Commissioned Art Work
Portrait Painter
None of this work can be copied without permission from
Artist, Elizabeth Cameron. All work is copyrighted.
New! These Were Painted In 2006...
"King Gonio"
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"King" is Kelly and Bill Gonio's
rare Lilac Abyssinian.
He is shown here as a kitten.
"Leaguer's Perfection"
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"Leaguer" was Lauren Bobo's
beloved first horse.
Luckily she had one photo that
showed his unique nose-crossing blaze
which I could paint from.
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"DJ" is Valerie DeVrie's
5 year old Border Collie/Australian
Shepherd mix. Val saw his endearing and enthusiastic face
at the shelter and immediately told him "You're coming home with me."
I'd say DJ is a very lucky dog!
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"Jem" is Valerie DeVrie's 11 year old
strikingly colored Australian Shepherd.
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"Tallie" is Valerie DeVrie's
tri-colored Australian Shepherd
who looks fantastic at age 14!
When she first saw the email
I sent of her paintings, Valerie wrote:
"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I can't believe how wonderful these are!!!!
I knew I was right to trust you. DJ just seems
to pop right off the screen at you.
It is SO him. Tallie is her usual dignified self,
and Jem just looks like: here I am, look at me.
I couldn't be happier!!!!!!
I can't wait to see the real things.
I can't stop looking at what you sent!"
And then when Val forwarded them
to her riding friend Liz, we heard:
"Oh my goodness - they are all beautiful but
I almost thought DJ was going to
jump right out
of the screen. Libby is such a wonderful talent!"
And when forwarded to Sharyl in Canada:
"Those are lovely paintings. It's like
I could reach out and scruff ears!"
The reference photos were each enlarged to 8x10" so I
could really see good detail. Photos are nice but
I guess we all agree a painting just really adds something!
How cool that Val will have her kids faces 'looking' at her forever!
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"Brownie" was Marsha Valance's beloved
dog who was very camera-shy.
There weren't many photos for
me to work from. Fortunately Brownie's
personality came shining through!
Her name refers to the plate of goodies
she ate her first day home.
She came with one ear folded over,
and the other nicked from frostbite.
A beautiful dog with some Husky heritage showing
in her wonderful pale icy blue eyes.
The reference photo had a lovely expression,
but not a lot of detail to work from...
"Duke Remington"
watercolor with colored pencil combination
"Duke" was commissioned as a birthday present for his lifetime
(25 years!) owner Kathy Firch. It was cute because friends surprised her with
a custom birthday card I made of the painting. On the back
it read "Duke Remington" (Morgan) watercolor mixed-media painting
"commissioned by Duke & his friends, Julie Heise, Kelly Langley Koppie,
Nina Marshall, June Strelcheck-Pedersen, MaryAnn Schafer and Marsha & Meg Valance."
This is a person and a horse who touched a lot of people!
He was everything from the ultimate lesson horse
to a beloved sidesaddle star, and did it all with great style.
"Wendy & Winston"
acrylic on archival wood panel
"Winston" is Wendy McCalvy's
big beautiful gray.
She fox hunts him and they can be seen regularly on
our local trails, always standing out with his
lovely coloring, power and size!
"Manly Wade Wellman"
Morgan stud colt
watercolor mixed media
"Manly" was a charming Morgan bred by
Marsha Valance and owned by
Ken and Pat Hellman and their son Tod.
They came out to the
farm & met Manly at 3 months;
returned every weekend & finally persuaded
to sell him to them at 4 months. (She kept telling them
their first horse should be an older gelding, not a
stud colt, but happily for all they insisted, Marsha finally was convinced,
and it was a great match!) Marsha commissioned this piece
as a complete surprise for them.
She had wanted to do it for years but black horses
are hard to photograph and she didn't have many "worthy" pictures!
This was finally solved when Marsha persisted and
came across a negative from when he was
a very young Man indeed. What a face!
"Buck & Pepper"
acrylic on archival wood panel
Mike and Carol Samsa's adorable white fur kids
were painted on vacation in the Samsa's
favorite setting at Bong State Recreation area.
The bench at Wolf Lake is seen in the background, with red
Columbine flowers in front. Makes you realize why
Jack Russells are actually spelled C-U-T-E!
"The Sheltie Pup"
watercolor mixed-media
This was a truly thoughtful surprise
gift from one friend to another.
I feel blessed when I meet
the kind of people who do
things like this for each other!
Do you have friends & family who care
about their loved ones like you do?
Please let them know how I can be of service.
Your referrals are my best compliment!
Thank you.
More new work can be seen at
the bottom of the foxhunt art pages!
Videos: How I Paint
The Love of Grays
2009 Paintings!
Paintings That Are For Sale
Corporate Casual
The Stier-Johnson Family
The Cameron Family Portraits
Artist Biography
Paintings From 2006
...Continuing The Paintings From 2006!
Carriage Driving!
Paintings From 2004-2005
Foxhunt & Hound Series
More Progress In The Foxhunt & Hound Series
My cartoon books
Page 1. - Portraits
Page 2. - Portraits
Page 3. - Portraits
Page 4. - Portraits
Page 5. - Portraits
Page 6. - Portraits
Page 7. - Portraits
Page 8. - Dog Portraits
Page 9. - More Dog Portraits
Page 10. - Flower Paintings In Bloom
Page 11. - Dogs, Dogs & More Dogs!
Page 12. - Never Too Many Dogs!
Page 13. - Dogarama Spectacular!
Page 14. - Life With Horses
Page 15. - Hunting & Horses
Page 16. - Sibling & Scenics
Page 17. - Childhood Horses & Puppy Pix
Page 18. - Horse Portraits
Faerietale Farm Reality
Procedures & Prices