I thought his legs might be
broken as he sort of scooted on his tummy,
but he was so desperate for affection, he was just trying
to be as low and submissive as possible.
For years, you could not lift an arm near him without
this gentle soul cringing. He loved horses and life on the farm!
He especially loved to sit out in the snow and get nearly covered by flakes.
He made winter easier to take because he was so happy when winter weather arrived!
Acrylic on archival panel 10"circle
Adorable black standard poodle mischief
at one year and a month old!
"The Three Ruud Children"
For Chris and Chantil Ruud.
A set of three oils
"Caitlyn and Flicka with Tomasina"
For Chris and Chantil Ruud.
oil 18 x 27
"Zach and Maggie"
For Chris and Chantil Ruud.
oil 18 x 27
"Jacob and Brandy"
For Chris and Chantil Ruud.
oil 18 x 27
"New Puppy at Cornerstone Stable"
For Drs. Ric and Debbie Palmer.
oil 18 x 41
...zooming in to show detail
...closeup of the warmth of their smiles.
"The Beyer Gang"
watercolor mixed-media
For Dr. Tammy Beyer and Family
of sons Taylor and Nathan
with Hoover (puppy!)and Wrigley, and cat Bacchus.
"Dr. Heidi Jahn's Cats by Lake Michigan"
Boodah, Bucky, B.C., and Lambeau
Dr. Jahn loves the lakeshore, and it
was fun to incorporate that into her painting and be able to
show all of the personalities of the cats closeup.
acrylic on canvas
Do you have friends & family who care
about their loved ones like you do?
Please let them know how I can be of service.
Your referrals are my highest compliment!
Thank you.
Email contact: horseart2@gmail.com
All work is copyrighted.
These images are not to be copied without permission
from the Artist, Elizabeth Cameron.
Videos: How I Paint
The Love of Grays
2009 Paintings!
Paintings That Are For Sale
Corporate Casual
The Stier-Johnson Family
The Cameron Family Portraits
Artist Biography
Paintings From 2006
... The Newest Paintings!
Carriage Driving!
Recent Paintings From 2004-2005
Foxhunt & Hound Series
More Progress In The Foxhunt & Hound Series
My cartoon books
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Page 2. - Portraits
Page 3. - Portraits
Page 4. - Portraits
Page 5. - Portraits
Page 6. - Portraits
Page 7. - Portraits
Page 8. - Dog Portraits
Page 9. - More Dog Portraits
Page 10. - Flower Paintings In Bloom
Page 11. - Dogs, Dogs & More Dogs!
Page 12. - Never Too Many Dogs!
Page 13. - Dogarama Spectacular!
Page 14. - Life With Horses
Page 15. - Hunting & Horses
Page 16. - Sibling & Scenics
Page 17. - Childhood Horses & Puppy Pix
Page 18. - Horse Portraits
Faerietale Farm Reality
Procedures & Prices